Chapter 39
After placing the phone holder, Zhang Ruoruan temporarily turned off the microphone.

With her face out of the camera to prevent others from reading her lips, she said to the farmland: "I will speak to whomever I walk in front of later."

After speaking, Zhang Ruoruan turned on the microphone again.

From closing to speaking to reopening, it takes no more than five seconds.

The viewers in the live broadcast room who were still debating whether cherry tomatoes or tomatoes tasted better didn’t know that their anchor had briefly turned off the microphone to talk to cherry tomatoes in the farmland.

"I'm going to work. You guys can talk slowly and don't quarrel."

Zhang Ruoruan waved to the camera.

Then go to the fields wearing water shoes.

Time is tight, so we can only irrigate and take care of it at the same time.

Zhang Caihua's cherry tomato field has been neglected for more than a month, and there are many problems.

For example, the first tree Zhang Ruoruan faced.

Because it is located at the very edge of the farmland and bears most of the wind force, the main stem of the cherry tomatoes has been blown off at half a meter.If they had been lifted up as soon as the blow broke, it might have been possible to save them, but now they are all withered.

It’s obsolete, but not completely obsolete.

Because apical dominance inhibits the growth of lateral buds.

Now that the top of the cherry tomato is gone, the side buds have a chance to develop.

Two side buds grew up and reached a height of about one meter.

However, side buds are always side buds, and they are ultimately no better than the main trunk at the beginning.Their branches are half as thin as the main trunk. Although they can bloom and bear fruit, the efficiency of transporting nutrients is not high enough, and the fruits in the future will definitely not be as sweet as others.

Zhang Ruoran compared the two and came up with a choice.

Cut off the thinner one, leaving a thicker side bud.

Then tie it to the bamboo.

Cherry tomatoes are climbing crops. Generally, when they reach a height of twenty centimeters, a piece of bamboo as thick as an adult male's thumb is inserted into the fruit, tied to it, and grows upward.

The bamboos are kept one by one and four in a bundle.

It is just four bamboos inserted into the ground in a square shape, and then tied up at the top, so that it can be as stable as an old dog.Unless there is a typhoon, bamboo will generally not fall.

Incidentally, bamboo also costs money.

Depending on the market conditions at that time, the price fluctuated between about one yuan and two to one yuan and five yuan.

One acre of land costs about 1000 yuan, which is close to 3000 yuan. Zhang Caihua's three acres of land costs [-] yuan.

These are costs that laypeople don’t know about.

People in the world still think that farmers are all making huge profits.

Fortunately, fresh bamboo can generally be used many times. If it is well kept, it will not be a problem for one or two years.

After taking care of the first tree, Zhang Ruoruan stood in front of the second tree.

"Master, I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore, please give me up."

The second cherry tomato said weakly.

This cherry tomato faces the sun and the water evaporates the fastest, so its drought is more severe than its companions.

Of course, the most important thing is that he was unlucky enough to be chewed by a passing cow.

The main trunk is gone and the side buds have been chewed to pieces.

Really, even if it’s cured, it’s just a waste of medical expenses.

Zhang Ruoruan nodded silently, stretched out his hand and uprooted the cherry tomato vine.

Kindness does not hold soldiers.

The same goes for farming.

For those that can no longer produce economic benefits, we should give up.

Can he still live?
Actually it can.

Irrigation has now begun, and the water will soon penetrate into the roots of the cherry tomatoes.

But it doesn't make sense anymore.

Zhang Ruoruan can't wait for it to grow leaves and bear fruit again. If you keep it, it will only eat water and nutrients in vain. It is better to pull it out and give the cherry tomatoes next to it more space and sunshine.

There are many more in the ground like this one.

Although the situation is different, the main trunk and leaves are lost due to various coincidences.

Some were eaten by birds, and some were loosened and blown down by the wind, rotting on the ground.

Although the roots were still alive, it was meaningless, so Zhang Ruanruan could only pull them out.

Back and forth, Zhang Ruoruan pulled out about forty trees.It was a little better than Zhang Ruanruan expected.

She thought she would lose more.

If it weren’t for Listening to Plants, it would have been impossible for Zhang Ruanruan to take over the business at a high price.

Today, Zhang Ruanruan was extremely diligent. She started taking care of cherry tomatoes live at 07:30 in the morning and broadcast it all the way to [-] noon.

When she came out of the field, there was no difference between someone fished out of the water.

Along the way, sweat dripped down the corners of my clothes and dripped into the soil from my trousers.

Zhang Ruoruan came to the mobile phone holder and took a look at the barrage.

There was no surprise, the comments were all about feeling sorry for her, or lamenting how hard it was for farmers.

"Actually, the farmer uncle works harder than you think now!"

Zhang Ruoruan wiped his sweat and said: "I met an agricultural expert on the Internet. He taught me a lot, so I can look so relaxed. Ordinary farmer uncles know less and are just better than me." It’s harder.”

"You see, I almost sorted out the cherry tomatoes on three acres of land in one morning, but if it were someone else, it wouldn't take three to five days to finish it."

Zhang Ruoruan found an excuse for his high efficiency.

Where others make friends out of nothing, she makes teachers out of nothing.

Am I awesome?

It’s all taught by the master!

What listening to the sounds of plants, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

"That's why I look so relaxed! Does Ruanruan have no concept of relaxation?"

"Oh my god, Ruanruan, this is already easy? How hard does it have to be for ordinary farmers? Salute."

"Who would have thought that every grain of food on the plate is hard work! I will never waste food again in the future."

"I just said that the anchor looked a little different. It turned out that he was taught by agricultural experts. As expected, no matter what industry it is, it is difficult to move forward without knowledge."

Zhang Ruoruan looked at the barrage without doubting her and showed a satisfied smile.


Afternoon, two o'clock.

Zhang Ruanruan's labor continues.

Even busier than in the morning.

Care for the remaining cherry tomatoes and fertilize them.

Today, Zhang Ruanruan borrowed another electric tricycle.

There was more than a ton of organic fertilizer in the bamboo forest, and she transported it all in several batches.

But the quantity is far from enough.

and so.

Zhang Ruanruan transferred money to Zhang Jianguo and asked him to bring a load of compound fertilizer over in a van.

Although this may affect the taste a little, time is too tight and Zhang Ruorui does not have time to compost.

You can only use a mixture of organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer first, and then use all organic fertilizers for the next fertilization.

“Is there a difference between organic fertilizer and compound fertilizer?”

"Of course! Our country is strongly promoting the use of organic fertilizers."


"Improve the soil and fertilize the soil. Even if you put aside these, the fruits grown with organic fertilizer will be sweeter. In addition to having a worse taste, using compound fertilizer will also pollute the environment, not to mention soil hardening and salinity. These are problems that cannot be discovered in the short term, but if we continue to use compound fertilizers in large quantities now, the land will only get worse and worse!"

"That seems to be the case. The farmland in our village has been using compound fertilizer for a long time. It feels like the color of the soil has changed. It used to be black, which looked very nutritious at first glance, but now it is hard and light in color. "

There are more and more professionals in Zhang Ruanruan’s live broadcast room.

Many issues don't need Zhang Ruoruan's explanation, the barrage has already explained them clearly.

It can be said that Zhang Ruoran now only needs to do things down-to-earth and leave the rest to netizens.

There's nothing they can't explain clearly.

Except love and how to find a partner.

at last.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when it started to get dark, Zhang Ruoruan finished spreading the fertilizer.

This is true work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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