"Finally, the will of the Founding God Lord has been completely refined. "

Xuanchen is finally completed, and the will of the founding god has been completely refined by Xuanchen, and at this time, the founding god master has completely fallen.

Looking at the Founding Divine Lord who had lost his will, Xuan Chen chose to take out the Dao Fruit of the Founding Divine Master, and his Dao Fruit was taken out by Xuan Chen.

Looking at the Dao Fruit of the Founding Divine Lord, it was time for Xuanchen to do what needed to be done, that is, to break through his cultivation.

It was not so easy to make a breakthrough in his cultivation, Xuanchen took the Dao Fruit of the Founding God Lord and other Dao Fruits.

"It's up to me whether I succeed or not. "

Xuanchen wasn't completely sure, but he had to try.

At this time, what Xuanchen had to do was to refine all the Dao Fruits into the Eternal Realm, and use the power of the Eternal Realm to break through to the Triple Heaven of the Great Dao Realm.

Because the Eternal Realm is also the Dao Fruit of Xuanchen, the power of the Eternal Realm is the power of Xuanchen, and enhancing the Eternal Realm is equivalent to enhancing Xuanchen himself.

"There's no risk anyway, at most it's a waste of time. "

Xuanchen behaved very calmly, without risk, at most it was just a waste of time.

Leaving the Dao Fruit of the Founding God Lord, which was the most difficult to refine, at the end, Xuan Chen then looked at the Dao Fruit that existed in the other Great Dao Realm.

In the end, he first selected the Dao Fruit of the Holy Lord of Light, and began to retreat and refine, when Xuanchen began to refine the Dao Fruit.

At first, there was no movement, and after waiting for millions of years, the entire Eternal Realm trembled slightly.

Maybe ordinary beings can't feel it, but Xuanchen, the lord of the Eternal Realm, can naturally feel the tremor of the Eternal Realm.

After feeling the fluctuations of the Eternal Realm, Xuan Chen showed a smile instead, it seemed that he had succeeded.

There is a slight enhancement in the Eternal Realm, maybe this trace of power is very small, but Xuanchen still has many Dao Fruits that have not been refined.

Even the Dao Fruit of the Bright Holy Lord was only refined a little, and refining it was really not that simple.

After all, these Dao Fruits are all Dao Fruits that exist in the Great Dao Realm, and it is not easy to refine them, but fortunately, Xuan Chen refined their will in advance.

If it weren't for the fact that they had no will, even Xuanchen would not have been able to refine it.

"Let Nuwa come over and help me refine together. "

Xuanchen thought of Nuwa, and a faint smile appeared on his face, don't you want to help me, since you are so enthusiastic, then I will give you this opportunity as a teacher.

Immediately transmitted the sound to Nuwa, and after receiving Xuanchen's transmission, Nuwa showed an excited smile on her face, Shizun finally needed her.

"Master, you wait, I'll go over right away, and I won't let you down. "

Nuwa immediately set off and went to find Xuanchen, and when she came to Xuanchen's side, Nuwa thought that Xuanchen had something important to hand over to her, and she was still interested.

But when Nuwa followed Xuanchen's words and came, she was a little dumbfounded.

"Shizun just asked me to do this?" Nuwa couldn't help but ask Xuanchen.

"yes, otherwise what do you think I'd let you do?" Xuanchen nodded at Nuwa and looked at Nuwa with a smile.

Nuwa was a little depressed at the moment, but she endured the depression in her heart, and Nuwa didn't say much.

"Okay, I'll help Shizun do things well. "

Nuwa endured the depression in her heart, and said to Xuanchen that after all, it was the first thing that the master explained to herself, and if she didn't do it well, wouldn't it be too embarrassing.

After that, Nuwa began to help Xuanchen refine the Dao Fruit together, although Nuwa guessed that it would be very boring at the beginning, but she didn't expect it to be so boring.

"I really want them to get the Great Dao as soon as possible, and then come to help. Nuwa's eyes revealed endless anticipation.

But Nuwa also knows very well, counting on Houtu and them to get the Great Dao to help, then I'm afraid it depends on luck, it's not so easy to get the Great Dao, Nuwa is getting clearer and clearer.

"This is also to help you in your cultivation. Xuanchen glanced at Nuwa and said, don't be upset, while refining the Dao Fruit, Nuwa will also gain some benefits.

"Alas, originally I thought that Shizun you were looking for me for something about combat, and my Nuwa was more suitable for fighting. "

Nuwa clenched her fists and said to Xuanchen.

"Huh. "

In the face of Nuwa's words, Xuanchen didn't say anything, just hehe, Xuanchen's hehe, which made Nuwa's mood more and more depressed and uncomfortable.

"Master, do you look down on my combat effectiveness?" Nuwa asked Xuanchen with a slight resentment.

"No, Shizun definitely didn't look down on you. Xuanchen said to Nuwa seriously, but Nuwa didn't believe it.

"Well, didn't I behave badly before?"

When Nuwa thought of the battle with the Holy Lord of Light before, didn't she behave well enough?

As an existence that has just broken through the Great Dao Realm not long ago, being able to suppress a Great Dao Realm existence is already very powerful, okay.

Xuanchen was a little helpless, how should he tell Nuwa, in fact, Nuwa's mood of wanting to help, Xuanchen can also understand, but what he can help is really limited.

What Nuwa can deal with, Xuanchen can suppress with a wave of his hand, it's easy, and there is no need for a second move.

And Xuanchen's real opponent, that Nuwa can't help, and Nuwa may become a burden at that time, so it's very embarrassing.

In general, the weak ones don't need to be dealt with by Nuwa, and the powerful ones can't be dealt with.

Forget it, in order to comfort Nuwa, in the future, if you encounter the existence of a heavy heaven in the Great Dao Realm, let Nuwa come out to fight, Xuanchen also knows that if she doesn't let Nuwa make a move in the future, she won't give up.

"Don't worry, don't be angry and depressed, if you encounter an enemy in the future, I will let you shoot. "

Xuanchen said to Nuwa.

"This time, I will seriously promise you, but that will be said after encountering the enemy in the future, now you should refine the Dao Fruit for me first. "

Xuanchen also felt that it was necessary to hone Nuwa, although he had found a sparring partner for Nuwa before, but seriously speaking, the effect was not much.

Although it was a sparring partner, when the Holy Lord of Light faced Nuwa, he was restrained because of Xuanchen, and he did not exert his full strength at all.

"This is what you said, Master, if you forget it, I will really be angry. "

Nuwa's eyes lit up slightly, and then she said to Xuanchen in advance, after all, last time, it was Xuanchen who agreed, but at least he agreed.

When she really needed to fight, she didn't mention it to her at all, although Nuwa knew that Shizun was actually worried about her injury, but Nuwa's Enlightenment Dao itself was to help Shizun.

If she can't help the Master, then Nuwa will feel that she is very worthless, and this sermon is not valuable.

In the gaze of being stared at by Nuwa, Xuanchen nodded, he definitely couldn't refuse Nuwa at this time.

After Nuwa received a satisfactory answer, she was in a very good mood, and even refining Dao Fruit became harder.

Striving to persist in refining the Dao Fruit, although the strength is small, it also gives Xuanchen a lot of help.

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