.After Gu Changge left the fairyland, he took one step forward, and the long river of time flowed under his feet. It seemed that there was a scene where time alternated and the universe was disillusioned.

In just an instant, he arrived at the edge of many broken universes, crossing over the vast battlefield.

It was now a dim scene, with thousands of strands of chaos intertwined, forming a large sea of ​​chaos and countless stars. The corpses are scattered, sinking and floating in it.

The broken world in one square is vast, dry and cold, and it no longer contains any vitality.

Not to mention the vitality, not even a living being can be seen in it.

Even the heaven and earth have been destroyed, and terrifying caves appear here. There are all kinds of divine lights in them, as well as corpses rising and falling. The weakest auras are all true immortals.

In addition, there are many immortal king corpses that have lost their virginity and contain a strong aura of destruction. They were killed by terrifying creatures before they were alive.

This is just a dilapidated ancient battlefield. I don’t know which era or which area it came from. It was washed away from the chaos and exposed to the outside.

Some weird creatures living in the vastness are eating the corpses of the Immortal Kings. There are creatures that take the form of crows, as well as vicious creatures like vultures and hunting dogs. They don’t have much intelligence and just rely on their instincts to eat in the vastness.. [

However, the fact that they can easily get on the corpse of the Immortal King shows how terrifying their strength is.

Knowing that he was the Immortal King in his heyday, facing a group of such weird creatures, he could only avoid them cautiously and not dare to provoke them.

Gu Changge stood above the boundary embankment, and in front of him he could see waves of darkness coming one after another, like an endless area, with"eighty-eighty" waves of people flooding in, swallowing up the ends of the world.

An inexplicable depressing atmosphere shrouded the sky and earth, making people breathless.

However, in Gu Changge's sight, he could see the continuously steaming fortune of the Daochang Realm, like a bright light in the dark night, which was particularly eye-catching. [

He pondered for a moment, ignoring the creatures tearing apart the Immortal King's corpse for food on the ancient battlefield, then took a step forward, left here, and came to the vast sky.

The surging waves and the endless power of the world's rotation are now gradually dying down and becoming peaceful under the suppression of his power.

A square square of ancient giants floated and floated in it, making a rumbling sound.

In Gu Changge's perception, these worlds have no life, only silence and coldness.

The vastness gave birth to many ancient worlds of life.

However, only a few worlds finally have the qualifications to be promoted to the true world.

In the long years, these ancient worlds experienced collapse and catastrophe, were submerged by the breath outside the vastness, and were buried in chaos and darkness.

The vast and invisible ruins of the ancient world overlap one after another, becoming an obstacle that prevents predecessors from walking in the vast land.

However, Gu Changge ignored this. He just looked into the dark depths, with a faint golden light shining in his eyes.

"Is it so close to the Daochang True Realm? That’s good, it saves me a lot of trouble....

A great road emerged under his feet and turned into a solid road, crossing the vastness all the way.

There is no concept of spatial orientation in the vastness, and even in some places, there is absolute lawlessness and nothingness, without the passage of time and space.

Understand that it is an ancient Taoist cultivator, and it is impossible to truly determine the location of some areas before getting the exact coordinates.

This is why before the catastrophe came, many ancient ethnic groups in the Daochang Realm felt that escaping the Daochang Realm and heading into the vastness was an almost dead end option.

They don't know where they can move to next in the vastness.

Even if there are people in their clan who are highly cultivated, they can protect them from all obstacles in the vastness, but where can they go in the end?

Even the ancestors of the Gu family are very hesitant, not sure that they can protect the whole clan..

I don't want to make such a decision until the last minute.

Moreover, even if there are clear spatial coordinates and routes.

But in the vast expanse, there are many dangers and mysteries, and even the ancestor of the Gu family, Gu Wuwang, cannot guarantee that he can cross it safely.

Let alone the rest of the people.

Many years ago, in Daochang Zhenjie Foreign Land Defense, many ancestors of the imperial clan noticed something unusual, became alarmed, and planned to move their clans.

Gu Changge knew their plan at that time, but he ignored it because he knew that they would not be able to find a new clan place alive.

The true world, which has lost the protection of the true spirit, is like a bright fire and an eternal lighthouse in this dark vastness, which can point out the direction for the creatures in the vastness.


The domineering force rolled, and the broken ancient world was like rolling broken clouds. Under the crushing of the ancient warship, it was like the broken mountains and rivers, making a terrifying rumbling sound, shaking the sky and the earth.

Many strong men in the Lingxu True Realm are closing their eyes on this boundless ancient warship, with their own caves and palaces.

Everyone is blurry, shrouded in the mist of chaos, and some tall figures are like those in ancient myths. The ancient god's skin glowed with golden light, and there were ancient lines between his eyebrows.

This ancient warship is actually very big, like a fearless continent, with its own universe inside.

On it, there are palaces, pavilions, mountains, rivers and lakes, and different landforms are distributed in various regions.

In addition to these powerful figures sitting at the front, there are many creatures living in the vast land behind.

And the vast majority of these creatures come from the ancient world attached to the true world of Lingxu.

There are also many slave groups, which can be said to have lived on this huge ancient warship for generations, drifting in the vast expanse, responsible for maintaining the operation of the ancient warship, repairing damaged runes, etc.

For these creatures, this place is their home, with vast mountains and rivers and no fear of boundaries. It also has islands, swamps, lakes, cities, and ruling classes, just like the world of cultivation.

Of course, to the entire vastness, this is just an ancient warship crossing.

Even though it is vast and boundless, with its own internal universe and rules, it still appears to be extremely slim and cannot cause any big waves.

In the eyes of beings crossing the vastness, everything they see is waves of clouds and mist, but within these waves and mist, countless creatures and worlds have been nurtured.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one Bodhi, nothing more than that. brocade, brocade, brocade......

At this moment, the dull sound of heavy hammers constantly sounded in an inconspicuous blacksmith shop in the corner of a city. [

The moment the red-hot iron was immersed in the ice water, there was a sharp quenching sound, and mist evaporated for a moment.

Next to the quenching pool filled with water, a young figure rolled up his sleeves and exposed his bronze arms, repeating words in his mouth.

"Ninety-nine thousand and ninety, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-two, ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-three...1

Every time he raised the heavy hammer in his hand and struck it down, he would count it repeatedly in his mouth.

This young figure looks similar to a human race, with gray pupils and a layer of fine metal-like scales covering his hands.

On the other hand, the other figures walking around him looked more similar to aliens. Their bodies and bones were taller than those of ordinary humans, and they had the characteristics of other ethnic groups.

These figures seemed to be accustomed to this scene.

Many people will stop in front of the blacksmith shop and look through the forged iron tools, such as simple knives, long swords, bows and arrows, war spears, shields, etc. Birk will leave soon and will not patronize his business. Finally, after counting hundreds of thousands of times, the figure that was hammering and tempering the iron stopped.

His hair was very long and messy, almost covering his face, and his face was also covered in burnt marks.

But he didn't care. He turned around in the quenching pool, picked up water, and washed his face casually.

"I heard that the Lingxu royal family is recruiting masters of casting from the Ghost Ax clan and masters of formation control from the Tiangong clan. I don’t know what they are going to build this time....

"Over the years, many people from the Ghost Ax Tribe and the Tiangong Tribe have been recruited, but few of them have come back. I heard they have been repairing something."

"But why do I feel something is wrong? I heard my parents talk about this kind of thing in the past....,

"Hush, keep your voice down, how dare you say such things, aren't you afraid of being heard by the Lingxu tribe? Be careful.

Heard the murmurs of the voices and shadows passing by.

The young figure who was washing his face suddenly seemed to freeze in place, and the movements of his hands also stopped for a while.

The eyes under the messy long hair suddenly seemed to be quenched by the cold air, a little cold and deep....[

"Brother Chu Shi, it’s time to eat...

At this time, the curtain behind the blacksmith shop was suddenly opened.

A girl with a delicate face ran over and shouted to the young figure.


Hearing this, the figure seemed to come back to his senses, responded, then washed his hands, took the handkerchief next to him and wiped them, followed the girl and walked over. On the other side of the curtain, there was a person who was not too big. In the courtyard, some clothes were hung to dry and some poultry were kept in captivity, which was very lifelike.

A slovenly old man sat in a rocking chair and ate peanuts.


This young figure shouted respectfully, sat down at the dining table, took out chopsticks, and planned to eat.

"Your heart is confused...

The sturdy old man glanced at the young figure and seemed to understand what he was thinking.

He shook his head slightly and sat up straight.


The young figure was silent for a moment.

Under the messy long hair, those eyes suddenly shot out a terrifying light, and his voice contained a deep coldness:"You should know what is happening outside now....

The sturdy old man nodded and said slowly:"As a teacher, I naturally know that the Lingxu royal family is recruiting me, the Ghost Ax Clan and the Tiangong Clan. Every once in a while, they will do this. But recently, Somewhat frequent"[

"Master, you knew this was a conspiracy and you knew the outcome, but why did you never stop it??",

"I, the Ghost Ax Clan, and the Tiangong Clan have been loyal to the Lingxu Royal Family for generations and worked hard to build their troops and formations. However, in the end, they slaughtered all my Ghost Ax Clan in the name of building and recruiting. And all this is just to hide this shocking secret and prevent everyone from discovering this conspiracy"

"The Lingxu royal family is really cruel."

At this moment, this young figure seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He said these words almost word for word, full of hatred.

"Senior brother...

These heavy words also made the girl next to her stunned for a moment, and then she thought of something and her expression became sad.

After all, who would have thought that the place where they have lived for generations is just a prison.

All ancestors and descendants were imprisoned here forever, building formations for the Lingxu royal family for generations to make up for the deficiencies.

In order to prevent them from spreading the truth, the Lingxu royal family did not hesitate to kill all the people who repaired the formation.

Even the Ghost Ax clan and the Tiangong clan even made sacrifices for the Lingxu royal family's construction without knowing it. Grand sacrifice array.

And I don't know when, all the creatures in this world will be reduced to nourishment for sacrifices.

I don’t know when that day will be, but it won’t be very far away.

"This is the destiny of our people and we cannot escape from it."

Hearing this, the strong old man's face also showed sadness and sadness, and he shook his head.

Get rid of the arrangements and manipulations of the Lingxu Royal Family?

As the strongest person in the Ghost Ax Clan, he knows how deep the Lingxu Royal Family is. Horrible.

Over the past so many epochs, among the ancestors who have discovered the truth, there are many who are the strongest in the epoch, but what is the result?

Yi is still like a stone thrown into the deep sea, unable to even make a guess.

Knowing the outcome of all this, how can he How? Resisting the Lingxu royal family is almost impossible.

"Chu Lian didn't just ignore him as a teacher, but he was helpless."The sturdy old man sighed. Chu Lian is his adopted disciple. His father is a great weapon trainer of the Ghost Ax Clan, and his mother is a great formation master of the Tiangong Clan. However, the two of them had been killed by Lingtang many years ago. The royal family forcibly took them away, and there was no trace or news anymore.

After hearing this, Zhu Lian could only fall into deep powerlessness and unwillingness.

Even the strongest mood of the Ghost Ax clan was helpless.

That really It means that they can't get rid of the control of the Furnace Royal Family and can't get rid of this destined fate.?

"No...I also have a light ball, which tells me that as long as I repeat one thing a million times, I can open it and becomethe master, gaining all the power of a civilization

"Now it’s just one hundred thousand times away."

Suddenly, Chu Lian thought of something, and hope lit up in his eyes again.

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