Su Mumu opened her eyes, wow!

Who can believe that her eyes and teeth have been replaced again.

Now it's Hair's turn. Does God treat her as his own daughter?

No, you can’t say that.

When my father hears this, he will probably cry again.

Another hour passed, and Su Mumu looked like a sun in the night sky, making people afraid to look directly at it, so they could only kneel down and worship.

This night was engraved in the bones of all the fishermen in the fishing village. Later, every time they told their children and grandchildren, they would mention that year, that day, and that god!

Taoist priest Xuanling and Qing Yi both looked at the sky silently, their hearts warm.

Su Mumu opened her eyes. Is she considered a demigod or a demigod now?

Her strength increased, benefiting the three beasts as well, and they rolled around in the small world.

"Master, senior brother! I have a breakthrough, I have immortal bones!" No one else could hear her words, only they heard her words.

"Hahaha, okay, okay! That's great! My apprentice has immortal bones."

"Qing Yi, break my master's bones and make soup for you." Taoist priest Xuanling smiled as if he was about to go crazy, making Qing Yi unconsciously stay away from him.

"Junior sister, congratulations! Senior brother knows you can do it." Qing Yi touched her hair.

"Eldest brother, you can also feel what I have gained this time." Su Mumu held the hand of the elder brother and passed on her understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.

Qing Yi immediately meditated and studied. The junior sister had just made a breakthrough and had the deepest understanding at this moment.

Taoist Master Xuanling was envious, but not jealous, because his Tao was different from the two of them.

He continued to protect the Dharma for his two apprentices and let the fishermen go home to rest.

Chu Ningyan kept waiting aside and did not go to rest.

He was willing to stay with them like this, and he felt at ease looking at them.

I sat here until the next morning, feeling very hungry.

Fortunately, the village chief has arranged for someone to prepare a meal, which is waiting here for them to eat.

"So hungry!" This was the first thing Su Mumu said when she opened her eyes!

Qing Yi let out a long breath and said, "Thank you so much, junior sister."

"Elder brother, let's eat quickly!" Su Mumu didn't care at all. Of course, good things should be shared with each other.

She has been led by her elder brother since she was a child, and they have followed the same path.

"Director, we can still use those boats after cleaning and repairing them..." The chief of the fishing village was reluctant to throw away such a good thing.

I don’t know what the three Taoist priests plan to do with it. If they want to sell it, several of their villages will pool their money to buy one.

Taoist Master Xuanling looked at the two disciples, "Zhuan, are you and Mu Mu useful?"

Su Mumu looked at the village chief and said, "Village chief, I will give you the boat. When the imperial navy fights the Japanese pirates, can you organize a private team?"

"This ship can't just be used for fishing, it must be used to fight the enemy if necessary. I haven't damaged the cannons inside, they are all good."

"You can let the Navy people teach you how to use it. Only when you are strong can you scare the enemy." Su Mumu doesn't need a boat, but she needs everyone to rise up and resist.

Those Japanese pirates just bully the common people and have no weapons!

"Yes! We can organize a team. Second Prince, can you help us hire a coach?"

"Everyone, regardless of age or sex, can practice martial arts! Even if you can't go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, if you encounter Japanese pirates, it's still good to drag them to death together."

"I'm an old man. If I'm not afraid of death, it's useless to be afraid of death." The village chief patted his chest. Chu Ningyan nodded immediately, "Okay! Don't worry, village chief, I will arrange a few more instructors for you. We will explore everyone's talents in multiple ways and strive for all people to practice martial arts."

"Mu Mu, I will also arrange for people to teach them artillery, and then fire gunpowder during unified operations. Send them to the navy."

"Thank you, the second prince, and thank you to the three Taoist priests." The village chief was so happy that he wiped away tears. After so many years, their fishing village finally had hope.

Chu Ningyan was busy with the navy dispatching troops and also with rebuilding the disaster area.

It is visible to the naked eye that he has lost weight. He is tall and thin. Now at the age of thirteen, he is a little shorter than Qing Yi.

The voice changed into a drake voice. At first, Su Mumu thought that he was hoarse from exhaustion, until the voice lasted for half a month.

The sun on the beach was so hot that everyone was sweating. She pointed at the amusement on Chu Ningyan's face and said, "I'm here to clear the fire for you, brother Ning Yan, you are an adult now!"

Others said this was better, but it was Su Mumu who said it.

Chu Ningyan wished she could just dig a hole on the beach and bury it for herself!

"Mumu, you are a girl. There are some things you cannot say. Just forget it if you have told me. Don't say it to anyone else in the future. Do you understand?" He taught his sister with a blushing face.

"What's wrong with you! I'm a girl, and I'm also a cultivator. Medicine is the most basic. Do you want it?" Su Mumu threw the bag directly to him, turned around and left.

"Mumu, are you angry? I am doing this for your own good. You will know when you grow up." Chu Ningyan followed Su Mumu to explain.

Su Mumu rolled her eyes, "I'm not angry, and I don't accept what you said is for my own good. My master and senior brother don't care about me here, I want you to care about me!"

You are so kind and treated like a donkey, you love so and so!

Chu Ningyan held the medicine bottle in her hand and sighed. Sister Mu Mu's temper was really getting worse.

But sister Mumu who loses her temper is so cute.

"Second cousin, I'm here! I'm here with the imperial edict!" Chai Yugui's voice came over.

Also followed were Xiong Anxing, Zhuang Yuanlei, and Xie Yao.

"Why are you here? Who is in charge of things in Nan Province?" Chu Ningyan didn't expect them to come over and asked immediately!

"Oh my, second cousin, what's your expression! There's no way your father will leave his country to us child soldiers."

"Now that Magistrate Yao has been taken into custody, he has been replaced by Magistrate He recommended by Lord Meng. This person is quite capable." Chai Yugui felt that he could finally relax after working hard for so long.

So when he saw Long Wei delivering the imperial edict, he followed him over.

"Master Meng recommends it, so there is nothing wrong with it. Reconstruction cannot be done in a day or two. Someone should take over." Chu Ningyan recognized Master Meng Hemeng.

"No, I heard that the fight on your side is in full swing, and the merchants who come and go blow you up to the sky."

"Japanese pirates kill as many as they come. Now the fishermen go to the sea to fish, practice martial arts and cannons." Chai Yugui's blood began to boil when he heard this.

He had heard from his grandfather about many of the evil deeds of Japanese pirates, and the blood in his bones was hot. He also wanted to chop off the heads of several Japanese pirates.

"That's not a joke, it's to give them the ability to protect themselves in the future. You read the imperial edict first." Chu Ningyan said to the person who delivered the edict.

"Second Prince, the Emperor asked his subordinates to hand over the imperial edict to you to read to the navy. And the military pay is behind, and the subordinates will also accompany you to attack the Japanese island." Long Wei knelt on the ground.

"Military pay? Those old men in the court must not stand up and object!"

"But in the end, my father will definitely win, and that's enough!" Chu Ningyan said proudly.

"Last time, all the belongings of my second uncle and those people were surrendered, which was enough for the treasury's income for three years. With this money, can the emperor's uncle not afford it?" Chai Yugui felt that this was not a matter of money at all. (End of chapter)

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