At the same time, also in Central.

Golden Horse Group.

In the chairman's office, Ma Shounan, like Li Zhaotian, was stunned and completely dumbfounded when he learned the news.

He is even more furious than Li Zhaotian!

In front of him, there was only Zhi Zhijie.

Ma Shounan's confidant was originally Cui Xiaohu, a top student who graduated from the Chinese University of Science and Technology. However, his sweetheart was snatched away by Zhi Mingjie, and there were countless subsequent conflicts.

Cui Xiaohu resigned from Jinma Group a few months ago.

Now in the Golden Horse Group, Mingzhijie has become Ma Shounan's only confidant.

This is normal.

Because Mingzhijie has married Ma Shounan's daughter Ma Jiexin and became his son-in-law.

"Oh shit! Ma

Shounan's face turned livid and he was furious. He couldn't help but cursed and shouted:"What the hell is the central bank of Sangzhou doing? How dare you increase the loan interest by a full 2 ​​points!""


"Why don't they go grab the money! These damn bastards, what do you mean, they won't stop until they kill themselves, right?"

"hateful! hateful!!"

It makes sense for Ma Shounan to be furious, because he is the opposite of Huo Wenyao and Soros, and he is also one of the guys who will be buried!

One-third of his assets have been invested in the real estate of Sang Country!

This guy entered Sang Country Real estate started relatively late. He only started to manage contacts and relationships in Sangguo in 1986, and then officially entered the real estate industry in Sangguo at the end of 1987.

People like him naturally play leveraged investments.

He is one-third of the real estate industry. Yi's assets are only 2 billion Hong Kong dollars. After several times of leverage, he has reached 10 billion. After a messy calculation, this 10 billion can still generate 20% profit.

From the time he entered Sangguo Real Estate to now, he has earned 2 billion Hong Kong dollars..

Calculated based on his actual investment, the return on investment is 100%, but now that the Central Bank of Sangladesh has suddenly raised the loan interest to 6.25%, no one can take over. This means that the game of passing flowers on drums is over, and Sangguo real estate is about to usher in a new era. Come the avalanche.

It's too late to escape now!

Because the investment volume is too huge, he doesn't have enough time to escape!

Mingzhijie is also considered a talent. He has grown rapidly in the past few years. When he suddenly encounters this kind of thing, he is a little nervous. Panicked, he suggested:"Mr. Ma, why don't we sell the property at a low price immediately?

Ma Shounan's eyes widened and he shouted angrily:"Low price?" Tell me, how low can it be? Should it be reduced by 10% or reduced by 20%?"


"Since we can think of this, why can’t others think of it? Once everyone starts doing this, the stampede will begin!"

"More importantly, even if we lower the price, we can't get away because the Central Bank of San Diego has raised the loan interest rate to a damn 6.25%, which has already exceeded the income from real estate investment!"

"Who would make a loss-making transaction?"


Mingzhijie was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer the question.

Ma Shounan spit like flying stars, stared at Mingzhijie, and continued to roar:"The most important thing is, haven't you seen clearly? Mie Noyasu is playing like this. Combat real estate speculation!"

"Banks are also worried about bad debts and bad debts. At this time, even if someone wants to take a risk and buy the bottom, they will not lend easily!"

"Sangguo Real Estate is absolutely finished!!"

"Damn it!"

It was only then that Mingzhijie realized how serious the matter was.



Li Zhaotian and Ma Shounan represent two types of top financial circles.

A simple shock that has nothing to do with oneself.

Because they did not invest in Sang Country, or even if they did, they did not invest much, so Mie Yeyasu's sudden trump card did not have a great impact on them.

One is the anger and fear that is directly related to it!

They are the worst.

Because the investment was too huge, when Mie Yeyasu suddenly appeared, it was impossible for them to escape even if they wanted to, and they could only bear it passively.

The top wealthy circles in Hong Kong, from Li Zhaotian and Ma Shounan to Lei Yingdong, Li Chaoren, Ye Xiaoli, Huo Jingliang, Ding Rongbang, He Xin, Wen Lishi, Shao Liushu and others, were all in an uproar.

Mie Noyasu raised loan interest for the fifth time. This matter is as important as the"Plaza Accord" in 1985!

The latter opened the prelude to the bubble economy in Sango, while the former ended the bubble economy in Sango!



Time flies, and a few days pass in the blink of an eye.

Mieyeyasu's major move to increase loan interest to 6.25% has produced immediate results.

Just that night, Tokyo TV staged a program that directly targeted Sangguo Real Estate. The core meaning was that Sangguo Real Estate was not that valuable and could also decline.

In other words, the Sango government has sent a clear signal.

That is -

Sangguo's real estate, just like the stock market, is overvalued and the bubble is too big!

The subtext is that it’s time to pop the bubble.

The longer it is delayed, the greater the impact will be on Sang Country in the future.

This is a combo punch from Mie Noyasu!

The whole world was in an uproar!

Even if the Sangguo stock market collapsed before, the people of Sangguo still firmly believed that their real estate was fine and could rise again.

No matter what happens, there is still the support of the country behind it.

But now, when Mie Yeyasu launched his own combination of punches, their illusions were shattered and they were brought back to reality from their ecstasy. Fear spread quickly like a virus.

In just a few days, real estate prices in Sangguo experienced an avalanche. They plummeted by 8% on the first day, and dropped by an average of 16% for several consecutive days!

Everything that happened next was exactly as Ma Shounan expected.

A stampede happens!

Obviously I am the last one to spread the word, but all the retail investors who invest in real estate are still struggling to survive and keep fighting price wars. If you reduce the price by 5%, then I will reduce the price by 10%!

If you reduce the price by 10%, then I will reduce the price by 20%!


When an avalanche comes, when extreme fear spreads like a virus, the first people to sell properties in a panic are not real estate companies., but small retail investors investing in a few properties!

When every retail investor thinks so, their power gathers in one place.

And when their power is gathered together, the scale is huge, and the funds involved are huge, it is a more terrifying existence than any real estate company!

What is happening now is a repeat of the stock market crash.

How crazy are these retail real estate investors?

30% off price!

Even 50%!!

Such a scene is completely doomsday.

In fact, retail investors who only own one or two properties can also play this way, because they only have a few properties in total. As long as they can be sold, even a 10% loss is nothing.

But real estate companies can't play like this. Let alone 10%, even a 1% price reduction will cause unimaginable losses to them.

There is an iceberg a hundred meters ahead. A cruise ship cannot turn around in any case and will only hit it, but a small boat can.

Same reason.

The news soon spread back to Hong Kong and Olympics, but it was a different scene!

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