"We don't want the money! Regarding the Japanese pirates, the imperial court will send troops. Old man, please get up!" Su Mumu softened her heart when she saw the village chief like this.

The senior brother had just explained it to her, and she could still empathize with him.

"No, no, no, the Taoist priests saved our whole village. This is what we should do, and you also used medicine."

"When the imperial court sends troops to fight against Japanese pirates, we fishermen will also join us. All the young and middle-aged people in our village who know water will contribute." The village chief quickly expressed his stance, but his face was sad.

I've heard this so many times over the years.

Every time I have faith, but in the end...

This time the Japanese pirates were even more ferocious, destroying one village after another.

"Take this money back. Those medicines are free of charge. We are Taoists and we don't lie." Taoist Master Xuanling couldn't even taste the food in his mouth.

The suffering in this world is boundless.

The current emperor is good, but it will take several years for these good things to be brought to every common person in Zhou Dynasty.

"Thank you, Taoist Master! Can you please ask the Taoist Master to stay with us for a while?"

"The Japanese will definitely come again. They will not let us go." The village chief knelt on the ground. The village could not bear the Japanese's revenge.

Even if they escape, they don't know where to escape.

If you leave your hometown, you may not necessarily be taken in by other counties.

"We are just waiting for them to come. Don't worry, old man, we will live here. We will go to any fishing village where there is danger!" Qing Yi helped the village chief and made a promise.

The head of the fishing village felt relieved and arranged the best accommodation for them.

The wind at the beach smells fishy, ​​because so many people were killed, and there is also a smell of blood.

The next day, Chu Ningyan rushed over to meet them.

Together they guarded the fishing villages along the coast. While waiting for the court's approval, they repelled dozens of Japanese attacks.

Chu Ningyan made statistics every time, and there were more than 2,000 people in total.

"Mu Mu, why don't we go to sea and kill them in their hometown!" Chu Ningyan couldn't wait any longer.

"No, you have to wait for your father's imperial edict, otherwise Heaven will not approve it."

"There's no need to rush. As many as they come, we'll just sit here and kill them." Su Mumu was filled with murderous intent. She stared at the sea like a wolf ready to bite.

Chu Ningyan looked a little scared, "Then don't worry, I will listen to you."

Taoist priest Xuanling and Qing Yi were also aware of Su Mumu's situation. The two of them preached and recited sutras to Mumu whenever they had time.

They took Chu Ningyan to listen together. The murderous aura in these two children must be purified, otherwise they will easily become possessed.

However, before the imperial court's approval, the Japanese launched a massive attack.

More than a dozen large ships arrived, estimated to have a total of three to four thousand people.

Chu Ningyan immediately lit the signal flare and asked the command post to send troops, and they began to prepare for the attack.

Su Mumu flew to the sea with her sword in hand, and everything from her hair to the soles of her feet turned fiery red.

Like a ball of flame, she smiled evilly, and the clear sky immediately turned into dark clouds.

"No, Mu Mu is about to go crazy, and a thunderstorm is coming!" Taoist Master Xuanling looked at the sky, and now he didn't know whether to protect Mu Mu or kill the Japanese.

Qing Yi stopped his master, "I believe in Mu Mu."

"She will also destroy these demons when she destroys the inner demons. Thunder Tribulation is a sharp weapon for her. We don't want to step forward, leave it to our junior sister."

Qing Yi had seen this scene in his dream, more than once.

"Is it possible?" Taoist priest Xuanling looked worried.

"If you can't, you have to do it. This is her last chance. Master, we have to believe in our little junior sister."

"She will definitely win this day and this damn game. Let those old things see clearly." Qing Yi raised his head and looked at the sky, if he couldn't.

He used all his cultivation to break the sky even if he exploded!

Taoist priest Xuanling nodded, "Okay!" If it doesn't work, he won't give up on the old bones that he has played with for nine generations.

Su Mumu appeared above more than a dozen Japanese pirate ships, like a god of death. Wind and clouds were rising, thunder and lightning struck her, and she was led to the ship.

Chu Ningyan looked at the fiery red Mu Mu who was wrapped in thunder and lightning. He looked at Taoist Xuanling and Qing Yi with fear.

"Master Heavenly Master, Imperial Master, why don't you go and help? What can I do? We can't let Mu Mu charge alone!" He was anxious.

"You take all the fishermen, set up the incense table, and pray for the junior sister. You must be sincere." Qing Yi looked at Chu Ning Yan and added, "This is quite important."

"Okay, I'll go now!" Chu Ningyan received a task and went to do it immediately.

Not only the current fishing village, he also asked people to notify all the villages along the coast, notifying as many as they could.

These fishermen are very honest. These days, the three Taoist priests have blocked waves of Japanese pirates for them.

And applied for relief food for them! Sick fishermen were also treated.

So everyone started to light the incense table and kneel there to pray devoutly.

Pray that Princess Su Mumu of Renyi will definitely defeat evil.

One by one, the starlight gathered into a piece and poured towards Su Mumu.

She used thunder and lightning to lock more than a dozen ships so that none of these people could escape. Every one of these people was evil, damn it!

To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people of Zhou Dynasty.

The entire sea surface was filled with flames, golden light and red light intertwined.

Even though they were so far apart, everyone seemed to hear screams, begging for mercy, and cursing.

When begging for mercy is useless and resistance is useless, the last resort of those Japanese is to curse.

Su Mumu didn't understand those jittery words!

I feel so annoyed!

Release three beasts to speed up your demise.

As for the supplies on these ships, she put them all away.

When the ninth thunder struck down, golden light surrounded her, forming a protective shield that absorbed the lightning.

She floated in mid-air, as if she had returned to her mother's body.

Blood, bones...all are being reshaped.

"Master, look!" Qing Yi pulled his master up into the air and looked at his little junior sister.

"Built a golden body! Is she going to ascend?" Taoist priest Xuanling was shocked!

"No, my junior sister misses too many people. She should finish this life and then ascend." Qingyi knew the junior sister very well.

"We succeeded!" Taoist priest Xuanling hugged his eldest disciple.

Qing Yi failed to control it well, and the two of them fell directly from the height, and they were about to be thrown into pieces in front of the fishermen.

Qing Yi couldn't afford to lose face, so he threw his master into the sea.

Taoist priest Xuanling swam in the sea excitedly, "Hahaha, good!"

"That's great! My Mumu is the best."

Listening to the cheers of Taoist Master Xuanling, Chu Ningyan's heart dropped, "National Master, is Mu Mu victorious?"

"Yeah!" Qing Yi's voice also sounded brisk.

Yes, victory!

Their persistence was right, Mu Mu won!

"Everyone, thank God, we Mumu have won!" Chu Ningyan cheered.

The fishermen also cheered and thanked God.

Maybe, God received so many thanks and poured some golden light into Mu Mu.

Sometimes, God also wants to save face. (End of chapter)

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