this day.

Zhang Ruoruan first followed his usual habits, patrolling the farmland in the morning, eating and taking a nap at noon, and starting the live broadcast at three in the afternoon.

The location is chosen under the grape trellis.

Although there are no grape vines on the grape trellis now, there are tall mango trees next to it. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun sets, it can cast a shadow on the grape trellis.

Zhang Ruoruan prepared everything needed for making incense and arranged it on her homemade bamboo table.

The live broadcast mobile phone is placed in the middle of the table, facing the left side of the table, while Zhang Ruoran's materials are all placed on the right side, away from the camera range, so as not to be seen by the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the past few days while waiting for the arrival of the medicinal materials and the drying of agarwood, Zhang Ruoruan also did a lot of pre-production work.

Learned about modern handmade incense techniques and materials.

Without exception, the techniques and materials used are different from Zhang Ruoruan's.

After all, Zhang Ruanruan's prescription for calming the mind has entered the field of medicine refining.

Compared with traditional incense making, it is completely different.

So it’s better not to let others see the recipe and some production techniques.

If someone discovers his secret, it will be difficult for Zhang Ruoran to explain.

Zhang Ruoruan continued to prepare the items for making incense.

After placing the things, three or five pieces of charcoal were burned in the barbecue outside the camera.

There is no way, Zhang Ruanruan is still at zero cultivation level and cannot activate the spiritual energy flame, so he can only use charcoal fire instead.

If the big guys in the world of cultivating immortals found out about this, they would probably laugh their heads off.

The majestic empress was actually reduced to using charcoal fire to make medicine.

"There should be nothing missing."

Zhang Ruoran stood aside and counted one by one with his fingers.

After counting back and forth two or three times and not missing anything, I started the live broadcast.

The live broadcast was previewed, and hundreds of people quickly poured in, and then it exceeded [-], [-], [-], and all the way to [-].

"I'm coming."

"If nothing unexpected happens, I will learn something new today."

"In a word, does the fragrance sell?"

"Ruanruan is interested in incense? You can come to visit our company, which is not far from you."

Facing the floating barrage, Zhang Ruanruan simply waved his hand as a greeting.

As for those linkage requirements, just ignore them.

Because Zhang Ruoruan has no idea of ​​cooperating with anyone yet.

"Let's boil the agarwood until soft."

Zhang Ruoruan first showed a small pot in front of the camera. There was about ten centimeters of water in the bottom of the pot.

Then, Zhang Ruoruan took out the agarwood that had been dried before, chopped it into small pieces with a kitchen knife, and threw it all into the pot like spare ribs.

Finally, put the pot on the barbecue and bring to a boil.

"The recipe for making this incense belongs to a friend of mine, and it is still exclusive, so it is not convenient for me to show you some of the steps."

Zhang Ruoruan is no longer in the camera, but the sound can still be heard by the audience.

After saying this, she grabbed a handful of dried herbs on the table and threw them into the pot.

Cover the pot and wait quietly for the potion to boil and the agarwood to soften.

Zhang Ruoruan returned to the camera.

"Let me ask, do you all have insomnia at night?" Agarwood still needs to cook for another 10 minutes, so Zhang Ruoruan chats to pass the time.

Insomnia: "My name says it all."

I don’t understand: “You should ask how many people don’t have insomnia.”

The city walls are covered with deep vegetation: "Not only do I have insomnia, I'm also anxious, and I'm losing my hair. I'm obviously talented."

Happy Xiugou: "I forget when it started. I have to lie in bed for more than two hours every night before I can fall asleep. And my sleep is still very light. I can wake up at the slightest movement."

The world is hell: "I just stay up all night, don't ask me, I don't know if you ask me."

Theshy was stunned: "I can't sleep at night, I can't wake up during the day, I don't know who it is."

Zhang Ruoruan was a little surprised.

Judging from the barrage, there were really more people suffering from insomnia than she thought.

It seems that anxiety and insomnia per capita are really no joke.

Think about it, short videos have become very developed in 2018. People know a lot about upper-class life through short videos, but they are unable to obtain it.

In such an environment, there are only a few people who are not anxious.

"Then if there was a consumable product that could guarantee your sleep, how much would you be willing to spend a month on it?" Zhang Ruoruan asked again.

The audience in the live broadcast room reacted immediately.

"Is Ruanruan finally selling goods?"

"Is this a fragrance that can help you sleep? If it's true, I'd be willing to spend 500 a month."

"Make a price. I've had enough of this tossing and turning all night long. If it's really useful, you deserve to enjoy the Ancestral Temple."

"When I can't sleep at night, novels keep me company. If there is something that can help me fall asleep peacefully, I would be willing to stop being a reading member and buy this thing instead."

"I'm a student, can I get 12 yuan a month? I don't know about the King Pesticide Monthly Card."

"To be honest, it costs me [-] RMB to buy melatonin every month, but the effect is not great. So if the soft fragrance is really effective, I am willing to spend double the price to buy a month of sound sleep."

"I think a hundred or so a month is acceptable, which is the price of ten cups of milk tea. Of course, the premise of everything is that it is useful."

Barrage is still very sensible.

Although the quoted prices are somewhat different due to their income and cognition, everyone invariably adds a premise, if it is useful, if it is true.

Yeah, if it's useless, then it's worthless.

They are rich, but they are not fools.

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the barrage and had a vague price in his mind.

She answered everyone first: "There is a plan, but it is still under development. I don't know how effective it will be. I have said before that if I sell something, it will definitely be the only one in the entire network. It’s impossible for me to charge you until it’s completely perfected.”

Insomnia: "Is this the fragrance?"

"Yes." Zhang Ruoruan did not hide anything: "But I don't know the effect of this incense now, because today is actually the first trial of calming incense. I'd better wait until I make it and find someone to experience it first. "

Insomnia: "Anshenxiang? What a good name! I hope its effect can really be like this name, bringing peace of mind to all of us. I'll be the first to order it!"

.Gummy Bears acridine☆づ: “It’s been half a year since I broke up with you, and now I can’t fall asleep before twelve o’clock every night. I hope Ruanruan can put it on the shelves soon.”

Xingqiao Tiesuokai: "It's been almost half a year since I failed the college entrance examination. Now in junior college, I haven't had a good night's sleep. I hope Ruanruan can complete it as soon as possible so that I can have a good sleep. I want to be mentally strong enough to upgrade to a bachelor's degree."

Zhang Ruoruan didn't speak, but silently memorized the quick-note horns of these three people.

At this point in the conversation, it’s almost time.

Zhang Ruoruan stood up and walked towards the barbecue.

You can proceed to the next step of production.

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