Chapter 9 9. About to be discovered!
Fang Zhou glanced at Jiang Chuxia in astonishment. He didn't expect that this ugly and poor little orc had powers above level A.

Then again, he is already an A-level or above superpower, how can he still do so poorly? ? ?
Jiang Chuxia's ripped clothes were swaying in front of Fang Zhou's eyes. His mind was stuck and he couldn't figure out what kind of special hobby this was.

This is the highest floor of the Galaxy Building. The other twenty competitors are waiting in the room. The only table is a rectangular table.

Jiang Chuxia, who came last, and Fang Zhou, who came second to last, faced each other, and they all looked away.

Three minutes later, Sha Liuguang opened the door and walked in.

He was wearing black clothes today, which almost blended into the black wings on his back, making him think of Satan for no reason.

Today, Sha Liuguang is not as frivolous as when we first met, but is much more serious.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat and said, "All of you here are the best superpowers on Planet 44 this year. There are five S-levels and 16 A-levels. You are all here to compete for places in Hope Academy. , I don’t need to say more.”

"I'll just briefly talk about the rules of the first game. In the first game, lots are drawn, twenty people are one-on-one, one person has a bye, two out of three games, the winner goes to the next game."

He paused and said: "Those who fail, don't be discouraged, 300 billion star coins will still be reserved for you."


Jiang Chuxia thought he was going to say, "Let's start drawing lots now," but Sha Liuguang glanced at them with a serious expression and said, "Now let's do a full physical examination first."

Jiang Chuxia:? ? !

Other Orcs:? ? ?

"Why do we need a physical examination?" A purple-haired orc with a bobbed head raised his hand and asked with a frown. He suffered from a hidden disease and hated this kind of full-body examination.

The rest of the people also rustled and expressed their dissatisfaction.

The orcs are more or less genetically broken. Many of the orcs don't look weird when they put on their clothes. But when they take off their clothes, you can see that they have a rotten piece of skin here, an eye there, and an incomplete development. ...It's to the point where I don't even want to see it.

Almost all orcs have an extremely strong sense of privacy.

They have not undergone a full physical examination, so naturally they are very opposed to it.

Jiang Chuxia was even more worried that after a full physical examination, the machine would discover that she was different from other orcs, and her bleak life would begin from then on.


Sha Liuguang clapped his hands and said: "I know this is hard to accept, but in the past few days, the empire discovered a dormant warehouse on Planet 44, with a human woman inside."

There was an uproar.

Extinct humans have complete genes. As long as their genes are obtained, they can completely get rid of genetic collapse and live to be 80 to 40 years old. Among the orcs with an average age of [-] to [-] years old, they are comparable to longevity.

And a human woman is even more precious. If she gives birth to her own child, she has a chance to become the king of the empire, not to mention becoming a great noble!


Is this inside information that they can hear? ? ?He wouldn't want to kill anyone and silence him, would he? ? !

Jiang Chuxia was also shocked that he actually said it directly!Shouldn't this be investigated secretly? !

After admiring everyone's shocked expressions, Sha Liuguang took a sip of tea. He was also so shocked when he first learned the news.

Seeing others shocked is comforting.

Some orcs quickly realized that the matter was not that simple, otherwise they would not have required a full physical examination.

The name of the purple-haired bob-headed orc is Kang Wenyue. His lake-blue eyes are like snakes staring at the flowing light, "Where is that human woman now?"

"did not find."

did not find? ? ?
Is it difficult for the Muka Empire to find a black human from 20 years ago?

Everyone was puzzled, and then suddenly remembered that the planet under their feet, in the interstellar era, did not have widespread surveillance, and there were as many black people as there were on the abandoned planet No. 44!
As long as that human being is smart, blending into the crowd is like a drop of water blending into the ocean, don't make it too easy! "According to human data, most humans have overwhelming powers, so you all need to undergo a physical examination."

"Especially some of you gangsters."

Sha Liuguang looked at Jiang Chuxia and other ten orcs from the black households, and took another sip of tea.

He has only 21 people, and half of them are gangsters, which shows the chaos on Planet 44.

Sha Liuguang did not doubt that there was a human woman here. Human women were short. It was said that their average height was only 1.6 meters, which was very conspicuous in the orc world where the average person was two meters tall.

There is only one black man named Jiang Chuxia here who is short in height, only 1.7 meters, but this orc, with red and black skin, is uglier than many people with genetic collapse.

It can't be a beautiful human woman who looks like an immortal.

Unaware of the magic of makeup, Quliuguang missed a valuable opportunity to capture a human woman.

After he finished testing these 21 people in distress, he had to go everywhere to find the runaway human woman.

He was obviously full of confidence when he came, but who would have thought that Planet 44 would be a more difficult place than he imagined...

"right here."

Sha Liuguang took them to a room and lined up for a full physical examination.

The machines and equipment here are very high-end. Jiang Chuxia was quietly ranked in the middle and back position. It would not look too far back and weird, but not too far forward. He was the first to undergo a physical examination.

damn it!What to do? !

I never expected that there would be such a thing as a full body examination!
Jiang Chuxia really wanted to give up the exam, but this was too conspicuous. It was equivalent to saying: "Look! Look! I am the human woman you are looking for!"

She glanced at the 21 people present. Everyone's abilities were above level A. It was absolutely impossible for her to defeat them all alone.

Jiang Chuxia secretly observed the position of the windows and doors, planning to slip away when everyone was relaxed.

Although he will face endless pursuit in the future, he can survive one day at a time!

Ahhhh!Why can't she think about going to that hope school?

Isn’t it 300 billion? !

Jiang Chuxia felt mmp in her heart and smiled on her face.

She looked away from the chain in front of her where she could vaguely see the shape of her body.

Damn it!He even had to take off his clothes!
Jiang Chuxia was calculating how to run away so that she would have a higher chance of success, and her expression naturally felt a little uncomfortable.

"You look nervous."

Fang Zhou, who was lined up behind her, patted her shoulder and whispered. His tone was light, but it frightened Jiang Chuxia.

Jiang Chuxia maintained a smile and said: "My genes are broken and I don't like to be seen by other orcs..."

Fangzhou nodded: "In the eyes of doctors, we are all just lumps of color."

Jiang Chuxia didn't realize for a moment that he was trying to comfort her.

"The next one is Jiang Chuxia."

"Come on, we are all color blocks." Fang Zhou, who knew nothing, encouraged her.

Jiang Chuxia walked in stiffly.

In the eyes of the nurse, take off your clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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