Chapter 10 10.A-level powers vs. SS-level powers

The partition made of curtains was wide, and wisps of cool wind blew on her body. Jiang Chuxia took off her clothes neatly.

The doctors who came for the examination, like Qu Liuguang, came here from the capital planet to look for the human woman.

The doctor didn't want to come to Planet 44, but the Yan family gave him too much.

He was not interested in the male orc's body. He was very disgusted after seeing too much of it. The thought of the naked and ugly body made him want to vomit.

He gave it a cursory glance.

Well, there are all the things that a male should have, and none of the things that a male should have.

The doctor waved his hand and asked Jiang Chuxia to put on her clothes and go out to do other projects.

Jiang Chuxia got dressed.

Under the cover of the clothes, only Jiang Chuxia could feel the black mist that transformed into a male orc, gradually retracting into his body.


The physical examination was completed quickly.

Sha Liuguang took out a box and asked them to draw lots.

Sha Liuguang said: "There are a total of 21 lots here, and 20 of them have your names written on them. One-on-one, best of three games. There are ten groups in total. One of them who is lucky will get a bye."

Jiang Chuxia and the others lined up to draw lots.

Jiang Chuxia's luck has always been bad. If she had been lucky, she wouldn't have come to this planet┐(─__─)┌
Therefore, Jiang Chuxia naturally did not get a bye.

Her signature read: "Guan Yian."

Jiang Chuxia looked for him based on the name on the signature. He was a person with a weak sense of presence. He also looked like a poor orc. He was dressed very simply and had many patches on his clothes.

In fact, most of the orcs chosen here are from wealthy families, and most of their fathers' generation came from other planets to spend time in prison.

It takes money and ability to commit serious crimes that can lead to being driven to Planet 44. The genes of their descendants are more stable than those of the natives of Planet 20 who faced genetic collapse in their teens and 44s.

They are also richer than the indigenous people on this planet and can afford to send their children to school in the distant and expensive capital planet.
Most of the low-level orc families on this planet are poor, and being able to meet their food and clothing problems is a great victory.

They have awakened better powers, and they hope that their children can stay on this planet and find a decent and stable job, that is, they can directly turn over and become human beings.

You said that the future will be better after leaving Star 44.

But the spaceship ticket to any other planet is a huge amount of money, specifically to allow the orcs on Planet 44 to live forever, and their descendants will be here.

Therefore, Jiang Chuxia was inexplicably excited when she saw a person as poor as herself among 20 rich people.

Guan Yian was about 1.9 meters tall, with long black hair covering his grape-purple eyes. Guan Yian politely lifted his hair and smiled shyly at Jiang Chuxia.

Jiang Chuxia also smiled at him.

The first meeting between competition and competitors was quite harmonious.

Guan Yian is an A-level superpower user. He said that he first awakened his superpower when he was three years old. However, when he was three years old, the level of his first superpower awakening was not high, only D level.

"I used to work in a factory near my home. I originally wanted to spend my life in an ordinary way, but I didn't expect that I would be able to awaken my A-level powers after my second awakening. However, my A-level powers are also very weak. Just 0.01 past the A-level line.”

He scratched his fluffy hair, feeling very ashamed of his power level.

Jiang Chuxia said: "I didn't awaken for the first time when I was 18 years old."

Guan Yian was shocked and said: "No wonder your power level is so high."

Seeing Jiang Chuxia's confusion, Guan Yian explained: "Those who awaken their powers late will either never be able to awaken their powers forever, or the level of their powers is very high."

For example, his former neighbor was still a otaku who stayed at home doing nothing every day at the age of 20. He almost couldn't pay the rent several times.

Just when his landlord couldn't stand it anymore and was afraid that he would die at home one day and the house price would be affected, so he wanted to kick him out. That neighbor quietly awakened his A-level power and claimed to have disappeared from their sight.

It is said that he went to other planets and lived very well.

But this was all five or six years ago, why should he think about this?

When Guan Yian recalled, the lots in Sha Liuguang's hand had been drawn, and all the orcs stood together with their competitors, sizing them up secretly.

There was only one person who stood out and stood alone, and that was the orc who was extremely lucky and got a bye.He is a white-haired orc with a cute baby face. I wonder if he is over 16 years old.

The white-haired orc said openly: "Thank you all the unlucky people for giving me this opportunity ε(><)з"

Hard, fist hard.

One sentence made everyone hate him.

The white-haired orc immediately became the focus of the audience.

In the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, he hummed a little tune, lay down on the soft sofa, and closed his eyes, as if he was not here to compete for a place in the school, but to continue sleeping in another place.

As soon as he lay down, within a few seconds, he raised his head again and said with a smile: "Come on, I've always had better luck, so I won't compete with you*^_^*"

Really want to hit people, really want to hit people.

Jiang Chuxia considered himself a person with a good temper, but when he saw this white hair, he couldn't help but feel angry.

Why can this kind of orc be so lucky, but she can't?

Jiang Chuxia was indignant and deeply remembered the name of this white-haired orc - Bai Shang.

"Because the space is limited, you can compete slowly in groups."

Sha Liuguang fired into the sky to announce the start.

The first group to play was an A-level versus an S-level.

Ability is used as a form of privacy. Most people only know the level of the other person's ability, but they don't know what the specific ability is.

The gaps between each level vary widely.

Xin Zhirong, the first A-level superpower to appear, was unlucky to meet S-level Ma Gai. His psychological quality was not very good and he walked onto the battlefield shivering.

Xin Zhirong's round cat eyes were gleaming, and there seemed to be tears and flowers flowing in them, making people think that someone was bullying him.

The orcs standing next to him have already begun to buy and leave. Guess who will win?

Kang Wenyue put his head in his hands and affirmed: "There is no need to look at this, then Ma Gai must win."

"That Xin Zhirong looks delicate and frail, like a female."

When Xin Zhirong heard their discussion on the stage, there were more tears in his eyes, and he looked like a crumbling little white flower.

His opponent, Ma Gai, sneered, "Looking at your appearance, I can't even bear to fight you. How about you just surrender? Don't embarrass the Xin family."

Ma Gai seems to know Xin Zhirong.

Speaking of asking the opponent to surrender, Ma Gai did not move his hands at all.

In the blink of an eye, huge stones appeared all around Xin Zhirong. These stones floated in the air and fell to the ground, surrounding Xin Zhirong in a circle.

Xin Zhirong was trembling, and the red circles under his watery eyes were getting heavier.

Ma Gai Jie Jie laughed. He controlled the stones to fly towards Xin Zhirong, especially towards his face.

Some soft-hearted orcs didn't even dare to look at how sad this little and delicate orc would be if he was disfigured. They turned their eyes away and looked at the sky and the earth.

Listen to Ma Gai say arrogantly:
"Xin Zhirong, you are such a little waste, you are so ashamed of your father's genes, ahhhh——"

Magai's laughter stopped abruptly.

There was a sound of "Shusuo——" in the air.

He was unprepared and was swept high into the air by the huge green vines that came out of the ground, and fell into the wall like a swing.

The flimsy wall panels created a large orc-shaped crater.

Xin Zhirong's eyes were red, like a cute little white rabbit. The little white rabbit wiped away his tears: "Brother toilet seat, ah! Brother Ma Gai! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!"

Having said that, his A-level abilities are not ambiguous at all.

Before Ma Gai could react, "Bang Bang Bang" picked him up and slammed him against the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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