What's going on with this shit?

I, the richest man in the world (formerly), spent 1,000 US dollars to find a guy from Xia Guo to show me around and chat with me. Why did he reward me with 10,000 US dollars instead? Please don't bother him?

What's happening here?

This is a great humiliation to me!

Butterfly was so angry that his whole body trembled, and his white beard trembled.

I have lived to be 89 years old and have never seen anything like this! snort!

Could it be that the life of an ordinary errand boy in Xia Guo has reached this level?

I paid $1,000 to hire him for a day, but he was rejected and he was given ten times as much in return?

Am I despised by Xia Guo’s errand boy?

Damn it!

Butterfly felt bitter.

The thought of being penniless(RMB), how to get around in the imperial capital? How to examine investment opportunities?

In desperation, the stock gods had to give in.

Butterfly's acting skills exploded, he became an actor and suddenly burst into tears.

"Woo woo woo~~"

The stock god cried.

Ye Xuan:"???"

Why is this strange white-haired old man crying?

He said helplessly:"What's wrong with you?"

(Just to clarify, people in the capital address each other as you, you, and it has nothing to do with other factors)

Butt flew into a showman's body, covered his face and cried, and started to miserably!

You heard that right.

Mr. Butterfly, in desperation, actually did something cruel to Ye Xuan

"555. I got separated from my family. I forgot the name of the hotel for a while. I don’t know how to get back? I only have a few US dollars and no RMB, so even food and water are a problem. OMG! what do I do?"

Ye Xuan:"··"

Although I think this foreign old man is weird, he is so miserable. As a young man with five principles and four beauties, and a young man of the new era, how can Ye Xuan, an enthusiastic young man, leave him alone and let him die of thirst and starvation?

"All right."Ye Xuan thought for a while. Anyway, this old man seems to be well taken care of, so let's take him with him for the time being.

"Do you want to call the police? Shall I call now? Ye

Xuan asked:"Let the police help you find your family?""

"No no no!"

But Fei's eyes turned, he waved his hands hurriedly, and said with a smile:"I don't want to meet them right now. Because...my son is not very filial and he quarreled with me. I just came out because I was so angry. Ahem, just be kind and take me with you for the time being."

Ye Xuan:"··"

Suddenly I am entangled by a crooked old man, what should I do?

Seeing Ye Xuan's hesitation, Butterfly started to behave miserably again:"I'm 89 years old. My eyes are blurred and my legs and feet are inconvenient. If no one helps me, I may rush to the street at any time."~~"

Ye Xuan pouted, helpless.

Unlucky for me!

I was haunted by this inexplicable old man. well.

Good people do it to the end.

Ye Xuan said helplessly:"Okay, then. Let's go."

Batfei quickly returned the ten thousand US dollars to Ye Xuan, thanking him profusely:"Thank you so much, little brother, you are such a good person. God will bless you. , you will feel lucky for helping me today."

Butterfly, who likes to show off, said a lot, the main meaning is that you are so lucky to have met me.

Ye Xuan pouted:"If you keep nagging, I will send you to the police station! I won't care about you!"

"Oh oh, I don’t dare anymore!"

Bat Fei feels wronged, and the baby feels bitter in his heart!

As the world's richest man and the god of investment, who among the world's richest people doesn't look up to me? Who doesn't want to hear me show off?

When I get to this little brother from Xia Country, I've turned into a nag. A nagging lunatic old man?

Alas, a tiger has been bullied by a dog.

Butterfly changed the subject and asked Ye Xuan:"What do you do?

Ye Xuan pointed at the orange uniform on his body:"I am the errand boy.""

"Running errands?"

Butterfly was a little confused. This thing didn't seem to exist in the United States.

Ye Xuan explained it for a while, and Butterfly finally understood that running errands for relationships is such a profession.

Butterfly committed the problem of pretending to be cool again and again.

He was... Known as the God of Wealth!

The man who is the best at investing in the world!

From the age of 11, Butterfly has understood that the wealth generated by investment is far better than the wealth generated by physical labor and sweat.

He thinks Ye Xuan is a good young man, and he started With the mentality of being aloof and a hermit, he used his own investment sayings to enlighten Ye Xuan.

"Young man, don’t you think physical labor is too hard? Besides, if you don’t make money from manual labor, how much money can you make?"

Bat Fei looked disapproving. He was aloof and taught Ye Xuan a lesson.

Ye Xuan thought for a while and said calmly:"Actually, I am doing errands to make money quickly.···well enough?"

Bat Fei sneered.

Young man, you really care about face!

The picture is broken!

I have been alive for 89 years, and these eyes have seen too much!

How much can a mere errand boy earn?

3000? 5000? Or ten thousand? ?


You are so lucky to meet my stock god Bart Fly and help me out! Let me enlighten you with a few words, which will be of great use to you in your life!

I am Ba, the god of wealth who turns stones into gold.. Te Fei, let me teach you.

"Young man, haha, I live to be 89 years old. I'm going to tell you a truth, but you have to listen carefully."

"If an outsider heard this, they would probably pay me millions or tens of millions of dollars!"

Butt Fei said proudly.

Ye Xuan:"···"

Damn it!

This old man is starting to act cool again, it's so annoying.

But be humble towards the elderly.

Ye Xuan nodded, smiled awkwardly but politely:"Please tell me"

"Once upon a time, there was a poor dad and a rich dad.

Butterfly began to be very seductive:"They have different investment philosophies." As for my poor dad, he was very busy and tired every day, busy going to work and doing manual labor. As for my rich dad, he never worked part-time. It is impossible for him to work part-time in this life. He is only busy making investments every day, value investing! He can always find assets that are undervalued by the market and buy them promptly. After the price rises, he sells them at the right time."

"After 30 years, my poor dad is still a poor man!"

"And rich dad has become the richest man in the world!"

"Tell me, what's the truth behind this?"

Bat Fei enlightened Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan thought for a moment:"I would like to ask, how much does poor dad cost at the beginning? How much did rich dad start with?"

"Poor dad, the family has no money, rich dad, the family gave him 10 million investment!"

Bat Fei blurted out.

Ye Xuan:"···"

"Then let me tell you a story."

Ye Xuan walked to Prince Qi's Mansion, next to a good car.

"You know, how can a poor guy who only earns 40,000 yuan a year be able to buy a 10 million Rolls-Royce in 5 years?

Butterfly was stunned:"How to fight?""

Ye Xuan said seriously:"This young man can save 30,000 yuan a year if he lives frugally! Butterfly thought hard.

Can he save 30,000 yuan in a year?

After 5 years, it will only be 150,000 yuan.

How is it possible to buy a 10 million Rolls-Royce?

Even with his Midas investment skills, it only takes 150,000 yuan. It is absolutely impossible to invest 10 million in just 5 years!

Butt Fei frowned and said:"You failed me, I can't figure it out."

Ye Xuan smiled and said:"It's very simple. He just needs to deposit money in the bank every year. Then make a fixed deposit"

"Five years later, he will receive a total of 170,000 yuan with interest."

""Uh-huh ,"

Butterfly nodded.

Ye Xuan finally said,"Then, he took out his 170,000, and then called his father, who is the chairman, to transfer 9.83 million to him, so that he can buy a Rolls-Royce!""


Butterfly is lying on the ground!

Such a financial management skill?

Glass is awesome!

I'm convinced!

I always feel that something is wrong.?

"wrong! Young man, you can't chew on your old age. Value investing is the golden finger that turns stone into gold. As long as you learn the secrets of value investing from me, you can own the wealth of the entire world!"

Bat Fei said in a pretentious manner.

Ye Xuan rolled his eyes.

Value investment?

How about delivering express delivery or doing errands to make money quickly?


"Take me for example. Butterfield pointed at himself proudly:"I started buying stocks when I was 11 years old. Now I am 89 years old. My wealth has increased hundreds of thousands of times!" From a poor boy to a super rich man! hehe."

Bat Fei, as a"hidden master", spoke earnestly and thoughtfully, taught Ye Xuan a lesson, and told Ye Xuan how to earn wealth. What is value investing, investing in the stock market, blah blah blah, how can I be rich now, just show off.

But he decided to maintain a sense of mystery and not tell Ye Xuan his true identity.

Because Butterfly felt that concealing his identity was very cool. If Ye Xuan knew that he was Butterfly, the richest man in the world, he would just bow down to him, which would be boring..

Ye Xuan was annoyed by this old man's pretense, and there was really nothing he could do.

Forget it, I couldn't defeat him.

Ye Xuan had no choice but to put on a humbly accepting attitude. Yes, yes, everything you said is right.

But Fei If you succeed in pretending, you will be satisfied and happy.

Haha~~ I am like God, coming to the world to walk.

Wherever I go, I bring gospel.

I spread wealth and the way to make money to the world.

Young man , you are so lucky. When you meet me, you are equivalent to making 20 million US dollars in vain!

Butterfly is talking non-stop, spitting stars flying around, talking about his value investment philosophy, and Ye Xuan suddenly calls.

Ye Xuanru heard Tian Lai, Pick up the phone quickly.

Oh my god, I’m saved!

I almost collapsed because of this pretentious old man.

Finally, the call came.

"Mr. Ye, it’s time to collect the rent. Would you like to take a look?"

It's the young agent Mengxin Yang Yang!

"OK, I'll do it!"

Originally, Ye Xuan was a little too lazy to collect rent, but the old man next to him was so annoying that collecting rent became very attractive.

He ran into the palace, took out a weight, rode his bicycle, and wanted to go straight to the house. Run to [Ye Family Community].

Baatfei wanted to observe the lives of the"lower class people" in Xia Kingdom and understand the sentiments of the people. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity and must go.

He directly jumped into Ye Xuan's back seat with agility.

Ye Xuan:"···"

What if you are old and frail and find it inconvenient to move?

Why do I think you have great physical strength, old man? Stronger than me?

Ye Xuan rode his bicycle, pulling Bart Fei, towards the Ye family community.

"What is this?"

Butt Fei picked up the weight and was confused.

He didn't understand what it was and what it was used for.

"This is a treasure left by the ancestors of the Xia Kingdom."

Ye Xuan said meaningfully:"The guy who eats"


Mr. Butterfly was surprised:"Don't Xia people use chopsticks to eat?"

The Ye family community arrived.

Yang Yang came up to welcome him:"Mr. Ye, everything has been arranged. Please take a seat."

He pointed.

When Butterfly saw it, he was stunned!

In front, a table was set up.

There was also a long queue that stretched as far as the eye could see.

People lined up in long lines, all carrying a thick tower of money in their hands!

Money, money!

Butterfly's eyes widened.

He likes money most.

Ye Xuan sat behind the table with his sword and golden horse.

Butterfly quickly sat next to him and stared intently.

He wants to see, what does this little guy do?

Ye Xuan took out the scale!



Watching Ye Xuan use a scale one by one to weigh the money sent by the tenants

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