Chapter 33 33. Are you finally crazy?
A thick white mist suddenly appeared all around.

Purple grass rustles, caressing Bai Shang and Ark's trouser legs.

Gentle and intimate, like a lover's hands.

The trees moved their roots, approaching them step by step.

Lines of sight looked at the two people from top to bottom, from left to right.

Fangzhou looked around cautiously, and Snow Leopard's ears twitched.

The Wansen Mirror is a relic of the Beast God. It is rich in rare treasures, but many orcs have forgotten that it was once one of the most dangerous places.

Fangzhou moved slightly and pulled the pale Bai Shang to his side.

Bai Shang pointed to the card on his wrist and whispered: "Danger - Danger -"

This is a danger you don’t even need to look at.

Fang Zhou probably knows that Bai Shang's special abilities are used to measure luck, but the difference between 0 and 100 luck is probably too big.

He condensed his own special power, "S-Wall".

Subconsciously, Fang Zhou felt that he could not breathe the white mist. A wall composed of golden diamonds surrounded Bai Shang and Fang Zhou.

However, the wall failed to prevent the white mist from spreading.

Little by little, it seeped into the walls like ubiquitous oxygen. Breathing gradually became difficult. The air was heating up and was unusually warm. It was like returning to the mother's arms, making the orcs want to fall asleep.

Fangzhou took out a small knife from the space and stabbed his arm. Blood flowed down. The pain made him sober.

He also stabbed the knife into Bai Shang's hand, but it was too late.

Bai Shang returned home.

Females are rare, and the low-level females that make up the largest proportion of females can only be used as partners during the estrus period. After they become pregnant, the orcs they give birth to have low IQs.The husband of a medium-sized female is generally reluctant to let his female get pregnant and give birth to a child with half the IQ that may have problems.

Therefore, two-thirds of the new orcs in the Muka Empire were born from the breeding base.

Bai Shang was born to a middle-aged female.

Orcs often praise how gentle and beautiful females are. However, gentle and beautiful females are always superior females or viviparous females.

They are symbols of money and power, rare and expensive.Bai Shang was born on Planet No. 44. His mother was not beautiful, nor was she pretty, just an average female orc.

But she has an IQ comparable to that of a viviparous female.

"Bai Shang."

On a hot summer day, the mother standing in front of him was wearing heavy clothes and her face was covered with sweat.

The neighbor always joked: "Baicao, it's such a hot day, take off your thick clothes!"

Her mother, Bai Cao, would shout in a rough voice: "The genetic collapse is too serious, I'm afraid I'll scare you to death!"

"Hahahahahaha... none of us have genetic collapse, so we are still afraid of you."

But Baicao refused to take it off no matter what, and laughed.

Bai Cao himself, an orc, took Bai Shang to Planet 44. From the time he was born until he was 19 years old, no one knew that Bai Cao was a female.

His biological mother was the first orc he saw dressed as a male.

The performance was natural.

Since then, Bai Shang has often wondered, among the middle-level orcs, there are all those whose genes have mutated and have high intelligence. Among high-level females and viviparous females, will there be orcs who also pretend to be male?
A higher-level female pretending to be a male must be very beautiful, right?
Bai Cao was silent for a moment, then laughed again: "Maybe."

She smiled in an imageless way, had nothing to do with being pretty, and was even more rude than Lao Wang next door.

So, when Bai Shang returned home, he saw his mother wearing a beautiful dress and looking at him with a smile.

Bai Shang was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat.

"Mom? Are you finally crazy?"

 Thank you to the little angels who voted for recommendation~

  mwah! ! ! ——


(End of this chapter)

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