Chapter 34 34. The path to the Garden of Eden
That's what she called him, but Bai Shang also knew that it was definitely not his mother.

Apart from anything else, if you wear a skirt in broad daylight and reveal your obvious feminine features, you shouldn't be so unreasonable!

The thing pretending to be his mother was smashed by his "Are you finally crazy?" She didn't react for a moment, so Bai Shang approached her.

The spiritual power can be cracked by finding the weirdest and most core ones. Bai Shang raised his stool and smashed it on the thing.

The stool made a loud noise, and the skull of the pretended fucking thing was shattered, leaving disgustingly real brains inside.

She smiled happily, and the white rough short hair grew and turned golden, until it reached the edge of her neck. Her rough face also became young and smooth, and her black eyes turned into turquoise.

The home in the illusion was broken piece by piece, revealing its true appearance again, and the Ark that replaced the things in the illusion stood in place.

He faced Bai Shang, his green eyes were dull and a little hopeless.

His super-powerful edge wall unfolded, but it did not wrap around Bai Shang. Instead, he used the golden edge wall to block the stones thrown by Bai Shang.


Bai Shang: “Ahhhh——”

Bai Shang: "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

If Ark is so strong, he will definitely not be hurt by a weakling like him. If he is, then Ark is not good!

Bai Shang wanted to say this. He was born with a tongue, but he also knew how to find someone to talk to.

Obviously you can’t offend your only companion Ark here!

Although he felt that he definitely did not hurt Ark, what if he did?
Ark: "No."

I just called him 'Mom'.

The sound of 'Mom' also made Fangzhou take a second look at Bai Shang. He didn't expect that this orc was also a natural baby, not one who came from a breeding base.

The white fog became thicker and thicker. With experience, Bai Shang no longer fell into illusion.

"This is worse than a fantasy!!!"

Bai Shang ran with Ark on the purple grass that turned red.

The purple grass turned into red grass, making a gurgling sound and steaming bubbles rising upwards. "Whose grass will turn into a volcano!!!"

Bai Shang couldn't help but jump up. The mutated red grass that was at least fifty or sixty degrees burned the soles of his shoes.

Bai Shang felt that he was the duck of the Iron-clawed Duck.

The reflective Ark running with him was not so embarrassed. The versatile ridged walls were padded on the soles of his shoes and served as the soles of his special shoes.

The red grass became darker and hotter, and they kept running towards the light grass. The temperature of the grass was decreasing, and the white mist in the air was also getting lighter.

Soon, Bai Shang and Fang Zhou came to a flat land with only thin white mist. The grass under their feet was still purple and had not yet had time to mutate into red.

Bai Shang shook his almost-ripened feet while missing his mother in his heart, "Mom! Your son is about to be ripe..."

"What the hell is this place, the grass mutates! Is it also a rare treasure?"

Thinking of the rare treasures, Bai Shang suddenly remembered that the purple grass mutated suddenly, and Bai Shang had no time to pick up the rare treasures he placed on the ground.

He ran away!

He ran away!

Bai Shang was heartbroken. Fang Zhou worked hard to kill the beast guarding the rare treasures. He worked hard to pick up the rare treasures, but now in an instant, they were all gone.

I wonder if there is still a chance to go back and pick it up?

Bai Shang thought about it, but he didn't really want to be cannon fodder.

Ark pointed forward: "Where is there a road?"

This was the first road they saw after coming to Wansen Mirror.

Flat grassland, faint white mist, the white mist spits out a winding path, leading to the lush forest.

In front of the path, there is a direction sign.

It says "Garden of Eden".

(End of this chapter)

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