gentle control

Chapter 110 Happy Cooperation

Flora asked curiously: "It is said that the studio was not called this name before, why did you suddenly think of changing its name?"

Mentioning this, Mr. Xu was also puzzled.

He said: "The premise for Jay Chou's original willingness to invest was that he hoped to change the name of the studio to 'Hanyu'. If you think about it carefully, these two words actually have a very good meaning."

Good indeed.

Gu Yusheng smiled softly: "Become a feather and be reborn. Director Jay Chou has given you expectations. The boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains. From now on, it will set sail and fly high."

Mr. Xu nodded appreciatively after hearing this.

After visiting the studio, the three of them were going to the conference room to discuss subsequent external financing.

When passing by a cubicle, Gu Yusheng glanced at it inadvertently. Not knowing what he saw, he stopped spontaneously.

She was about to ask, but Mr. Xu beside her had already explained: "This is the place where the director privately ponders the script. It's a bit messy inside. If you don't mind, you can go in and have a look."

"Will it disturb the other party?"

"Probably, but if Teacher Li Mu knew that you were from the Zhou family, he would definitely welcome you."

Li Mu?

When Gu Yusheng heard the name, she felt it sounded familiar.

The moment the door opened, Mr. Xu was the first to speak out: "We have a distinguished guest today. Would you like to meet Mr. Li Mu?"

The air is quiet for a few seconds.

On the back of the pile of manuscripts, a middle-aged man named Li Mu raised his head when he heard the sound and looked toward the door following the light source.

Gu Yusheng couldn't describe her mood at this moment.



Still with a trace of uncertainty and confusion.

All in all, it's complicated.

It turns out that this Li Mu is really the genius director she thought, Li Mu.

Mr. Xu pressed the switch on the wall, and all the lights in the compartment lit up.

Under the bright light, she finally saw the other person's whole face clearly.

Li Mu, who is over [-] years old, is wearing a navy blue overalls jacket. He has only reached the age of [-], but his temples have turned white. He has been missing for six years. For some reason, he has experienced vicissitudes of life.

After Mr. Xu’s introduction, the three simply shook hands and greeted each other politely.

Li Mu looked around and said, "I usually neglect it and make you laugh."

No director's work room in the world can escape the word "chaos".

Gu Yusheng said unconsciously: "It is chaotic but not complex, and it is orderly in the chaos. Just like some works, we need to patiently peel off the cocoons layer by layer before we can see the truth and facts that are close to people's hearts."

After she finished speaking, Mr. Xu looked at her slightly surprised.

On the other hand, Li Mu's reaction was a rare smile that showed his emotions.

Time passes and the past becomes smoke.

I didn't expect that after six years, I would still hear someone commenting on him like this.

And it came from a little girl I had never met.

The few of them stayed for a while, and Mr. Xu received a call, saying that a delegation from the management company that had been arranged had arrived.

Flora breathed out.

Next up was a tough battle, it was her turn.

Farewell to Li Mu, the three of them went directly to the conference room.

The employer sent a total of four members, all in suits and leather shoes, and they looked impressive.

According to the tactics discussed in advance, Gu Yusheng took the lead, first deliberately showing weakness and planting smoke bombs to lower the opponent's psychological defense, and then Flora came forward to show off, forming a soft and hard combination of soft and hard.

Flora was at home in the second half, and the highlight was all on her.

Gu Yusheng saw for the first time what it meant to be truly hidden.

At the negotiation table, her aura was in full swing, and Flora's high emotional intelligence yet tough talking style overwhelmed her opponents and convinced them.After a two-hour long battle, the employer was finally persuaded to invest 5000 million, which was credited to the public in three installments, to be used as initial start-up capital for script development, and the capital injection agreement was finalized on-site. Within five working days, both parties signed the seals of Party A and Party B. Take effect.

Across the small conference table, the two parties shook hands, talked and laughed, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

After Mr. Xu sent the group away, Gu Yusheng and Flora stayed in the conference room and stood looking at each other.

Silence for a few seconds.

Flora stretched out her hand and said, "It was great just now. It was a pleasure to work with you."

Gu Yusheng shook his head and said, "I will learn more from you in the future and have a pleasant cooperation."

He is in his early 20s, not professionally qualified, and has no negotiation experience.

The first time she went to the negotiation table, she was able to be so calm in the face of danger and lead her opponent into a ditch with just a few words. Flora felt that Xu Tezhu, her cousin, really should not be underestimated.

It turns out that there are also capable people who use the back door.

It's just nonsense.

In the afternoon, the two of them did not return to the company because around four o'clock, Mr. Xu, who emphasized working efficiently, had to take them to a drinking party.

There are two types of capital.

Some can win by just talking, but some always want to show off their superior status as financial sponsors before officially giving money.

For this kind of customers, Gu Yusheng and Flora said they were very annoyed and wanted to abandon them directly.

Mr. Xu said, however, that the other party had made a fortune in the coal mine and had a bold temper. As long as he suited his taste, a capital of [-] million was not a problem.

One billion.

Well, adhering to the principle of not having to deal with money, the two beauties fell in love.

Gu Yusheng is a poor drinker and will get drunk if he drinks alcohol.

Flora can drink a few drinks, but she has been suffering from stomach trouble recently, so she has to take it easy.

Mr. Xu patted his chest and assured: "As a big man like me, the wine tonight won't enter your stomach, so don't worry."

This means that the value of his existence at this dinner is to stop them from drinking.

When it comes to this, we can only send Buddha to the West and help people to the end.

The meeting place with the employer was a private restaurant located in a prime location on the East Third Ring Road.

Per capita consumption here is extremely high, and it is a high-end place where upper-class business people often gather.

As expected of a miner, he is indeed very wealthy.

At the dinner, Mr. Xu was trying to please everyone with a smile on his face. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to buy it. Every time the topic came up about investment, he was avoided by the other boss, who obviously didn't satisfy his so-called "appetite".

It wasn't until after three drinks that Mr. Xu had drunk enough that he slowly put down his glass and turned his attention to the two ladies sitting opposite.

The boss said: "Ms. Gu didn't drink alcohol all night. Does she look down on me, Mr. Wei?"

Perhaps because she is young and easy to control, Gu Yusheng is more likely to be the target of trouble for customers than the mature and capable Flora.

Now that I'm here, it really doesn't make sense if I don't take a sip.

Gu Yusheng knew that he couldn't escape, so he took the initiative to fill the cup, stood up and faced the other person's gaze, and said with a smile: "I have always heard from Mr. Xu that Boss Wei has a bold temperament and a righteous man. It is said that he led a group of brothers from his hometown to fight without fear. Difficult to achieve collective prosperity.

It is really rare to see a person like Boss Wei who attaches great importance to love and righteousness in the circle nowadays. This is a toast to you, to you for your unique vision and your willingness to give the underlying company a chance to turn around.I'm not a good drinker, so I'll have to drink a glass. I hope I won't disappoint you. "

After finishing speaking, Gu Yusheng went ahead to show his respect. While drinking, he was disgusted by his own hypocrisy.

It turns out that she is so good at talking about this kind of scene.

I can't imagine how tactful and calculating she would be now if her father had deliberately brought her into and out of Vanity Fair in the early years.

The girl's words from the bottom of her heart made Boss Wei very considerate.

Especially the mention of the heroic and fearless deeds of the past pierced the depths of the soul.

Seeing this, Mr. Xu took the opportunity to cater to him. He poured out compliments and admiration in a stream of words, coupled with sugar-coated bullets from the two ladies. Hearing this, Mr. Wei burst into tears, saying that he had found his soulmate in life.

In fact, he was quite drunk.

This is the first time for investors to be drunk and brainwashed.

Mr. Xu is right, this man is bold and cheerful.

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