"Male Desert, these two days have been decadent, decadent! First I attended a wedding, and then I participated in a variety show. It was a waste of too much time."

Ye Tian Dao Huo Qin Xuan felt very regretful for his behavior.

When he got up the next morning, he quickly drove out in his blue Maserati.

He went to run errands.

The red light was on at the intersection.


Ye Xuan stopped the car and waited for the long traffic light.

At this moment, Ye Xuan saw an errand boy wearing an orange uniform riding a bicycle on the bicycle lane next to him, waiting for the traffic light.


Ye Xuan rolled up the car window:"Hey, brother, I'm running errands. What a coincidence, so am I." The errand boy was stunned for a moment. He looked at Ye Xuan's errand uniform and then at the blue Maserati. He was shocked!

Damn it, driving a sports car to run errands?

Ye Xuan shouted at this time:"Brother, I'll add you on WeChat. If you have any difficulties in the future and you feel you can't complete them, you're afraid of bad reviews. How about saying hello to me and transferring the task to me?"

Ye Xuan just had an idea flash in his mind, It may be slower to trigger special tasks by yourself. You can ask others to help trigger them. Difficult tasks are generally special, so the probability of being screened will be greater.

When the errand boy heard this, he realized that this rich and handsome man driving a Maserati wanted to add himself to WeChat?


Hurry up and add WeChat!

When the traffic lights were too slow, Ye Xuan started chatting with the errand boy.

Ye Xuan:"Do you like history?"

The errand boy:"Yes."

Ye Xuan:"I have recently been studying the taxation of the Tang Dynasty."

The errand boy:"……"I'm watching"Qing Ping Tiao" recently.

Ye Xuan:"Do you like making funny sounds?"

The errand boy:"Yes."

Ye Xuan:"Lao Luo actually brought the goods live."

The errand boy:"……The little sister dances really well."

Ye Xuan:"……"


Ye Xuan smiled awkwardly:"I also like to watch young ladies dance."

The errand boy said:"……"

The awkward atmosphere spread...

Fortunately, at this time, Uncle Green Lantern finally showed up after seeing the embarrassment between the two of them.

"Bye bye, if you have any difficult orders, please forward them to me."Ye Xuan raised his cell phone.

"no problem."

The two parted ways.

They drove the blue Maserati to the breakfast street, ordered fried dough sticks, soy milk, dumplings, steamed buns, and pork offal porridge, and started eating happily.

Open the app.

Order 1:"Send me a wedding ticket The invitation is for my classmate (note: be sure to get his red envelope), address: 1202, Building 8, No. 1, Zhonghai Huawan."

Order 2:"I'm hungry, send me a box of Longjiang pig's trotter rice." Address: Room 1204, Building 8, No. 1, Zhonghai Huawan."

Ye Xuan:"???"

Such a coincidence?

The addresses of the two orders are actually on the same floor of the same building? ?

Nothing to say. catch!

What if a special mission is triggered, right?

Especially for the first task, the client has a grudge against this person!

Send red bombs (wedding invitations), and ride horses to make sure you get the money!


Ye Xuan drove to a national chain Longjiang Pig's Knuckle Rice Group and packed up a portion of pig's knuckle rice.

Stop by the printing shop next door and print out the customer's wedding invitation jpg and classmate photo jpg.

As a result, there was a traffic jam on the road, and it took 40 minutes for Ye Xuan to arrive at the customer's doorstep.

Building 8, 1202.

Knock on the door.

A common man opens the door

"Hello, I am running errands. Your classmate Zhang Wei asked me to send you a wedding invitation. Puchou glanced at him and said with disdain:"Sorry, I don't know him.""

Then he was about to close the door.

Ye Xuan stopped him quickly:"Hey, I'm sorry, wait a minute... He was afraid that you wouldn't recognize him, so he asked me to prepare photos. Take a look.……"

Ye Xuan took out the photos of his classmates and handed them over.

Common ugly:"……"

His face was obviously unhappy, and he smiled awkwardly and said,"Oh, it's him... tell him that I happened to be on a business trip that day, so I couldn't go to his wedding. I'm sorry."

After that, he opened the door.

Ye Xuan quickly blocked it:"Don't worry, don't worry... He specially asked me to bring a red envelope."

He took out a red envelope from his pocket, a red bomb.

Common ugly:"??!!!"

I almost cursed him on the spot.

Puchou forced a smile:"Ah~~ I'm sorry, I don't have cash with me."

Ye Xuan continued to laugh:"He was afraid that you would have no cash, so he asked you to transfer it to me first, and then I transferred it to him……"

Ye Xuan opened his QR code~~

Puchou:"……" puff~~~

Your mentality just collapsed, right?!

I had no choice but to scan the QR code and pay ~~200 yuan~~~

After giving the money, bang!!

He shut the door angrily.

Ye Xuan shook his head and laughed. This mission is awesome!


Then we went to 1204 next door with Longjiang Pork Knuckle Rice.

Knock on the door

"Hello, I am running errands and delivering pig trotter rice."

"Wait a moment~~"

Soon, a cute girl opened the door and looked at Ye Xuan angrily with her lips pouting.

"It's late, I'll give you a bad review!"

Ye Xuan explained:"Sorry, there's a traffic jam on the road.……"

Cute girl:"Aren't you riding a bicycle? Why are you stuck in traffic?"

Ye Xuan:"I drove here in a Maserati. If you don't believe me, look at it (takes out the car keys)……"

The cute girl said fiercely:"Huh, I still have to give you a bad review, I'm starving!"

Ye Xuan looked around the room:"Are you alone at home?"

The cute girl:"Yes, What's wrong?"

"Alone at home~~"Ye Xuan smiled evilly

"What do you want to do?"The cute girl showed a pitiful little animal expression that was afraid of being photographed.

"give me your mobile phone……"Ye Xuan said fiercely.

Cute girl:"???"

My cell phone?

What does he want my phone for?

Could it be that this handsome guy... wants my WeChat account?

Hey, this handsome guy is quite handsome!

Those eyes are so charming!

"If he wants to add me on WeChat, it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.~~"

Thinking of this, the cute girl couldn't help but blush, lowered her head, and handed the phone to Ye Xuan coquettishly.

Ye Xuan opened the cute girl's errand running app and gave the order a five-star rating.

Return it.

Ye Xuan said proudly:"I've already given you a five-star review. You can't give me a bad review."

The cute girl:"????"

A question mark face!!

What the hell? I thought you wanted my WeChat account to hang out with me, but instead you went to get five-star reviews?

(Yue Lao:"……"Looking at the cut red steel bars, I fell into deep thought. Should I replace the red wires with diamond ones next time? )

Ye Xuan left gracefully



Continue to take orders.

Order: [Valentine's Day is tomorrow, and I really don't want to give gifts to my girlfriend. I have to give them to my girlfriend every holiday. It's so tiring. Please help me find a way to break up temporarily for a few days. ]

Ye Xuan saw this order and decided to take it.

I feel sorry for the boy for three seconds.

They are given on every holiday, not just Valentine's Day, Girls' Day, Goddess' Day... It's really quite miserable. On the one hand, it's money, and on the other hand, it takes a lot of effort to choose.

What a tragedy!!

Soon the customer called

"Hello, errand boy?"

"it's me"

"Brother, is there anything you can do?"

"Yes, it's very simple. You ask your girlfriend to go shopping later, and then I'll go over and play it by ear.……"

"OK, waiting for your good news."

An hour later, the customer called and said he was in Joy City.

Ye Xuan arrived quickly. Instead of rushing to see the customer first, he went to the cinema and bought two movie tickets.

Then he found the customer from a distance.

The client is a handsome young man, and his girlfriend is about 80% handsome.

At this time, the handsome boy happened to be walking towards me with his girlfriend.

Ye Xuan walked over directly and said to his girlfriend:"Hello, beauty, my errand boy is here to give you movie tickets (pass over two movie tickets)."

Girlfriend? ? Confused:"Movie tickets? Whose?"

Ye Xuandao:"I don't know, I just received an order. The customer who placed the order asked me to tell you that these two movie tickets were originally wanted to watch with you tonight. But since you chose to be with another boy on Valentine's Day, don't pester him anymore. He also said, I wish you happiness." He hinted at the client (boyfriend) with a secret look.

The handsome boy suddenly became angry’

"what happened? Tell me, who is this man?"

"I do not know"

"have no idea? I wonder how someone would give you movie tickets? There must be something wrong!"


The girlfriend panicked.

The male customer was already 'angry' and walked away.

The girlfriend said anxiously to Ye Xuan:"Hurry up and explain to me, I really don't know about this movie ticket."

Ye Xuan innocently said:"I'm just an errand, I don't know anything."

To no avail, the girlfriend went back to her boyfriend My friend, it turns out that my boyfriend has disappeared. I called anxiously but couldn’t get through.

Ye Xuan took the opportunity to retreat quickly.

Soon, Ye Xuan met a male customer at the other end of the mall.

When the customer saw Ye Xuan, he said excitedly:"You are indeed an errand boy, awesome!"

Ye Xuan:"It seems you are afraid of the holidays."

The male customer wiped away tears of sympathy:"Isn't that right? New Year's Day, Valentine's Day, White Day, Girls' Day, Goddess' Day……"

The number of male clients goes on and on, more than a dozen items in a year.

Ye Xuan was stunned!

Damn it, is that too cruel?!

"Do you think this is the end? The male client shed tears,"There are also one-month and 100-day anniversaries of love."……"

Ye Xuan was completely stunned!

It’s not over yet!

The male customer continued to complain:"That's not all. I also have to celebrate Father's Day and Mother's Day, and buy some gifts for my parents... I don't dare to talk to my girlfriend anymore. I feel that after talking, I have to spend all my time and make money. Only those who are powerful can cope with these festivals of their girlfriends."

After hearing this, Ye Xuan quickly looked at whether he had enough money in his pocket.

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that I am a rich man, so I don't need this little money.

Ye Xuan said heavily:"Brother, I have suffered!"

The male customer looked up and cried:"It's hard to be a man!"

Ye Xuan:"Oh, by the way, I have to reimburse you for the movie tickets."

The male customer nodded repeatedly:"Yes, yes , movie tickets."

Two movie tickets only cost a few dozen, and buying a gift costs at least a thousand, so you've made a lot of money!

Spend money happily~~


Ye Xuan received a new order.

Replace the light bulb.

There is no way, because the errand orders have been cleared this time, and there are no other orders.

Ye Xuan thought that the mosquito's legs were still meat no matter how small they were, so he took them.

All the way to the client’s home.

Knock on the door

"Hello, I am running errands."

The door opened, and a pretty girl with 80+ points and charming eyes walked out.

When she saw Ye Xuan, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow, he turned out to be a handsome guy!"

She always thought that those errand boys were rough guys, but she didn't expect that he turned out to be a handsome guy.

"Handsome guy, you are finally here. My light bulb is broken. It is almost dark now. Without a light, it will be troublesome."

Pointing to the light bulb on the ceiling, it was burnt out and turned black.

Ye Xuan nodded:"Don't worry, it's easy to change the light bulb."

It is estimated that men and women have different structures. Electronic circuit problems that men think are simple will become extremely complicated in the eyes of women.

Ye Xuan took the light bulb that the beauty took out, stood on a plastic chair, and began to change Light bulb.

At this moment, the door opened with a bang.

The beauty subconsciously turned her head to look over, but accidentally hit the chair where Ye Xuan was standing with her foot.

The beauty tripped and fell to the ground.

And Ye Xuan also fell and fell directly on the beauty.

Ye Xuan:"……"


Dad who just came in:"……"

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet~~

Ye Xuan smiled awkwardly:"Ahem...Uncle, I said everything was a misunderstanding, do you believe it?"~~"

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