After receiving Zhang Ruanruan's private message, the three netizens were shocked and excited.

"Ahhh! I thought it was fake!"

"I am Ruanruan? Is it really me?"

"Ah? Zundu fake Dudu? Me?"

Zhang Ruoruan smiled and replied: "Yes, it's you, but I'll start with the ugly words. Apart from being non-toxic, I can't guarantee the other effects of the test product. It may give you a good sleep, or it may make you more energetic. I’m more excited than drinking coffee.”

"It's okay, it's okay! I can't sleep anyway, I'm happy to be Ruanruan's guinea pig!"

"As long as the poison doesn't kill me, I'll use it as soon as I get it. I'll give you feedback when the time comes."

"My address is……"

Zhang Ruanruan wrote down the delivery addresses of the three people.

They promised to ship the goods to them in three days.


the next day.


Zhang Ruoran went out on an electric tricycle.

She is going to fertilize the lychees.

Lychee trees that have had a lot of branches pruned need nutrients now.

Tricycles drive along dirt roads in the countryside.

Suddenly, at the corner ahead, a figure rushed out without warning.


Zhang Ruanruan suddenly braked.Due to the inertia, my butt temporarily left the seat cushion for two seconds.

"Walking without looking..."

Zhang Ruoran's scolding stopped abruptly.

Because she saw clearly this person who walked without looking at the road.

She knows this person.

Zhang Caishun, also known as Zhang Fool.

He is a famous fool in Qingping Village. His intelligence is not as good as that of a five-year-old primary school student. He should be about 25 years old this year. His daily activity is to walk around the village and chase whatever he sees, or be chased by the village dogs.

Now he suddenly rushed out, probably being chased by a dog.

Sure enough, when Zhang Ruoruan's idea just appeared, a black dog ran out from the corner. When it saw Zhang Caishun stopped, and Zhang Ruoruan was also there, it pretended that nothing happened and walked from the side. Walked over.

"Haha, it's my turn to chase you."

Then Zhang Caishun chased after him.

Seeing this scene, the anger on Zhang Ruoruan's face disappeared, and he shook his head in amusement.

Facing a fool, she seemed to have nothing to be angry about.


Zhang Ruanruan stared at Zhang Caishun's leaving back: "Did I sense this aura wrongly because I am not strong enough? Why is it a bit strange?"

Zhang Ruanruan couldn't help but think of the rumors about Zhang Caishun.

That happened in a certain year. It is said that Zhang Caishun suddenly stopped being stupid, spoke fluently, and his eyes were as clear and bright as a baby.

The first thing Zhang Caishun did when he returned to normal was to go straight to the fields and kowtow to his mother three times.

Afterwards, in a few days, the house was cleaned, the weeds in the fields were pulled out, and finally a house full of firewood was chopped.

Then he lay in bed and died.

This is the version Zhang Ruoran heard.

In her previous life, her first reaction after hearing this was five words: "Isn't this nonsense!"

But now it seems that it has an unusual taste.

"Is this an immortal who is going through a tribulation in the world of mortals?"

Zhang Ruanruan is concerned about this matter.

It seems that every village has one or two fools, and they are called village guards.According to folklore, villagers come to the human world to practice hard, so they generally suffer from five shortcomings and three shortcomings in this life.It wasn't until he had experienced all the suffering in the world and achieved perfection in practice that he finally woke up.

In other words, everyone suddenly stopped being stupid.

But Zhang Ruoruan still felt it was a bit nonsense.

There are so many villages in this country, and this fool's total number is not only a million but also a hundred thousand.

Are there so many powerful people in the world of immortality who come down to overcome the tribulation?
Zhang Ruoruan thought about the number of immortals he had seen in his previous life, and became more sure of his thoughts.

It's probably just a coincidence + the rumors are getting more and more outrageous as they spread.

"It's better to keep pooping."

Zhang Ruoruan turned the handle and drove the tricycle to the bamboo forest.

Thinking so much about what to do, pooping is the primary productive force.

Zhang Ruoruan started to pack the excrement, and then pulled it to the mountain ridge, the edge of the lychee garden.

After pulling a car, Zhang Ruoruan discovered the problem.

Efficiency is too slow.

The bamboo forest is some distance from the lychee garden. Including loading and unloading the dung, it actually took Zhang Ruoran almost 10 minutes to go back and forth.

too slow!
At this rate, it might take ten days to finish the work.

"This is too slow and doesn't work."

Zhang Ruanruan is not afraid of having to work hard for ten days, but the lychee tree that is waiting for food cannot wait that long.

A face with a scruffy beard suddenly appeared in Zhang Ruoruan's mind.

It was Zhang Caishun who he almost bumped into not long ago.

Zhang Ruoruan drove back to the village. Instead of going to the bamboo forest, he went to the farmland first.

With a quick glance, Zhang Ruoruan found the goal of this trip.

A woman was weeding the cherry tomatoes and checking the flowering and pollination status of the cherry tomatoes.

She was bent over, facing the loess with her back to the sky, and could not see her appearance.

Zhang Ruoruan walked over quickly and called out.

"Aunt Fengjiao."

Lin Fengjiao, Zhang Caishun’s mother.

Hearing the cry, Lin Fengjiao raised her head and looked over.

This is a face that contains weather and frost. The traces of time have raged crazily on her face, leaving dark and wrinkled marks.

"Yes... Ruanruan, what's the matter?"

Lin Fengjiao was a little embarrassed. She was uneducated, her husband died young, and she raised two children by herself, so her temperament had long been worn away.So when facing a junior like Zhang Ruoruan who looks glamorous, she is the one who is nervous.

"Are you free these days?" Zhang Ruoruan asked softly.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fengjiao didn't dare to answer.Just like a classmate who I haven't contacted for a long time suddenly asks "Are you there?" I don't dare to say you are here without saying something first.

"Yes." Seeing Lin Fengjiao's vigilance, Zhang Ruanruan did not take any detours: "I would like to ask you to help me fertilize for two days, 200 a day. Is it convenient? You can bring Zhang Caishun with you. If he can help with the work, it will also be 200." one day."

Zhang Ruanruan offered the market price. At this price, Lin Fengjiao could hire someone else if she didn't want to.

The reason why I asked Lin Fengjiao first was entirely out of Zhang Ruoruan's personal pity.

This woman is so pitiful.

Her husband died young, and one of her two sons was a fool, but she managed to get through it. She became both a mother and a father over the years, raised her two sons, and kept the house in order.

"Huh? I'm free! I'm free!"

After the initial surprise, Lin Fengjiao nodded quickly and agreed, but her face was still full of disbelief, thinking she heard the last two sentences wrong: "You said you can bring Caishun with you and give him a salary?"

"Yeah." Zhang Ruoruan nodded: "If he can work."

"He can, he can!" Lin Fengjiao was so excited that her eyes filled with tears.

In so many years, this is the first time someone is willing to give Zhang Caishun a job opportunity.

"That's good. Let me know when you're done and I'll take you to the lychee garden."

Zhang Ruoruan added Lin Fengjiao's WeChat account and went back to defecate.

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