Sang country, Kanto region.


On the outskirts, there is the residence of Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, the richest man in the country.

After several days of planning, Sangguo Real Estate collapsed in an instant in a way that exceeded everyone's expectations - the Bund Mountain roared with a tsunami!

Among them, Tokyo Real Estate is the hardest hit area. reason?

Otherwise, Tokyo's value-added rate during the economic bubble era of San Diego was too exaggerated, to the extent that it absolutely violated economic laws.

There is too much water. Now that Sang's economic bubble has been burst, it is natural to squeeze out the water.

The early surge was astonishing, and the current decline is terrifying.

Naturally, the many real estate properties owned by Imamura Real Estate are among them. Well, the company has long been no longer called Imamura Real Estate, but Seibu Real Estate, which is affiliated with Tsutsumi Yoshiaki.

Therefore, one can imagine how bad Tsutsumi Yoshiaki, the richest man in the country, felt.

He is already confused!

It was already nine o'clock in the evening. The windows of the study were closed and the lights were not turned on. It was pitch black inside.

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki sat silently at his desk.

In the darkness, Tsutsumi Yoshiaki's expression was calm, and his whole person exuded a sense of peace, as if he was not affected by what was happening at the moment, and his mental state was excellent.

But his physical condition betrayed him and told the truth.

His face turned yellow, his lips turned white, and his eye sockets were sunken. Compared with a few days ago, his weight had dropped by a full 10 kilograms. He was extremely haggard, like an old man in his dying years.

Well, in terms of age, he has indeed begun to enter old age.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's eyes flashed with a trace of expectation, and his voice was hoarse:"Come in.""

His right-hand man, Kazuo Nakata, who can be regarded as his only confidant, opened the study door.

The light from outside the corridor shone in.

Kazuo Nakata couldn't help but sigh, and said:"President, do you want to turn on the lights?

Tsutsumi Yoshimi said:" Let's go.""


Kazuo Nakata responded. After getting Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's permission, he dared to turn on the light, then closed the wooden door of the study. With a stack of materials in his hand, he walked to the desk in a few steps. When

Kazuo Nakata saw Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's words I couldn't bear it, so I couldn't help but become concerned.

"President, you should pay more attention to your health. If something happens to your health, it will be a real disaster for our Seibu Group."

"Now this little wind and waves are nothing compared to your body."

"You haven’t had a drop of water since morning. This is really affecting your health. You’d better eat some. Half an hour ago, I ordered my servants to cook your favorite stickleback.——"

Before Kazuo Nakata could say anything else, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi interrupted him rudely and said in a deep voice:"What is the real estate situation in the six major cities in our country now?"

Kazuo Nakata was shocked and did not dare to say any more nonsense. He immediately bowed forward and said respectfully He handed over the investigation information with both hands.


Yoshiaki Tsutsumi frowned, and then he noticed that in addition to the information, there was also a letter, saying:"Nakata, what is this?"

Nakata Kazuo still kept bowing, his lowered cheeks were filled with embarrassment, and he hesitated. :"This, this is what Mr. Huo Wenyao left behind before he left Sang Country, but he didn't deliver it until today."


Tsutsumi Yoshiaki was stunned and said:"Before Huo Wenyao left Sangguo? Wasn't that October last year?"

Nakata Kazuo said:"Yes, President."

Tsutsumi Yoshiaki looked at the white envelope and was silent for a few seconds, then Putting the letter aside, he opened the latest Sangguo real estate investigation information and quickly browsed it.

Swish, swish, swish, the sound of turning pages continues.


His last glimmer of expectation and hope was shattered. The real estate industry in six major cities, led by Tokyo, was trampled on each other in the mad flight of retail investors and completely collapsed!

In just a few days, real estate prices in the entire country of Sang fell by an average of more than 8%!

It’s only a few days!! collapse!

This is an unprecedented collapse in the real estate industry, just like the stock market that was the first to collapse at the beginning of this year.


Even more exaggerated than the stock market!

Because the stock market is just a virtual asset, it is easier to operate with just a few clicks of a finger, but real estate is a real economy, and whether it is buying or selling, a series of procedures are required.

And with Sang's strong industrial system, even if the stock market collapses, it will be able to recover within a few years.

But real estate hard.

This is indeed the case.

In a few years, Tokyo will still be one of the major financial centers in the world, but even in another thirty years, Sangguo Real Estate will not be able to return to its peak.


Tsutsumi Yoshiaki breathed out lightly, his hands holding the information were trembling, and his whole person seemed to have aged several years.

No, it is not a seeming, but a fact.

In just a few days, Sangguo Real Estate An earth-shaking change has occurred, and Yoshiaki Tsutsumi's white hair has suddenly increased a lot. There were only sparse and scattered white hairs on his temples, but now they are all white. Kazuo

Nakata slowly raised his head, his eyes full of unbearable.

Yoshiaki Tsutsumi slowly raised his head. Putting the information on the table, he let out a long sigh and said:"After all the changes in the sea, it's better to be like this"

"I made the wrong bet this time"

"I also knew that the Sangguo economy would definitely collapse one day in the future, but what I never expected was that this day would come so quickly, so urgently, and it would actually be... an avalanche"

"The building is about to collapse and no one can hold it on."


While sighing, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi laughed several times in succession, tore open the letter Huo Wenyao left for him, and said,"Come on, let's see what the winner of this big bet thinks."

Nakata Kazuo said:"President, the matter is over, there is no need to read anymore, right? Tsutsumi

Yoshiaki shook his head and said:"If you lose, you lose. Don't you dare to admit it?""

"How could I, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi, be knocked down so easily? Besides, Mr. Huo's personality shouldn't lead to any villainous behavior. Maybe he also has good intentions."

Said self-deprecatingly, Yoshiaki Tsutsumi had already torn open the envelope.

He was wrong.

Very wrong!

The first mistake was that this letter was not written by Huo Wenyao when he left Sang Kingdom, but the night he signed the contract with Yoshiaki Tsutsumi. , I have already written it, and then I have been waiting.

To this day!

To put it simply, whenever the Sangguo real estate avalanche occurs, this letter will appear in front of Yoshiaki Tsutsumi.

The second mistake, Huo Wenyao has never been a generous person The person.

Killing is just the beginning, he also wants to kill his heart.

This letter is very short. The total number of words is only more than a hundred words.

【"Idiot, you think you won?"】

【"Do you think that all the little tricks you have done before can be repaid with just one punch and be over?"】

【"No, stupid pig, it's just the beginning"】

【"I was originally looking for a taker, but I didn't expect that you, a 250-year-old man, would actually come forward on your own. Since you are so enthusiastic, what are you waiting for? I will naturally find you, a stupid pig, to take over."】

【"How are you now? Are you happy?"]

It started with a ferocious attack, with the sentence"Idiot" rushing towards him, and there was no signature at the end, just the time to write this letter.

Huo Wenyao specially left this letter, and nothing else, just to severely humiliate Tiyi Ming.

Kill people, kill your heart!

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