"My lord, this is the borderline. After this ridge, there is the country of Fu She in front of you!"

Luo Cheng rode back on horseback for Xiao Yi's road.

The cold-faced silver gun is pretty, and the marksmanship is not under Zhao Yun. But since he took refuge, he hasn't shown much of it.

Xiao Yi asked him to come over by name this time, and it is one thing to be optimistic about his ability, and there is another reason, it is a task!

This task is very simple: take Luo Cheng with you and lay down the husband!

But the reward of the task is heartwarming.

Complete the quest to get Luo Cheng's exclusive military soul: the soul of Yanyun's eighteen horsemen!

This simple task, Xiao Yat spent a full three million prestige to buy.

If the enhanced version of the Wudang Flying Army is a ghost in the jungle, then the Yanyun Eighteen Horsemen are definitely the Rakshasa in the desert!

It is said that every time they act, it is a disaster for the barbarians!

Xiao Yi wants to deal with Xianbei and Karasuma, and Yanyun's eighteen horses are definitely a sharp weapon.

"Have you found out the whereabouts of the enemy?"

Xiao Yi asked.

"Thirty miles to the northeast, there was an earthen city, and the city was covered with banners, and the number of enemy troops was unknown. More than 20 miles to the north, there are seven villages connected from end to end. Its arrangement is similar to that of the Long Snake Formation.

These are enemies at close range, and they have not yet been discovered in the distance!"

Luo Cheng took some people and searched within a radius of thirty miles.

The population of Fushe was originally small, but now they have concentrated the population, and it is even more sparsely populated.

Many villages are empty.

"The distance between the earth city and the village group is fifteen miles, and if the cavalry supports it, it can be reached in a quarter of an hour. The enemy should be prepared for this. "

Luo Cheng analyzed.

Although he is young, he is not bad at tactical strategy. With a little analysis, such a conclusion can be reached.

"It doesn't matter. "

Xiao Yi waved his hand, not taking these enemies into account.

When Luo Cheng reported the situation, he had already laid out a simple map on the ground.

The location of the village and the earthen city are very clear.

"Li Cunxiao, you lead 30,000 troops to attack Tucheng! Yuwen Chengdu, you lead 10,000 troops to attack the snake head of the village, Chang Yuchun, you lead the troops to attack the snake tail of the village, and Luo Cheng leads the troops to attack the snake belly of the village!"

60,000 men were sent out,

Xiao Yi looked around again, only Zhou Cang was available, thought for a while and continued, "Zhou Cang, you take the remaining seven thousand, pass through the middle of the earth city and the village, and ambush in a dangerous place. If there are reinforcements from Fu She, let them come over and fight again!

Remember, don't leave your mouth alive!"

Sixty-seven thousand captives, all sent out!

Although these people are used as cannon fodder by Xiao Yi, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of real cannon fodder.

Especially the Goguryeo army, there are many elites.

In the past, Goguryeo was able to hang and beat her husband. Now that there are fierce generals with him, coupled with Xiao Yi's tactics and policy encouragement, it is naturally easier to deal with Fu She.

As for the 7,000 Han troops, they waited and watched from behind. Wherever support is needed, they help.

Seven villages were the first to be attacked.

In fact, seeing their arrangement, Xiao Yi wanted to laugh.

Connecting the villages with a long snake array is equivalent to putting a layer of armor on the snake. Although it can improve its defense, it loses the flexibility of the snake, and this array of cloth has a hairy use.

Yuwen Chengdu, often meet spring, Luo Cheng, these three will take the lead and lead the team to kill!

The captives they led followed with screams. It's like a hunting wolf pack, and the momentum is overwhelming!

The people in the seven villages were all taken aback.

The momentum of the Han army is too fierce!

They hurriedly took out their bows and arrows and hid behind the fence to shoot arrows.

The bows and arrows made by the common people are not as powerful as military bows and arrows, and they have not undergone special training, and their strength and accuracy are greatly inferior. Not to mention that they couldn't hurt the generals who led the team, even the "cannon fodder" in the back, they didn't shoot a few.

In other words, the traps they set were slightly useful, and many people fell into the traps and died or were injured.

Yuwen Chengdu rushed the fastest, and after he swung a gold boring to break a series of arrows, he smashed the gate of the village to pieces and rushed in with the team.

Fighting, it's a one-sided slaughter!

Even Fu She's regular army was no match for the Goguryeo soldiers, how could these ordinary people have the power to resist!

"Quick, blow the horn and let the people from the other villages help us!"

The people in the village never imagined that the Han army would be so fierce. One photo, every day is blindfolded.

The fortifications, which took more than ten days to build, were completely vulnerable and did not play any role at all, and the Han rushed in almost without any resistance.


It's a brutal massacre!

These soldiers, dressed in Han armor, were like hungry wolves, pounced on the crowd and slaughtered.

Whoever kills will be beheaded!

In just a few minutes, the few fierce men who rushed in front already had two or three human heads hanging on their waists.

For them, that's hope!

"What's going on, why hasn't anyone come to support you yet?"

"If they don't come to their aid, we'll be killed!"

The villagers of Fushe were frightened, and their faces were pale and huddled together, making a final resistance.

In fact, their hearts are already on the verge of collapse.

If reinforcements come, they can still regain their fighting spirit.

If reinforcements don't come, they will collapse directly!

"Oh no, no......! was also attacked by the Han army, and now, he is too busy to take care of himself. "

The villagers of Fushe are extremely panicked, the end of the world has come!

The 30,000-strong army attacked seven villages, and it was completely a knife to kill chickens, a wave!

These villagers were swallowed up before they had time to react.


Sorry, there were almost no surrenders. For the sake of their own freedom and the freedom of their families, Goguryeo does not care whether your husband lives or dies.

They, as long as the head!

In less than an hour, more than 4,000 people in seven villages were slaughtered!

They understood before they died, and they were deceived by the royal court!

What together wins,

Fake, all fake!

United, there is only one result, and that is to facilitate the slaughter of the Han army!

If everyone stayed in their villages, it would take two or three days for the Han Chinese to kill them all. Now gathered together, in less than an hour, all the explanations have been given.

On the other side,

Li Cunxiao also showed his might, smashing the city gate with a lance, and directly scared the soldiers and civilians in the city.


I've never seen such a horrible person, okay? The city gate, which had been thickened by two floors, was actually smashed by a lance!

Nimo, is this still human!

Perhaps frightened by Li Cunxiao, after the city was broken, the Fu She people only symbolically resisted and fled.

However, Li Cunxiao had already blocked all the city gates, and there were more than 7,000 people in the city, except for a few who fled, the others were slaughtered!

There is no mercy to her husband!

Because the lord has said, leave no living mouth!

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