.Gu Changge stood in the boundless void, looking at these rays of light like a shower of light, all of which entered the bodies of their respective beauties.

Yue Mingkong is still in retreat, immersed in practice, surrounded by a scene of emptiness and darkness, and is not aware of all this.

Jiang Chuchu seemed to have something in his heart and glanced in the direction of where the Fighting Alliance was now......

In today's world, everyone is seizing the time to practice, and they are no exception.

They were originally people of great power and good fortune, and were closely connected with Gu Changge. Now their luck is also steaming along with Daochang Zhenjie.

In terms of their cultivation speed alone, they have already left many people behind. All they lack is time.

Gu Changge looked at this scene and then slowly closed his eyes.

His huge and vast will slowly spread.

In an instant, it traveled through billions of voids, enveloped the endless ancient world, and covered the entire Daochang True World.

"It seems that she is no longer in the Daochang True Realm?"

Gu Changge tried to find a person's aura. However, his spiritual thoughts swept away and searched every inch of the universe, but no trace of the girl was found. He specifically searched for it at the beginning.

The descendant of Aman, that cultivating girl from the wild world.

Gu Changge deliberately left a will in her body in order to use it in the future. [

But it was almost as he expected, Aman is no longer here now Daochang Zhenjie was led to another world.

After seeing clearly the changes in Aman's fate, Gu Changge guessed her origin, but he did not confess to her at the time and planned to wait and see the changes.

Aman was not She is a creature from the real world of Daochang, but comes from outside the vast world.

But in Gu Changge's view, she is more like a manipulated poor person, living in illusions and lies.

The grandpa she admires is just The guardian around her made her repeat the same mistakes life after life.

And her father, who treated her like his own daughter, was a puppet controlled by the barbarian god. The barbarian god who truly believed in was actually a pawn and servant of others.

The purpose was also It just allows her to forget her past and the past from life to life, and truly awaken her demonic heart.

Of course, Gu Changge knows that this may be some kind of test for Ami. After she breaks through the illusions and lies, It was like breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

But such a thing was too cruel to her. So when Gu Changge saw her destiny clearly and saw that she would become a female demon who would cause trouble to the heavens in the future, Only then would she arouse a lot of interest.

In Daochang Zhenjie at that time, luck was far from enough to support the growth and birth of a person with such a destiny.

Therefore, Gu Changge did not think of keeping her by his side. , but let her grow up on her own.

It is up to her to tear through the lies and illusions and face the bloody truth.

On the other hand, he also wants to use Aman to fish, to be the one who will let her go to Daochang. The man behind the scenes

"It seems that she has torn apart the illusion and shattered the lie she has been living in with her own hands"[

Gu Changge didn't pay much attention to this matter. At that time, he was looking for suitable seedlings and just wanted to give it a try.

How far Ah Man will truly grow in the future depends on her own destiny.

He just appeared at the right time and solved some troubles for her at the right time.

The reason why Gu Changge searched for Daochang Zhenjie just now was because he wanted to confirm one thing before leaving.

"It seems that as early as many epochs ago, people from other real worlds noticed the location of the Daochang real world. The man behind Aman was able to quietly lay it out, and his methods were extraordinary."

His eyes were a little deep.

After returning to the Fatian League, Gu Changge left a will and planned to leave for the vastness.

He did not intend to stay here waiting for the group of"hunters outside the vastness"."Arrived.

With his strength, he does not need to rely on any external objects to cross the sky.

It just needs a little time to see clearly some of the boundless coordinates of the true world.

He has never been a good person who saves people in distress, and he has never considered it. , to truly save the building from falling.

To put it simply, it means the whole world, what does it have to do with him?

If it were not for the many plans that followed, Gu Changge would not have thought so much, and changed the name of Daochang Zhenjie , it’s the concept of heaven or something.

As long as he thinks about it, no one in this world can threaten the people he wants to protect.

Now, as long as the Daochang True World is not affected by other True Worlds, with today’s luck, Judging from the extent, it will only become more prosperous and powerful. big......Asking for flowers................

This group of so-called"hunters" may be a catastrophe that is difficult to resist for the sentient beings in the Daochang Realm.

But in Gu Changge's eyes, they were just insignificant little bugs that could be crushed easily.

He has never really cared about these"hunters", he just said a little more in order to make the various races panic at the right time.

The will he left behind was enough to deter them from approaching.

What he now has to consider is how to spread the existence of the Fatian Alliance throughout the vast expanse and continue to prosper and grow.

And this requires more than just the support of one party's true world.

Gu Changge now plans to find the rest of the true world, occupy it, or refine and annex it, and make it a subsidiary of the Demon-Suppressing Alliance.

Although such actions will affect his current reputation and make people think that he is different from some"hunters" outside the vast world.?


Once again, all sentient beings were fearful, panicked, and lived in fear, but Gu Changge didn't care.

After all, in the eyes of many people, he is an unpredictable and moody demon lord.

In the face of the beauty he once loved, he can also kill him ruthlessly, and he can banish his apprentice to a time without fear of time and space, and to an eternity ago.

There's nothing crazy he can't do.

Gu Changge has also made arrangements for many things in Daochang Zhenjie.

He left many affairs of the Fatian Alliance to the ancestors of the Gu family to handle. Although Gu Wuan was still unclear about some things, in Gu Changge's eyes, everyone in the Gu family was available, which could be regarded as a very early step for him. chess piece.

Then there are the follow-up matters related to the so-called Daozi Nichen. Everything is also under Gu Changge's manipulation and calculation.

He wasn't worried about what kind of trouble Ni Chen would cause. Before birk left the Daochang Realm, Wang Zijin came to see him again, and even she planned to go into seclusion and practice hard.

In order to relieve the pain of lovesickness, she didn't care about many details. If she missed him, she would come to him.

After Zijin went into seclusion, there were only a few figures that Gu Changge was familiar with in the entire Daochang Realm.

Even Lin Qiuhan, who was also brought by him from the lower world, was also practicing alchemy and had been in seclusion for many years.

But before leaving, Gu Changge still went to Qingshan Village.

At this point, even the ancestors of the Gu family and others did not know that his true body was no longer in this Zhenjie Gate.

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