Chapter 40 First Income

When he returned home from the cherry tomato field, Zhang Jianguo had already prepared dinner and was waiting for Zhang Ruanruan.

After delivering compound fertilizer to Zhang Ruanruan, he came back to cook for Zhang Ruanruan.

The lights were on in the kitchen at night, elongating the figure of Zhang Jianguo waiting for his daughter.


At this moment, Zhang Ruoruan returned to the gate.But she didn't open the door immediately and went in. Instead, she looked up at the eaves of the gate.

There, there was a black hemisphere attached to the wall, and a striking red light flashed at a frequency of about once every two seconds.

Zhang Ruanruan is no stranger to this thing.


But she wasn't pretending.

Zhang Ruoruan pushed the door open and entered the courtyard.

Perhaps hearing the sound of the door opening, Zhang Jianguo walked out of the kitchen.

"I'm back, wash your hands and eat quickly."

Zhang Ruanruan did not answer immediately, but took a look at the surveillance camera with red dots flashing on the eaves of the bungalow: "This is it?"

Seeing that Zhang Ruoruan also noticed this, Zhang Jianguo immediately came forward, lowered his voice and said furtively: "The surveillance is just fake, used to scare people. You and others can't tell the truth. If you want to say it, just say it. real."

Zhang Ruoruan didn't know that Zhang Jianguo couldn't sleep well every night during the week she went home to live alone.

In the dead of night, everyone was tossing and turning, thinking about Zhang Ruanruan's safety.

Girl, living alone in the countryside.

Now it is still popular on the Internet, and I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are staring at it.

How can Zhang Jianguo be relieved?

So after much deliberation, Zhang Jianguo finally came up with a little trick.

That is fake surveillance.

Don't tell me, the deterrent effect is still there.

The dim camera flashes with infrared light.Everything is a silent warning to criminals.

You have entered the monitoring range!

As for why he didn't pretend to be serious, it was of course considering Zhang Ruoruan's mood.

Not many people like to live under surveillance. Even if they are connected to their mobile phones, they will feel weird.

After all, network technology is so powerful now, and it is not unheard of for your home surveillance to be invaded through the network.

Therefore, taking various factors into consideration, fake surveillance is the safest.

"Thank you dad."

Zhang Ruoran smiled.

What she was thinking about was how she had forgotten this incident.

In fact, Zhang Ruoruan also pretended to be a surveillance agent in the previous life, but Zhang Ruoruan's mentality in this life is different.

Monitoring is the armor of the weak.

Zhang Ruanruan is no longer needed in this life.

With her current physical fitness and the combat experience accumulated over many years in the world of immortality, unless an ordinary adult male is armed with a hot weapon, ten or eight of them will be delivering food together.

Besides, Zhang Ruanruan now also has the power of faith.

Someone really pushed her into a panic, directly stimulating the power of faith in her Dantian and integrating it into her muscle cells. Zhang Ruanruan's body could be temporarily elevated to the level of an immortal cultivator in the body refining stage, and it would be no problem to blow up a car with one punch.

Therefore, she never thought about safety issues.

"Let's eat, we have to get up very early tomorrow."

Zhang Jianguo said with a silly smile.


The next day.

Today is carrot harvest day!

Although Zhang Ruoruan didn't plant it, it still belongs to her.

Therefore, today is the day when Zhang Ruanruan returns to his hometown to farm and harvest for the first time!

"After spending so much, I can finally make some money back."

On this day, Zhang Ruanruan arrived earlier than every day before.

At four o'clock in the morning, I got up and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

Just after finishing two pieces of bread, the light of car lights came on outside the fence.

A van and a car screeched to a stop at the gate.

The car door opened, and it was Zhang Jianguo and Zhang Yangyang who got out.

They are all here to help pull out carrots and pull carrots.

For small farmers like Zhang Ruanruan who only plant half an acre of carrots, no one will come to buy them. If they want to sell them, they can only harvest their own crops and bring them to the buyers.

If you want to catch the morning market, it is common to get up early in the morning to go to the fields to harvest.

"hurry up."

Zhang Yangyang urged Zhang Ruanruan.

"I'm coming."

Zhang Ruoruan took a flashlight and labor protection gloves and hurriedly locked the door.

Get in Zhang Yangyang's co-pilot's seat and set off.

The car cannot drive into the field, but it can park on the roadside 20 meters away from the farmland.

The trunk was opened and Zhang Jianguo took out a stack of plastic baskets from the van.

This is for carrots.

With all the personnel present and tools ready, we can go straight to the fields and start working.

In fact, it is not difficult to pull radishes, and it is not very tiring. After all, Zhang Jianguo only planted half an acre.Also, vans and cars can’t hold a lot.

So today's goal for Zhang Ruanruan's family of three is to lose about 1200 pounds.

In Zhang Ruanruan's hometown, the yield of carrots is generally 5000 to 6000 kilograms per mu.

Half an acre is about 2750 pounds.

However, considering that this was grown by Zhang Jianguo due to his negligence, the yield is about [-]% off.

The total output is estimated to be around 2200 kilograms.

Pulling out just half of it is enough.

Zhang Ruanruan and the three of them divided the work and cooperated.

Zhang Jianguo was in charge of picking, while Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Yangyang were screening behind.

First twist off the leaves, then size and shape them.

The big and small ones have two prices, and the curved and straight ones also have two prices.

As for the deformed ones, they will not be accepted at all.

But it won't be wasted and thrown into another basket.

When the time comes, ask Zhang Jianguo to take him back to the fruit shop at home and buy fruit and give carrots as a gift.

Although it is a bit ugly and difficult to peel due to its shape, the taste is still the same sweet and sweet after cooking.

Even though it was given away for free, there were still people rushing to get it!

"Why don't you start giving rewards during your live broadcast?"

In the dark night, the light of a flashlight lit up, illuminating the piles of carrots.

Outside the light, Zhang Ruanruan and Zhang Yangyang were sitting on small benches, mechanically sorting large and small carrots.

Hearing Zhang Yangyang's question, Zhang Ruoruan said without thinking: "It's too troublesome."

Although accepting money from others does not necessarily mean helping others to eliminate disasters.

But if the money is collected, Zhang Ruanruan will not be able to ignore their feelings.

Zhang Ruoruan doesn't want to waste time on protecting his sponsor.

Her live broadcast is just for the power of faith, not for money.

As for the money, she can make it herself.

Although she doesn't have much money yet, Zhang Ruoruan believes that it won't be long before money will be like a string of numbers to her.

"You are amazing." Zhang Yangyang could only give Zhang Ruanruan a thumbs up.

Then continue sorting.

It was early in the morning, and Zhang Yangyang and Zhang Jianguo were also there. Zhang Ruanruan did not live broadcast, but only took a few videos.

After selling the carrots, I’ll go home, edit it, and publish it as a work.

Zhang Ruoruan now has two types of fans, one is live streaming fans and the other is fans of works.

Fans of live broadcasts relatively have time and like to watch Zhang Ruanruan doing things silently.

Fans of the works, on the other hand, don’t have that much leisure time and only have fragmented time to read Zhang Ruoruan’s daily sharing.

Although fans of the work do not have the power of belief, people all have the desire to share and express themselves. Zhang Ruoruan will occasionally take care of them and shoot some short videos to publish the works. Sometimes it is watering vegetables, sometimes it is Zhang Hei Black and Zhang Orange.

Although most of the videos lasted less than 20 seconds, they were still widely praised.

After all, who wouldn’t like the leisurely daily life and cute cats and dogs?

Soon, Zhang Jianguo pulled up half of the carrots and joined the sorting process.

Like the assembly line, sorting carrots is a physically tiring but boring job.

Zhang Ruanruan's family of three waited until 05:30 in the morning to finish sorting.

Then, start loading the car.

Carry basket after basket to the car.

Zhang Jianguo's van can hold a lot more, so most of it is moved to his car.

By estimation, about [-] kilograms are in the van and [-] kilograms are in Zhang Yangyang's car.

After loading, the two vehicles set off one after another towards the trading market.

The town was very quiet at 05:30 in the morning, with only a few sanitation workers sweeping the streets.

Occasionally you can encounter rats crossing the road.

The warm yellow street lights quickly retreated one by one.

This continued for about 10 minutes, and the van leading the way turned into a large market.

Zhang Jianguo knew the way and drove Zhang Yangyang directly to a warehouse.

If there is nothing extra, get out of the car and open the tailgate to start moving the goods.

time is money.

It's early six in the morning, and carrots may still be sold for two yuan a pound. After an hour and a half, it may be one yuan and eighty or even less.

And the later it gets, the more picky the acquirer will be. Maybe they won’t want the product you worked so hard to bring over.

Zhang Yangyang also understood this, so he quickly helped move the goods after parking the car.

Zhang Jianguo obviously knew the buyer. After a brief conversation, he agreed on the price and started weighing.


The total weight is 1169 pounds.

The price is divided into three grades, with an average price of 1.5 per pound.

A total of 1753.5.

"Dip! 1753.5 has arrived in WeChat account."

Zhang Ruoran's first income has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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