Under Xuanchen's attention, Nuwa began to fight with those Great Dao Realm beings who had been suppressed and sealed by Xuanchen.

Nuwa's strength has improved very quickly, and Xuanchen is very satisfied, sure enough, fighting is the fastest way to improve.

Of course, what Nuwa has improved is not her own cultivation, but her combat effectiveness, her cultivation is still the original cultivation, but her combat power has increased more than a notch.

After successfully repelling and suppressing the Holy Lord of Light, Nuwa came to Xuanchen's side and asked Xuanchen expectantly.

"Master, how do you think my current strength has improved?"

After Nuwa asked this, she was very much looking forward to Xuanchen's praise.

"It's just a piece of crap, there's nothing to be proud of. "Xuanchen won't praise Nuwa, the more he praises Nuwa, the more proud Nuwa will be.

Xuanchen knew Nuwa, so he said this, but after the Holy Lord of Light heard Xuanchen's words, his face was extremely pale.

Xuanchen was still the first, comparing him to a waste existence, when had he received this kind of humiliation, the angry Bright Lord attacked Xuanchen.

Then it was suppressed by Xuanchen's backhand, and then sealed again.

"It's really giving you face, you actually shot at me, and you can't help yourself. Xuan Chen's bland words reached the ears of the Holy Lord of Light who had been suppressed and sealed.

"Master Venerable just said that this Bright Holy Lord is a waste, isn't that saying that Senior Sister Nuwa is a little stronger than a waste. "

At this time, Chang Xi couldn't help but say that he was dead, and after Chang Xi finished speaking, Xi and Wangshu, who were close to Chang Xi, hurriedly retreated and distanced themselves from Chang Xi.

I didn't expect Chang Xi to die like this, but don't affect them, it's better to hide away, otherwise it may also be affected.

"My dear Senior Sister Changxi, what you just said is very good. "

Nuwa's slightly weird smile looked at Chang Xi, making Chang Xi feel the ultimate crisis, and then hurriedly ran towards Xuanchen.

It's just that she was about to run, but she was caught by Nuwa, and she still wanted to run in her Nuwa's hands, didn't she think too much.

"It's all in my hands and you have to run away, you think I'll let you escape. "

Nuwa grabbed Chang Xi, and then closed Chang Xi's mouth, lest Chang Xi ask for help from his master.

"Master, I'm going to educate Chang Xi now, and let Chang Xi know how powerful. "

Then Nuwa took Chang Xi and left, Xuanchen didn't stop him, who let Chang Xi speak without knowing the proportion, let Nuwa teach him a lesson, so as not to continue to die.

What's more, Xuanchen also knew that although Nuwa said that she wanted to teach Chang Xi a lesson, she would never tell Chang Xi what to do, at most she would let Chang Xi cry for a while.

"You should also go to retreat and practice first. "

Xuan Chen said to the Houtu people, now that they continue to stay here and watch, it is no longer meaningful, it is better to go to retreat and cultivate.

And Xuanchen also plans to truly solve the existence of these Great Dao Realms, and then preach the Dao Dao Triple Heaven, and let the cultivation break through is the real big thing.

Houtu and they listened to Xuanchen's words and left, they also wanted to break through quickly, they didn't want to be left behind too much by Nuwa, but breaking through the Great Dao Realm was not something that they could come in a hurry if they wanted to be in a hurry.

Houtu and the others also asked Nuwa how to break through, but even if Nuwa told them, it could only provide a reference.

It is even possible to lead them in the wrong direction, after all, what is suitable for Nuwa's path does not mean that it is suitable for them, and everyone will take a different path to enlightenment.

Next, Xuan Chen showed a cruel expression to the Founding Divine Lord, which made the Light Saint Lord feel chills in their hearts.

At this moment, they already understood what Xuanchen wanted to do, and the Founding God Lord had already told them that Xuanchen was going to refine their will in order to unite them.

Just knowing it doesn't mean that it can be solved, what is in front of you is, even if you know it, you are a ghost who understands, as for the founding god lord wants to unite forces to deal with Xuanchen.

There is no one who cares about the founding god at all, and they don't look at their current situation, they are all sealed, how to deal with Xuanchen?

It's impossible to deal with Xuanchen, it's better to pray that Xuanchen will let them go.

Xuanchen's gaze first looked at the Founding Divine Master, and when Xuanchen's gaze came over, even the Founding Divine Lord couldn't keep his composure.

"Don't worry, I'll do it to you in the end. "

It is impossible for Xuanchen to solve the Founding Divine Lord from the beginning, and he plans to leave the Founding Divine Lord to the end, and first refine the will of the Great Dao Realm One Heavy Heaven.

As for the founding god, the most difficult solution is naturally left to the last.

Then Xuanchen began to make a move, starting with the Demon Emperor first, he said before that he would attack the Demon Emperor first, so naturally he would start with the Demon Emperor first, and Xuanchen never said anything.

Although the Holy Lord of Light made a move on him just now, for the sake of the Holy Lord of Light and Nuwa's sparring skills, he left the Holy Lord of Light first, at least among these four people, Xuanchen would leave him to the last to solve it.

"Xuanchen, it is impossible for you to refine the will of this emperor. "

The Demon Emperor shouted at Xuanchen.

"If you thought I couldn't, you wouldn't be so flustered. Xuan Chen looked at the Demon Emperor lightly, the Demon Emperor was very flustered at this moment, Xuan Chen had already felt the Demon Emperor's panic.

Even the Great Dao Realm couldn't hide the panic in his heart, this was about to fall, how could he keep calm.

After being refined into will, the body is still alive, but what is the point of the body being alive, his will has completely disappeared.

After that, Xuanchen didn't say much to the Demon Emperor, because there were more refining times, so now Xuanchen was extremely easy to refine.

After easily refining the will of the Demon Emperor, there were a few others, and among the four of them, Xuanchen was the last to refine the Bright Holy Lord.

The final highlight is also here, the most important founding god for Xuanchen, and the most difficult guy to get through.

"Are you panicking now?" asked Xuan Chen, turning to the Founding Divine Master.

"Even if you panic, can you hide from it?"

The Founding Divine Lord was very calm, and after thinking about it, he had calmed down.

No matter what, it can't change Xuanchen's will to refine himself, of course, this doesn't mean that the founding god lord will accept his fate.

The Founding God Lord will still resist Xuanchen to the end, and he will definitely not admit it like this.

When Xuanchen was refining the Founding Divine Master, he instantly felt a powerful force of resistance.

When refining the existence of other Great Dao realms before, he didn't feel such a strong resistance force.

"I knew you were going to rebel. Xuan Chen's face was flat, and there was no joy or anger on his face.

The Founding Divine Lord would rebel against Xuanchen had long been expected, and no one would obediently wait for death, let alone the existence of the Great Dao Realm Double Heaven.

The resistance of the Founding God Lord brought a lot of difficulties to Xuanchen, but that's all, it just brought some trouble to Xuanchen.

The Chaos Bead flew out, suppressing the Founding Divine Lord, so that the Founding Divine Lord could not make any action for the time being, as for the will of the Founding Divine Lord, Xuanchen relied on his own will to suppress and refine.

Originally, the Founding God Lord was naturally able to resist, but after hundreds of millions of years, tens of billions of years, the Founding God Lord began to be unable to bear it.

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