gentle control

Chapter 109 Miss Gu’s temper

I have no appetite and can't eat at all.

She angrily put down her chopsticks and stood up. She took her bag and mobile phone and went to the entrance to change her shoes. Under the confused gaze of the servant, she walked out of the villa expressionlessly.

The driver was already waiting outside the gate.

Gu Yusheng ignored him, crossed the back seat door without squinting, and walked down the mountain.

This posture caught the driver off guard. He didn't dare to act rashly without knowing the situation, so he had to drive behind the girl all the way while dialing Special Assistant Xu's phone number.

At this time, an emergency project meeting was being held in the conference room on the top floor of Zhou's Building.

Xu Jie was so busy that his feet did not touch the floor, and his cell phone buzzed and vibrated.

The caller ID said Nanyuefu.

As a last resort, stop what you are doing first.

2 minutes later, Xu Jie came in with a solemn expression.

He walked up to the man above him and whispered something into his ear.

It was quiet down there. Under this situation, any disturbance could cause high levels of tension among the top management.

They thought there were some new flaws in the final review of the plan.

For a moment, as Xu Jie returned to his seat after speaking, everyone watched the face of Chairman Zhou with trepidation, preparing for the worst outcome.

The air was silent for a few seconds.

"Continue." Zhou Zongyan's deep voice sounded from the front of the conference room.

Several executives breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, their boss calmly picked up the mobile phone next to him.

The project leader who was making a report was shocked again when he saw this.

The man raised his eyelids lightly and scanned it lightly.

The latter quickly withdrew his gaze and continued on to the second point in an orderly manner.

Zhou Zongyan opened WeChat and sent a message to Gu Yusheng.

The result is a red exclamation mark indicating that the message failed to be sent.

He squinted his eyes and his breath suddenly dropped.

Xu Jie has been with Zhou Zongyan for many years. Due to his professional sensitivity, it is easier than ordinary people to catch some subtle changes in his boss's expression.

Especially at this moment, it concerns Miss Gu.

I don’t know what’s going on over there in Nanyue Mansion.

Miss Gu's temper can only be cured by her husband.

The driver alone may not be able to handle it.

But what he doesn't know is that his boss is not immune either.

The aloof prince is now peacefully on Gu Yusheng's blacklist.

On the road in the villa area.

This is the longest and most difficult journey the driver has ever driven.

Neither a little faster nor a little slow is suitable, it is a test of technique.

He asked Special Assistant Xu for help again and again on WeChat, but unfortunately the latter seemed to be in a difficult situation as well.

Fortunately, while walking, the girl in front of me suddenly stopped.

The driver was overjoyed, thinking that the little ancestor was finally willing to get on the bus.

Unexpectedly, while looking at her phone, she waved to an oncoming white car.

It turned out that I got a ride-hailing service online.

The girl left in the car, and the driver hesitated to follow her.

Report this matter to Special Assistant Xu.

The latter sent condolences: "Thank you for your hard work, go back." 】

The driver turned the steering wheel to turn the car around, feeling filled with emotion.

The powerful and powerful Mr. Zhou is unshakable in the shopping malls and can do anything with ease.

Now it seems that this is not necessarily the case.

No matter how powerful a leader is, he will always have weaknesses and weaknesses.

A person as powerful as Mr. Zhou is no exception.

Gu Yusheng had never walked such a long distance wearing high heels.

It is three kilometers from the villa to the taxi location.Her heels were a little red and swollen. She turned her head slightly and regretted not bringing an extra pair of flat shoes today.

Because considering that Flora and I were going to meet Mr. Xu’s media studio in the afternoon, it was said that there were probably several potential investors present.

For business meetings, naturally you should not dress too casually.

But it happened that I was angry with someone early in the morning.

So in the final analysis, who suffers in the end.

Gu Yusheng lowered her eyes, glanced at the several missed calls on the screen of her mobile phone, and pursed her lips, feeling extremely aggrieved.

I didn't sleep with her last night.

This morning I left early again without saying a word.


Why should he be so cold and violent to her just for a heating post?

Gu Yusheng couldn't figure it out.

My mind was in turmoil.

It was nearly 09:30 when we arrived at the company, and without any surprise, we were half an hour late.

After punching in, Jiang Yunwei called her to the office.

Seeing that she was in poor condition, the other party took a sip of coffee and asked, "What, did you not sleep well last night, or did you have a fight with your boyfriend?"


The devil actually also gossips sometimes.

Instead of asking her for being late, he was curious about her private life.

Gu Yusheng tugged at her lips: "Don't worry, Director Jiang, personal emotions will not affect work."

Hearing what she said, a fleeting strangeness flashed through Jiang Yunwei's heart, so fast that she had no time to notice it.

I just made a casual remark, I don’t know what the purpose was.

I couldn't figure out the reason for the last recording pen incident. I was unwilling to give up and always wanted to find the answer from many details.

But so what if the answer is found.

It just adds to the sourness.

It was rare for Jiang Yunwei to be so unable to recognize reality, and she felt ridiculous.

After coming out of the office, Gu Yusheng came to Flora's workstation, and the two briefly divided the content sections they were responsible for.

Before leaving, Flora pointed to her high heels and said, "I have a band-aid here. Do you want to deal with it?"

"Thank you." Gu Yusheng was not polite to the other party.

Two small band-aids virtually broke the embarrassment and deadlock caused by the recording pen.

In fact, Flora is not very sophisticated in her daily interpersonal interactions.

On the contrary, most of the time, love and hate are clearly distinguished, and dislikes and likes are clearly distinguished.

It is unimaginable that a girl with such a personality would be recognized as a master negotiator.

Gu Yusheng will wait and see.

Hanyu Studio is located in the film and television park near the outer ring.

An industrial factory of less than 40 square meters, with simple decoration and less than [-] members.

At first, Gu Yusheng thought that everyone had just gone through the crisis of bankruptcy and dissolution, and now their mentality must be extremely depressed. However, she did not expect that they were greeted by enthusiastic faces full of hope for the future.

Mr. Xu personally received them, shook hands with the two of them, and introduced each other.

When he saw Gu Yusheng, he was obviously stunned for a few seconds.

However, after being immersed in this circle for many years, she has long developed a pair of eyes that are good at observing people's emotions. It can be seen from Gu Yusheng's words and deeds that she does not want her colleagues to know about her relationship with Jay Chou.

Mr. Xu understood the situation and cooperated without trying to expose it. After a short exchange of greetings, he politely and thoughtfully took the two of them to visit the 'humble house' belonging to their group of dreamers.

It seemed simple, but in fact, after Gu Yusheng finished walking around, he felt extremely shocked inside.

It really answers that sentence, a sparrow is small but has all the internal organs.

There are more than thirty employees with clear division of labor.

There are senior screenwriters who are responsible for controlling the quality of scripts, mature photographers, lighting engineers, and stylists, as well as props and settings, makeup and art, and even post-production editing and recording.

Everyone comes from all over the world in the industry, ranging in age. The young ones are probably in their early twenties, and the older ones, such as the martial arts instructor, are already in their [-]s this year.

While making the introduction, Mr. Xu sighed with emotion: "Dr. Jay Chou has been kind to us for reinvention. If he hadn't funded the rescue, I'm afraid Hanyu would have ceased to exist."

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