After the battle, Xiao Yat ordered to bury the corpses of his own men and burn the corpses of the enemy.

Scavenge for treasure, food, and then go to the Tucheng garrison to repair.

Although it was still early, Xiao Yat was not in a hurry to enter.

After everyone returned to Tucheng, they ordered the army master to register the heads and count the number of deaths.

Although the dead are all captive cannon fodder, Xiao Yat will also symbolically give some pensions to their families to reduce their servitude.

With very little money, you can get the loyalty and gratitude of these aliens, so why not.

It is precisely because of Xiao Yi's policy that the captives know that even if they die, it will be good for their families. That's why they're so desperate!

"Lord, where are you going to fight next?"

While resting in Tucheng, everyone continued to think about the battle that followed.

This kind of stress-free fight is simply too easy for them and not challenging at all.

If Zhang Fei or Yan Liang were here, they would definitely say something like this: Lord, give me 3,000 people, and I will bring the head of King She to you as a night pot.

Although Li Cunxiao and Yuwen Chengdu also wanted to say such things, they knew that they would definitely be scolded by the lord after saying it.

So, they put up with it.

"The subordinates feel that they should take advantage of the victory and take Muzha City in one go. Muzha City is the largest city in the south of Fushe, and if it is lost, it will be a big blow to Fushe's morale. "

Chang Yuchun pointed to a city on the unfolded map.

Others feel that they should do it.

Break the will of the people of Fushe as fast as possible, and make them feel the fear of being dominated by the Han army!

However, Xiao Yi didn't think about it and shook his head.

"Muzha City is the last to fight. "

Xiao Yi's words surprised everyone.


The south is a big city, if you don't fight it, who will you fight?

Moreover, if you leave it for the last fight, it will be difficult to fight when the surrounding people run in.

These words also came out of Xiao Yi's mouth,

If you were someone else, they would definitely go back angrily: Do you know the art of war?

"I understand your thoughts, you think that Muzha City is an important town in the south of Fushe, not only of great strategic importance, but also rich material reserves. If you lay down it, you can use it as a springboard to quickly advance north and approach the northern capital. "

Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Everyone was even more surprised,

One by one, their eyes widened, looking at Xiao Yi in puzzlement.

It turns out that you know everything, my lord.

Xiao Yi smiled, picked up a cup and placed it in the place where the map marked the northern capital, and then grabbed a tree branch and broke it, scattering the debris around the map, surrounding the cup.

"You want to copy the tactics of fighting Goguryeo, but have you ever thought about what will happen if we get too close to the northern capital?"

Xiao Yi pointed to the debris and said, "As a result, we went deep alone and were surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Fu She people!"

The cups represent them, and the crumbs represent the husbands and shes who are all soldiers!

This look is very vivid.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Although the fighting power of the Fushe people is very average, they are now very united. It's on their territory again, and once the lone army goes deeper, the supply lines can be easily cut off.

If they do, their reputation will be ruined!

"You guys are just too underestimated. "

Xiao Yi shook his head, not hiding his inner worry at all.

Long-term victory can certainly improve morale and enhance fighting spirit.

However, it can also breed a person's pride and make people underestimate the enemy.

Underestimating one's opponents, no matter how strong they are, they are likely to fail.

A nail on a horse's foot fell off, a war was lost, and a country was destroyed.

Xiao Yat also enjoys this kind of strength that crushes everything, but he is a man in two lives, and his mind is firmer than anyone else. He knows very well that now is not the time to rejoice. When will you take the northern capital and hang the head of King Fu She on the city gate, it doesn't matter if you have three days in Daqing at that time.

But now, everyone, must be up to the best and deal with every battle carefully!

"The lesson of the lord is that we will never dare to underestimate the enemy!"

Li Cunxiao lowered his head and realized his mistake!

Although he likes to charge into battle, he is very reckless in battle.

But he is not reckless without brains, compared to Zhang Fei, Yan Liang, Lu Bu and other guys, he can listen to opinions very well!

"Master, are you going to move forward step by step, little by little?"

Zhang Ning asked cautiously.

"Not bad!"

Xiao Yi looked at her, a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

This girl's talent is really good, and she has improved a lot in the past few days. In time, I am afraid that there will be one more female military division under my subordinates.

Xiao Yat drew back the cups representing his own troops on the map and placed them where they were now.

And then

With a dark force in his hand, he crushed the cup.

No more, no less, exactly six.

"Li Cunxiao, you take 10,000 people and take this road!"

Xiao Yi gestured with his finger on the map, because there was no detailed topographic map of Fu She Kingdom, he could only formulate a general direction.

"Yuwen Chengdu, you take 10,000 people, go this way!"

Li Cunxiao and Yuwen Chengdu, one east, one west.

They are on two wings, so naturally they have to send the strongest generals!

Then, the middle four roads, the east second road is Chang Yuchun, the west second road is Luo Cheng, the east third road is Xiao Yi himself, and the west third road is Zhou Cang and Qi Erjiang.

Zhou Cang is a person who is commendable for reuse, but his IQ is not high.

Therefore, Xiao Yi gave Qi Zhou to him as a deputy general.

Qi Zhou was originally engaged in Liu Yu's subordinates, he was loyal and cautious, he was also quite good at talking, and his popularity was good.

He and Zhou Cang complement each other, and it is more than enough to lead the way.

The armies of the six routes were scattered, thirty miles apart from each other, marching north together in unison.

It's like pulling a net,

As long as the speed of the march is the same, little by little, the country of Fu She will be able to be eaten!

Didn't Fu She engage in all the people being soldiers, Xiao Yi used the method of breaking them one by one.

Unplug one village at a time, and as for the city, if one team can't handle it, then go to two, three.

Six teams go hand in hand and can get together at any time.

This is the essence of the Long Snake Formation!

In addition, Xiao Yi sent a messenger to Xuansu, asking Guan Yu to take his people and insert diagonally from the southwest.

Guan Yu and Fu She have been fighting for half a year, and he knows more about Fu Sheren's style of play.

With his help, this battle is foolproof!

However, before approaching the northern capital, Xiao Yi didn't want to march fast, as long as the number of kills!

He wants to kill until the will of the whole people collapses!

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