Chapter 49 Milk Tea Shop Spokesperson

After Zhang Ruoruan's live broadcast, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, and the sky outside the window had already darkened.

Various insect sounds began to sound from the cracks in the stone walls and dark grass in the courtyard.

Amidst the accompaniment, Zhang Ruoruan turned on the kitchen light and began to prepare dinner for Zhang Heihei and Zhang Juzuo.

Rice, salt-free fish soup, relatively soft fish bones, and fish meat that Zhang Ruanruan carefully deboned under the camera.

Seeing Zhang Heihei and Zhang Juzuo eating so well, the audience in the live broadcast room all turned into lemon essences.

"Actually, tilapia doesn't taste good at all, really. Unless you give it a try."

"I also want to feed you softly."

"Meow, Master Ruanruan, I am your cat, feed me quickly!"

"Wang, Ruanruan master, I am your dog, feed me too!"

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the increasingly outrageous barrages and shook his head in confusion: "There are no slaves in the new era, so stand up."

After saying that, Zhang Ruanruan took the rice mixed with fish and poured it into Zhang Heihei and Zhang Juzuo's rice bowls.

Then the live broadcast continued and the three remaining tilapias were braised. After they were cooked, the audience was reluctant to leave and the broadcast was taken off the air.

This night, various voices echoed across the country.

"Mom, I want to eat tilapia tomorrow."

"Husband, do you love me or not? Then buy me two tilapias tomorrow."

“Mom, do we have tilapia to buy here?”


Zhang Ruoruan, who was off the air, finally waited for her favorite quiet moment in the night.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the countryside is already very quiet.

Huge darkness shrouded the countryside. There were no street lights, only the lights of each house shone through the windows, and the sound of insects was endless. Occasionally, the sound of a motorcycle came from far away, causing a wave of dog barking.

Then silence returned.


Zhang Ruorui pressed the switch that turned yellow due to oxidation.

Turn off all kitchen lights, yard lights, and room lights.

The entire courtyard was submerged in darkness from inside to outside, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

Zhang Ruoruan likes this kind of moment the most.

Hiding in the darkness and being herself, no one can pry into her secrets.

Zhang Ruoruan started practicing.


The next day, four in the morning.

Zhang Ruoruan got up on time.

After washing up, Zhang Jianguo and Zhang Yangyang also arrived.

The three members of the family continued to pull radishes in the fields.

"What are you going to plant?"

Zhang Yangyang asked Zhang Ruanruan while sorting.

After pulling out this time today, half an acre of land will be free.

Zhang Yangyang is very curious about what Zhang Ruanruan will plant next.There is also the Independent Crop Research Institute, whether it is true or false.

If true, will new products be grown next?

"We will plant again next year and fertilize the ground first in the second half of this year."

As Zhang Ruoruan spoke, the movement of his hand did not stop at all, as if it had a weight sensor. He could tell the variety of carrots after weighing it, and then threw it into the corresponding basket.

"When the carrots are sold out, can you go to the milk tea shop?"

After Zhang Ruoruan worked silently for a while, Zhang Yangyang suddenly asked furtively.

"doing what?"

Zhang Ruoruan knew there was something behind his words as soon as he saw Zhang Yangyang's expression.

"Take a few photos, just a few, hehe."

Zhang Yangyang said while rubbing his hands like a fly, like a migrant worker asking for wages.

I knew it……

Zhang Ruanruan was speechless, but still agreed: "I want to wear sunglasses for the photoshoot. Also, what are the benefits?"

It doesn't matter to Zhang Ruanruan that she is trying to gain popularity for her elder brother, but she still has to take certain benefits.

"Well... become the spokesperson of our milk tea shop, and you will drink milk tea for free from now on. Moreover, when our shareholders are free, we can be your free coolies and help you with farm work."


...At around six o'clock, Zhang Ruanruan and his family came to the trading market.

This time, the total weight of carrots was 1233 pounds.

The average price is 1.58.

Wechat account, 1950 yuan.

It was originally 1948, but for Zhang Jianguo's sake, the boss rounded it up to a round number.

After coming out of the trading market, Zhang Jianguo had something to do, so they stopped having breakfast together.

Leave Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Yangyang to eat, and then go back to the milk tea shop after eating.

"Ruanruan, long time no see."

"A big internet celebrity is here."

Seeing Zhang Ruanruan, everyone in the milk tea shop was very excited.

The last time they saw Zhang Ruanruan was after the college entrance examination and before Zhang Ruanruan went to work.

But two months later, the young girl who had just graduated from high school was now a big internet celebrity with 300 million fans.

This has to make people sigh, how wonderful the fate is.

"Sister Li Li, long time no see."

Zhang Ruoruan and Chen Li held hands.

Chen Minghui and Zhang Wei sat laughing and playing with their cameras at the same time.

This will be taken for Zhang Ruanruan later.

Under normal circumstances, Sunshine Milk Tea Shop is not open at this time.

But today, in order to take photos of Zhang Ruanruan, all the shareholders of the milk tea shop were present and the milk tea was ready.

Without further ado, after a brief reminiscing, we started taking pictures.

The first is a full-body photo. Zhang Ruanruan is standing in front of the wall of the milk tea shop, waving her hands in a showy pose.

Just Zhang Ruanruan standing upright with one hand in front of him.

This photo will be used as a signboard to be displayed at the entrance of the milk tea shop.

The soft and soft hands may hold a corresponding cup of milk tea depending on the season.

It's a bit shameful, but wearing sunglasses, Zhang Ruoran has a sense of isolation that this is not me.

After that, there were real shots with various milk teas.

Zhang Ruoruan was sitting on the booth, holding Bobo milk tea in her hand.

Zhang Ruanruan sat sideways, holding a spoon in his hand, eating various ingredients in the Shaoxiancao.

The cold lemon tea is pressed against the soft face.

Lean against the wall, look up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and hold a cup of green tea latte in your hand.

There is also a photo of Zhang Ruanruan sitting in different postures with different cups of milk tea in front of her.

For a moment, Zhang Ruanruan couldn't tell whether today was a promotional shoot or a photo shoot of his own.

Such a click, click, click, not a hundred, but fifty.

"Xiao Li, make an extra cup of Shaoxiancao and pack it up."

During this period, Zhang Yangyang, who was watching from the side, spoke, breaking the quiet atmosphere of taking pictures.

Cameraman Chen Minghui and model Zhang Ruoruan both looked over, but quickly looked away and continued taking pictures.

By the time the photo was taken, Zhang Yangyang was already carrying a cup of burning fairy grass that Chen Li had packed.

She said to Zhang Ruanruan: "Sister, you sit down for a while and have a cup of roasted grass jelly. I'll go deliver a takeout and I'll be right back."

After saying that, without waiting for Zhang Ruoruan to agree, he walked away with a huge cup of burning jelly grass.

So, Zhang Ruanruan, who had already eaten and drank a lot, could only formally order a cup of free-mix, with a lot of red beans and two candied dates, and sat down to eat it while chatting with Chen Li.

"Sister Li Li, now I also give you a cup of burning jelly grass?"

Zhang Ruoruan was a little curious. Zhang Yangyang seemed to have driven a car to deliver it just now. Can he earn back the gas money?
Zhang Ruoruan knew that although there were takeaways in the town, Zhang Yangyang and the others would personally deliver the goods to their doorsteps when delivering multiple portions or when friends they knew needed it.

However, that was all when there were ten or even twenty cups or more.

Like this time, a cup was given away, and it was driven by a small car. This was the first time Zhang Ruoruan saw it.

"Of course I won't give you one cup!"

After Zhang Ruoruan asked, before Chen Li could think of a reply, Chen Minghui rushed to answer: "But if the other party is a beautiful sister, then let's talk about it differently."


Zhang Ruoruan sat upright.


 I didn't get home until ten o'clock in the evening yesterday. I took a shower and went to bed. This is to make up for last night.

(End of this chapter)

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