gentle control

Chapter 50 Tell me, do you want to

Chapter 50 Tell me, do you want to

She clearly said she wanted to spend the night with him, but she fell asleep first.

Gu Yusheng rubbed his messy hair, feeling a little depressed.

I didn’t even have time to say happy birthday.

What the hell is she doing.

That's it.

Even if the opportunity were presented in front of her, it would probably be difficult for her to say it with her hopeless demeanor.

Zhou Zongyan never celebrates his birthday.

To him, the four words "Happy Birthday" were like arsenic or honey. She really didn't have the courage to test and challenge.

Probably, as Xu Jie said, all Mr. Zhou needs is companionship.

And that men's watch.

Gu Yusheng thought that one day in the future, it would be worn on the hands of its owner.

While it's still early, find some clothes from the closet and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

It was seven o'clock when we finished cleaning up.

She took her mobile phone and was about to go downstairs. When she passed the quiet study, she saw through the thin crack in the door that it was dark inside.

The steps stopped.

Gu Yusheng raised her hand and pushed gently, and the door opened quietly.

Curtains closed.

On the sofa to the left of the patio partition door, a figure was leaning quietly.

Dim light.

She didn't say anything hastily, walked gently to the corner, and turned on the switch of the brass floor lamp.

The soft halo of light spread out, illuminating half of the man's sleeping face like clouds.

He was sitting where she had been reading last night, sinking into the large single-seater sofa with one hand hanging on the armrest and the other hand in a relaxed position. Next to her was "The Peony Pavilion", which she had only seen a third of. .

Girls like to watch this kind of romantic love.

Will Boss Zhou laugh at her?

She slightly pulled down the corners of her lips.

His eyes fell on a neatly folded blanket not far away.

The man is wearing a bathrobe.

She should have taken a shower last night, come here to collect her scattered mess, and then rest on the spot?

Gu Yusheng could not imagine that Mr. Zhou, who was extremely disciplined in his living habits, would not sleep on the spacious bed, preferring to live in this corner of the study.

Unfolding the thin blanket, she leaned over slightly, trying to cover him.

The next second the blanket fell on the man's lap, almost instantly, her wrist was held by Zhou Zongyan.

That force is not weak.

Even with a hint of alienation and coldness.

Everything happened too suddenly. Pulled by the strength of her wrist, Gu Yusheng lost her balance. The hand holding the blanket was barely on his shoulder, and her nose was unavoidable and hit his hard chin directly.

This posture far exceeded the initial prediction.

It's clearly not covering him up with a blanket, but more like actively throwing himself into his arms.

Gu Yusheng's cheeks were hot, and she raised her eyes to meet the man's slowly opening eyes.

In his sight, the girl burst into tears with pain, her little face was stunned.

Obviously, the impact just now was not light.

The severed breath subsided, Zhou Zongyan let go of his hand on her wrist, rubbed his eyebrows with his fingertips, and said in a hoarse voice when he woke up, "Sorry, it was a nightmare."

It turns out that Boss Zhou can also dream.

What kind of dream could make him so tense.

She sniffed and nodded, "It doesn't matter. Sometimes I'll be like this when I'm too tired. Why didn't you go back to the bedroom to rest? Did you sleep in the study all night?"

As Gu Yusheng said this, she was about to stand up on the armrest, but unexpectedly, Zhou Zongyan's palm slid to her lower back, and with a slight strength, he easily pulled her back into his arms.

He lowered his eyes, his deep gaze falling on her face.

Surprisingly, the girl didn't struggle.

She curled her lips and murmured softly: "Would you like me to explain it to you?"

"Explain what." The man's voice was hoarse.

Gu Yusheng followed suit and said, "It was just an accident. I wasn't trying to seduce you on purpose."

There is a sense of concealment in these words.

This is indeed the case.

Just cover yourself with a blanket.But she had to emphasize it once.

Under the collar of the man's messy and open bathrobe, the tight texture bursts with tension. The girl's cheek is pressed tightly against it, her breath is hot, and her heartbeat is thunderous.

Zhou Zongyan looked at her quietly and spoke slowly: "Miss Gu may be able to hint more clearly."


She held her breath and asked: "What am I implying to you?"

There was clear provocation in his innocent eyes.

Zhou Zongyan narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at her calmly. There was no emotion on his face, but the pressure before the storm settled in his eyes.

"You want to try it, don't you?" He breathed closer, his face lowered, and the tip of his nose almost touched her forehead.

The room was extremely quiet.

Zhou Zongyan's Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably twice, and his voice was hoarse, "Tell me, do you want to?"

The string in my heart suddenly broke.

Gu Yusheng could feel his breath moving slowly downward.

Follow her eyebrows to the bridge of her nose, and then down to her lips.

Breathing stagnant.

The girl closed her eyes tightly.

At the same time, the strong breath from the man stopped abruptly.

Like a movie scene.

The last frame freezes quietly.

There was no sound in my ears, as if even the air was solidly solid.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Zongyan lifted her chin with his hand. Looking at her tense face, he smiled softly and said, "Next time you close your eyes, I will really kiss her."

Gu Yusheng slowly opened her eyes and met his warm and deep eyes.

She finally admitted that she was not sober at the moment when she tested the man's bottom line.

And Zhou Zongyan could feel her body trembling.

That's a fear.

The unknown and fear of accepting this relationship.

He knew she wasn't ready.

Therefore, I personally press the undo button for this unconscious journey.

Gu Yusheng was thankful that Zhou Zongyan was rational.

He was also disappointed by his own retreat.

Just like she is obsessed with avocado puffs, but while tasting them, she wonders whether she likes the puffs on the outside or the avocado inside.

Gu Yusheng, Gu Yusheng.

You are so stupid.

She never thought that even if it wasn't because of a marriage contract, after so many years, if the encounter with Zhou Zongyan was destined, her heart would be so excited that sooner or later it would be inevitable.

Time passed little by little.

The morning light has already immersed Deep Water Bay in the calm breeze. Only in the study room on the second floor of the villa, next to the dim floor lamp, two overlapping figures looked like a dream.

Soon, there was a knock on the door from the housekeeping aunt outside, asking if she wanted to start setting up breakfast.

Zhou Zongyan comes to stay for a few days every year. My aunt knows her husband's daily routine. She usually gets up no later than 06:30 in the morning, and usually goes downstairs for dinner in about 10 minutes.

But today, it was half an hour longer than usual.

Zhou Zongyan sat on the sofa, quietly relieving the sexual pressure in his abdomen. The girl's thoughts suddenly returned to clarity, and she straightened up and hurriedly got up from him.

Compared to her, he was very calm and calmly replied to the door, "Be downstairs in 5 minutes."

After receiving the instruction, the housekeeper left with peace of mind.

The door was unlocked. Gu Yusheng listened carefully and waited until the footsteps of the other party were far away before she took steps towards the door.

First, he opened a small gap and checked around. There was nothing unusual. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly realized something, turned around, and motioned to the man on the sofa to let him go first.

Zhou Zongyan straightened his bathrobe and stood up, slowly approaching her with his long legs.

The faint cold fragrance pressed down, and Gu Yusheng raised her head to see him slowly reaching out his hand, slightly lifting the sweater that had slid to her shoulders, and carefully folding it up.

"Besides the longevity noodles last night, do you still owe me something?"

His deep voice sounded above his head.

Gu Yusheng paused with bated breath.

What's a sentence?
The still heart seemed to be beating again.

She smiled lightly, met his warm eyes, and gently opened her lips: "Happy birthday, Zhou Zongyan."

 Hey guys, can you give me a few monthly tickets?
(End of this chapter)

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