After hearing the voices of plants, farming in the countryside exploded

Chapter 82: Soothing fragrance, cherry tomatoes bloom

Zhang Ruoruan dragged Qinnan branches home.

Seeing that it was still early, he continued the live broadcast and showed the audience the process of splitting the nanmu to get agarwood.

Zhang Ruoruan first took off the camera on his head and placed it on the stand, adjusted the angle, then put on his sunglasses, sat under the grape trellis and started chopping down trees.

"Card wipe!"

First, he cut off a branch as long as an arm with a sharp knife.

Throw away the ends, play with the angle of the branch, stand on a wooden stake, and peel off the bark one by one.

"The agarwood part is easy to recognize."

Zhang Ruoruan held the branch from which the bark had been cut off in front of the camera: "Look, the tree flesh is all white. We will cut it off bit by bit until we see black."

The black part is agarwood.

Zhang Ruoruan stood the branch upright and cut it in circles. Each time he cut the knife, he cut off a thin slice.

There were gradually more sawdust beside my feet.

Suddenly, a certain knife revealed a little black color, and Zhang Ruanruan stopped cutting at that spot.

Continue elsewhere.


In such a moment, the embryonic shape of an agarwood stick appeared in Zhang Ruoruan's hand.

The length is similar to the previous branches, but the thickness is different, and some places are hollow.

This kind of agarwood is too ordinary in appearance.

The thickest part is no thicker than a thumb, and it is not solid. There are many holes, making it impossible to make a bead.

"Look, everyone, this is the rough part of Agarwood, but it's still a little bit short before you can see its full picture."

Zhang Ruoruan replaced the wood chopping knife with a small picking knife.

This was originally used for bamboo weaving, but I didn’t expect it to be used now.

Zhang Ruoruan took this small picking knife and picked off the white tree flesh on the agarwood bit by bit.

It feels like picking flesh from the bones.

5 minutes later.

Zhang Ruoruan put down the picking knife and finally showed the agarwood in his hand to the audience.

After removing all the tree flesh, only an irregularly shaped body of agarwood remains.

"This is agarwood."

Zhang Ruoruan rubbed the agarwood with his thumb and showed it to the audience.

It can be seen that the thumb that has been rubbed with agarwood feels a little shiny, as if it has been touched by lard.

Put it under your nose and smell it, you can also smell a spicy fragrance, which is somewhat refreshing.

This alone proves that agarwood is not all about IQ tax.

Scholars in ancient times liked to light a stick of agarwood while studying.

"The agarwood is still relatively moist now. When it dries, I will make incense for everyone."

Zhang Ruoruan continued to show for a while, then went off the broadcast to make dinner.

The agarwood in her hand was hung on the grape trellis nearby.

Let it dry first.

While cooking, Zhang Ruoruan opened the shopping app and purchased seven or eight kinds of medicinal materials.There are fresh herbs and dried herbs.

"I don't know if it will work. Let's try it in a few days."

While Zhang Ruoruan was cooking, he recalled a certain recipe for making incense.

Soothing incense.

This was the first prescription that Zhang Ruoruan thought of when he saw the agarwood tree.The incense made with this recipe has the effect of calming the nerves and promoting sleep.

You know, it’s 2018 now, an era where the average person has insomnia and the average person is bald.

If Zhang Ruoruan can produce soothing incense, you can imagine how big the market will be.

At that time, it was really difficult not to get rich.

But the only question now is whether Zhang Ruanruan can make it.

After all, refining medicine... is not easy.

And Zhang Ruanruan is now a mortal, and does not even have the first level of Qi refining. It is even more difficult to restore the prescription for the world of immortality.

But it's not completely hopeless.

Because the soothing incense made by Zhang Ruoruan is only for ordinary people, not immortal cultivators, the completion level is not so stringent. As long as it can be imitated by about [-]%, it should be more effective than sleeping pills and not harmful to the body.

Zhang Ruoruan purchased other medicinal materials besides the main ingredient agarwood, and then quietly waited for the arrival of the goods and the agarwood to dry.

This wait is four days.

And during these four days, Zhang Ruoruan was not idle either.

She pruned the last dozen or so lychees, dug a pit for fertilizer, and at the same time turned over the sheep manure.

Then I took the time to take the subject two of a driver's license.


After returning home, Zhang Ruoruan was pleasantly surprised to find that the cherry tomatoes were blooming.

Under her careful management, the cherry tomatoes grew vigorously and even bloomed a few days earlier than others.

Zhang Ruoruan knew that in addition to proper fertilization and irrigation, it was more about the effect of using her ability to communicate with the cherry tomatoes.

Be enlightened.

The cherry tomato's life level has undergone a leap.

Although he is still very stupid, there is a huge difference between having only instinct and being able to think.

"The cherry tomatoes are in bloom, and the passion fruit should not be far behind."

Zhang Ruoruan was very happy to see the blossoms. In the next two days, she went to the cherry tomato field every morning, noon and evening to inspect the pollination status of the cherry tomatoes.

For the planting industry, pollination is the most important part, and it should not be careless.

Its core level is as important as the process of conceiving a child for humans.

Because if you don’t get pregnant, no matter how good your pregnancy preparation and postpartum care are, it will be in vain.

"Are you done pollinating?"

"Not yet on the leeward side."

"Then let me help you."

"Wait, no, the bees are here."

Zhang Ruoruan stopped.

Only when natural pollination is incomplete will she resort to artificial pollination.

And artificial pollination is to use this flower to touch that flower.

It looks simple, but it's actually not difficult at all.

It just requires energy and time.

It took Zhang Ruoruan two full days to get all the cherry tomatoes pollinated accurately.

When the pollination was completed, all Zhang Ruanruan's medicinal materials arrived.

It’s time to make incense.

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