Ignoring the pain in her body and head, Tu Nian retreated into the corner of the bed and grabbed the quilt along with it. However, what she didn't expect was that Bo Qiu was naked under the quilt.

Without the only covering, Bo Qiu's strong body was suddenly exposed.

Depend on! Male model!

This was the only thought in Tu Nian's mind at that moment.

As a designer, she couldn't stand the almost perfect muscles dazzling in front of her eyes. To put it bluntly, she had never seen such a beautiful body even when she was choosing a model partner in school.

Looking at her huddled up with eyes a little funny, Boqiu slowly said: "It's so cold."

"……Feel sorry."

Tu Nian hurriedly averted her eyes, and covered him with the quilt again with a stiff expression. She tried her best to keep her gaze focused during the whole process.

So far, the free part is enough to make people's blood rush. It is conceivable that once there is any paid content, it is probably not something that this fragile heart of only fifteen years old can bear on its own.

When the quilt was sent over, she realized that she was wearing clothes, so she simply stopped worrying about the quilt, calmly pulled out of the quilt, crossed her legs in the corner of the bed, and looked at the man on the bed.

"Brother Jian?" Tu Nian called tentatively.

"Uh-huh." Boqiu responded to her with a half-smile.

Damn it, the sword has become a spirit. Can this be said?

For a moment, Tu Nian's mind was spinning. He couldn't tell whether it was because he was frightened or because he was still hungover. In short, the scene was too weird and he couldn't accept it.

However, out of consideration for personal face, no matter how panicked she was in her heart, she looked calm on the outside.

This calmness was unexpected by Bo Qiu. His eyebrows moved slightly, and a hint of meaning flashed in his eyes, "You don't seem to be surprised."

Bo Qiu's voice was in the sword and outside the sword, like the difference between being across a box and being released from the box. The cold and lazy tone slipped into the ear, making Tu Nian's heart skip a beat.


She opened her mouth, and her calm expression was torn apart by embarrassment.

Bo Qiu was keenly aware that his heart was like a mirror, but he had no intention of taking advantage of her, and he was looking forward to her reaction with interest.

Facing his shiny black eyes, Tu Nian couldn't maintain her forced calmness. She took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I was drunk last night."


"When I'm drunk, I lose consciousness and can't remember what happened."


Tu Nian was extremely mad.

Is this sword sincere? Why would saying two more words make you exhausted? Can't you understand what I mean?

Obviously Bo Chun is sincere. He found it very interesting to see Tu Nian pulling himself up for the sake of face.

After thinking about it for a few rounds, Tu Nian finally realized that this Thousand Sword Killer was hanging on himself here, so he simply broke the jar and said straight away: "Just tell me, what happened to me yesterday?" Didn’t I put you to sleep tonight?”

Bo Qiu just suddenly realized that he shouldn't have pulled the one who was out of line, because the one who was out of line wouldn't play around with you, so she just tore it off and pulled her down.

This question was as loud as a bell and had great power. He, who had experienced many battles, would never be able to ask this question again.

No, who girl talks like that?


After reacting for a moment, Bo Qiu coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing." Well, I wanted to tease this girl, but instead I got into trouble for myself.

Facts have proved that as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed. After Tu Nian let herself go, she became much more angry. She folded her arms and looked at him in the corner, "Then please explain why I woke up sore all over, and why you were naked in my bed."

After a pause, she raised the tone and added, "We've even talked about this and you're still naked!"

Bo Chun was also an old man, and the feeling of embarrassment would never last more than three sentences on him.

Slowly standing up, he wrapped the quilt around his waist with a calm expression, revealing half of his familiar body, leaning on the bed and saying: "My whole body aches because I possessed your body last night, and you and I are in love." If it doesn’t fit, you will feel uncomfortable.”

"As for being naked," he raised an eyebrow at Tu Nian, "I just transformed, where did I get my clothes?"

Tu Nian originally wanted to ask him about the possession, but when he heard that the other person's reason for running naked was so nonsensical, he laughed angrily on the spot and asked instead: "What are you keeping the spell for? Can't you just change it and use it?"

Bo Qiu said calmly: "The original source has been used up, and it cannot be changed."

Tu Nian was startled and frowned, "Are you kidding me?"

Bo Qiu always talks about the power of the source, but she still has some idea of ​​how powerful it can be. After running out of money in one night, is he going to save the world?

Glancing at her with a slight contempt, Bo Qiu said: "You don't think it's easy to transform, do you?"

Tu Nianmo.

Is not it? Otherwise, what's the point of transforming into a human being when he has nothing to do? Is the picture pretty?

Looking at her light expression, Bo Qiu narrowed his eyes and leaned closer to her, "Let me remind you, I possessed you last night because you were drunk and smashed things like crazy."

Tu Nian was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. She didn't ask whether he really wanted to be naked or had no choice but to do so. She raised her eyes in disbelief and looked at Bo Qiu, who was only a slap away from her, and asked hesitantly: "What did I do yesterday?" Late, have you gone crazy drinking?"


His breath was warm, blowing on Tu Nian's cheek, mixed with a faint peach blossom fragrance, but Tu Nian had no intention of this.

Her voice trembled slightly, "You're still breaking things?"

Bo Qiu smiled softly and helped her recall the details, "It was still aimed at people."

Normally, this solid beauty critical attack would have shattered Tu Nian's psychological defense on the spot, but at this moment, "Huh."

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, "Tell me, how much did you lose last night?"

Bo Qiu shrugged, "Even the bowls, plates, cups, and belts to apologize to others, one hundred and fifty top grade."


It turns out that if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will really suffer the consequences.

One hundred and fifty high-grade, plus the ones who had eaten and stayed in the hotel yesterday, Tu Nian took out the money bag from the mustard seeds and looked at the few dozen high-grade spiritual stones inside, and his heart almost broke.

Leaning back on the bed, Bo Qiu said leisurely: "You don't have a long memory. If you have to possess me every time you drink, you will not be able to escape the headache and foot pain even if your body is not broken."

"Being transformed, at least I won't waste any money and can stop your drunken madness."

Tu Nian looked sad and said, "Sir, you are righteous."

Indeed, this reason was very convincing, and Tu Nian quickly accepted this explanation. However, I am afraid that only he himself knows what Bo Qiu's true purpose is.

After briefly reaching out to interrupt the girl's sadness, Boqiu said: "Don't think about it, get me some clothes first."

No matter how mature he is, it would be quite strange for him to be free from work whenever he has something to do.

It’s finally out, the chief male model, prpr

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