gentle control

Chapter 49 Accompany him

Chapter 49 Accompany him
After cooking the noodles, Gu Yusheng carried them upstairs on a wooden tray.

I didn't expect that without even a single stroke of my horoscope, I would have to wash my hands and make soup for a man. It's not a good deal.

Although he was thinking about it in his heart, he was not hesitant in his actions.

I even thought about giving a bowl to my dear parents when I go home one day.

The corridor was so quiet.

The light in the study was on, and Gu Yusheng stood at the door and knocked twice.

A man's low voice, wrapped in the darkness of night, came from inside.

Let her in.

The fragrant flavor of bone broth fills the space.

Putting the tray on the coffee table in front of the sofa, Gu Yusheng raised his head and looked out to the terrace.

Zhou Zongyan was still wearing the same black shirt he had when he got off the plane. According to his usual home habits, the first thing he should do when he comes back is change it, but he didn't do it tonight.

She didn't delve too deeply into the reason, and walked slowly towards him with soft, shuffling steps.

The man was facing the glass partition door sideways, leaning on a retro-colored woven chair with his long legs crossed. The computer screen in front of him was dimly lit, reflecting his deep and cold facial features.

I don’t know if they are in a meeting again. Zhou Zongyan said nothing, holding a cigarette between his fingers. The scarlet of the fireworks flickered in and out with the night wind. The finger bones resting on the armrest were slightly curved. From her angle, the arc looked like art. Taste.

Gu Yusheng was a little obsessed.

She forced herself to look away, and when she was a few steps away, Zhou Zongyan happened to turn his head to look at her.

The climate in the port city in November is far more suitable than that in the capital.

It was more than ten degrees Celsius at night, and Gu Yusheng only wore a thin cardigan sweater over her skirt.

It doesn't feel cold.

Instead, there was a burst of warmth at this moment.

Zhou Zongyan asked her: "What did you bring in just now?"

It turned out he knew.

After all, the flavor is too strong to cover up.

Gu Yusheng pointed at the steaming noodles on the coffee table, "Are you hungry? Do you want some midnight snacks?"

She clearly did it specifically for him, but she used a consulting tone.

Seeing that his face was calm and silent, Gu Yusheng quickly added: "Auntie's craftsmanship is amazing, do you want to try it?"

Zhou Zongyan chuckled.

He stood up from the chair and patted her head when he passed by, indicating that she should go in and sit down. It was cold outside.

The girl's eyes were visibly brighter.

The man sat down on the sofa and she leaned over.

He dragged his chin with his green-white hand, tilted his head to watch him pick up the chopsticks, and slowly put the noodle into his mouth.

Longevity noodles emphasize the word "long".

There is only one noodle in the whole bowl.

Gu Yusheng really admired herself.

He actually completed such a difficult cooking task.

Mr. Zhou ate elegantly. Even though he had doubts, he wanted to confirm with her what was in the bowl, but when he met the girl's expectant eyes, his words suddenly changed to, "It tastes good."

Gu Yusheng looked calm on the surface, but actually he was extremely excited inside.

There was a slight arc on her cheeks, and her voice was soft, "I didn't lie to you, did I? I ate two bowls downstairs in one go, and I still couldn't finish it."

two bowls.

Zhou Zongyan frowned slightly and told her: "Don't go to bed too early, so as not to accumulate food."

"What about you, how long will you be busy tonight?" Gu Yusheng asked.

"Not sure, it might be late."

There was a trace of imperceptible fatigue in the man's voice.

But every time he spoke to her, his tone was always more tender than the night.

Gu Yusheng's throat felt inexplicably tight.

She wanted him to smile more.

But people can't be too selfish.

Occasionally well-intentioned companionship may be more like a burden to the person involved.

After finishing the noodles, Zhou Zongyan took a few sips of the soup, and Gu Yusheng took it. When he stood up to leave, he called her from behind.

"Go to the yard to do some activities before going to bed. If you feel bored, you can come to my room and read for a while."

Take a walk and read a book.Gu Yusheng naturally chose the latter.

After all, she made those two bowls of noodles at random.

In the kitchen downstairs, the housekeeping aunt looked at the empty bowl and was stunned for two seconds. She couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Zhou is so kind to Miss Gu."

Gu Yusheng blushed and said embarrassedly: "I didn't say I cooked it."

? ?
The aunt looked panicked.

The girl was serious: "He also praised your skills."


It’s over.

The aunt thought to herself that she had become a scapegoat.

In fact, with Zhou Zongyan's insight, how could he not guess who made that bowl of noodles?

He didn't point it out because he didn't want to give up.

I don't want to let this hazy love lose the youthfulness and beauty it carries.

Just like tonight.

From the moment the girl pushed in the door with a straight face.

He knew that in the coming years, every November 11th would no longer be a nightmare and disaster for him.

It was late at night, but the lights on the second floor were brightly lit.

Gu Yusheng lied that she had slept too much on the plane, so she went to the bookshelf and picked out a thick pile and moved it to the soft shelf, threatening to supplement her extremely lacking Chinese classical culture.

The stubborn temper breaks out again.

Zhou Zongyan could only let her go.

Outside the terrace, the busy computer worked until early morning.

When Zhou Zongyan finished smoking his third cigarette, he glanced at the study again and found books scattered on the floor. Unconsciously, the sound of turning papers was replaced by the sound of the girl's long breathing.

The night wind rustled the palm trees in the courtyard.

Zhou Zongyan stood up from his own chair, closed the glass door, and turned to walk into the warm room.

The girl sleeps in an inappropriate position.

His head was leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

This can easily injure the cervical spine.

Zhou Zongyan leaned over and picked her up. Under the soft white light, the girl's thick eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was awakened by him.

The eyes were half open.

She glanced at him confusedly, then closed her eyes quietly.

The person in his arms murmured softly, "Zhou Zongyan, are you afraid of the dark?"

I don’t know whether he was talking in his sleep or awake.

Zhou Zongyan's lowered eyes were gentle, "I used to be afraid."

Later I got used to it.

After receiving his response, the girl curled her lips, her eyelids were sleepy, she was powerless to say anything, and finally fell asleep.

He walked into the bedroom with his long legs wrapped in trousers and put her down gently. The girl's long black hair covered the dark sheets, like an epiphyllum blooming at midnight.

clean and pure.

Close enough that he could reach it.

Zhou Zongyan gently brushed away the broken hair from the girl's forehead with his fingertips and sat quietly by the bed.

The computer in the study next door was still on, and there were countless transoceanic emails waiting for him to reply, but every one of them was not worth answering, and he even began to covet this moment of warmth.

Just looking at her.
At six o'clock in the morning, the light from the distant horizon fills the entire bay. From far to near, ships leave the port, and the city's main roads are like unblocked blood vessels, rejuvenating with vitality.

Jet lag.

When Gu Yusheng woke up, her first reaction was that she was in the Cologne Hotel.

Staring at the roof in a daze.

Until there was a buzzing sound in her ears, she slowly came back to her senses and turned her head to fumble for the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Wen Jin: [Shengsheng honey, I still have 10-[-] minutes to board the plane. See you at the gate of the AsiaWorld-Expo at [-]pm~]

The place where the idol held his concert.

The girl's thick eyelashes drooped lightly and she typed: [Okay, wear more clothes, it may be cooler tonight. 】

After sending the message, Gu Yusheng turned off her phone and saw that she was still wearing yesterday's clothes. She was stunned for a moment before her thoughts gradually came together.

(End of this chapter)

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