Chapter 264 Using Body as Bait

It is said that after Zhang Qian and his men fished out the hundreds of rock salts from the sea, they hurriedly transported them out of the village at night. Just when he thought everything was going smoothly, a dozen masked men suddenly jumped out from the side. The man in black, without saying a word, just swiped a few times and killed all his men in the blink of an eye!
"You, who are you?" Zhang Qian could see that these people were highly skilled in martial arts and well-trained, but his own martial arts was mediocre. Let alone one against many, even one-on-one, he couldn't pass three moves at all. Think, survival is important!

"Master Zhang, your mission is completed. The master said, just give us the salt!" The leader of the men in black slowly showed his token.

As soon as Zhang Qian saw the token, his legs weakened with fear, and he quickly knelt down respectfully, but he was still confused in his heart: "Why did you kill them when you came to pick up the goods?" Those are all His loyal men were gone in the blink of an eye, so why wasn't he heartbroken?

"Master Zhang, the master said that anyone who knows this secret will die!" The leader of the man in black slowly raised the long sword in his hand, flicked it lightly, and the long sword made a harsh clanking sound, and in the moonlight Against the background, it emits a cold light!
"No! Master promised me that he would not kill me!" Zhang Qian was really anxious when he saw this posture.

"Master Zhang, you know too much!" The man in black appeared and kicked Zhang Qian to the ground.

"Uh!" Zhang Qian, who was thrown heavily to the ground, felt as if his chest was broken. He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. When he saw the man in black stepping forward again, he ignored the pain on his body and expressed anxiously. loyalty.

"No! I can swear that I will never betray my master, and I will never tell anyone!" He just wanted to get a chance to survive for himself. At this time, promotion and wealth seemed to be less important than his life.

"The master said that only the dead can keep secrets!" The masked man in black slowly approached him with a sword. Every time he got closer, Zhang Qian felt a strong sense of oppression, as if at the next moment, It can cut him into pieces.

"No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" Zhang Qian stepped back subconsciously.

"Come on!"

The moment the man in black approached him, Zhang Qian suddenly grabbed a handful of sand and threw it towards the man in black!

The man in black subconsciously used his hands to block the sand. When he put down his hands, he found that Zhang Qian on the ground was no longer there. He quickly looked around, but did not find Zhang Qian's figure, so he had to return. He said to those people in a deep voice: "Everyone, move quickly. The master has ordered that it must be delivered before dawn, otherwise everyone will die!"


After they left, Zhang Qian, who was seriously injured, crawled out of the pile of sand on the side. It turned out that just now he knew that he could not escape, so in desperation, he got into the pile of sand on the side. He had been there since he was a child. Growing up in this area, he played hide and seek as a child, but he didn't expect that tonight he actually saved his life.

He reluctantly walked towards the woods. He knew that since his master wanted to silence him, he would not let him live. He had to find a way to save his life.

Because of the death of Mrs. Liu, the villagers in the two villages were immersed in grief. Therefore, they had no idea what happened that night. It was not until dawn that they learned that Dr. Keer was missing!

Qian Tingxuan was so worried. He didn't expect that he just went out with Mingyang last night, but when he came back, Ge'er disappeared. Although he knew that she was definitely capable of self-preservation with her martial arts, she had little experience in the world after all, and the world was complicated. It was so dangerous, how could he not be worried.

After Village Chief Liu heard that Dr. Kerr was missing, he endured the pain of losing his mother and arranged for people to search in the woods. The villagers who had been treated by Xiao Yuge volunteered to search on their own. However, after a search, No clue at all.

"Master, look!" When he walked to the edge of the stone bridge, Mingyang suddenly noticed something on the side.

Qian Tingxuan went over and picked it up and saw that it was a hairpin, Ge'er's hairpin. After a closer look, there seemed to be traces of struggle and a trace of blood on the side. He could almost conclude that something had happened to Ge'er here. However, with Ge'er's martial arts, it would not be easy to sneak attack her unless...
"Ming Yang, let's go back to the cabin first!" I was in such a hurry to find Ge'er that I forgot to go back to the cabin to take a look.

Sure enough, in the wooden house, he found a letter left for him by Xiao Yuge. Although it was brief, it already explained the situation. "What nonsense!"

Qian Tingxuan put the letter on his body: "Ming Yang, pack your things, let's leave here immediately!"


It was said that Xiao Yuge was taken all the way to a secret prison, where more than twenty girls were imprisoned. It seemed that all the girls who had disappeared before were here.

It turned out that she was secretly following Liu Lian and overheard his conversation with Zhang Qian, so she used her plan. Originally, she wanted to go back to discuss with Qian Tingxuan, but Qian Tingxuan happened to be out with Mingyang at that time, so, She had no choice but to leave him a letter, and then, pretending to be alone, she was taken away by Zhang Qian.

I saw that the girls had different marks of whip wounds on their bodies. It was estimated that they were beaten when they resisted. When they saw her coming in, they all just looked at her sympathetically, but did not speak. They were probably afraid of being beaten.

At this time, footsteps came from outside, and one of them was heard saying: "Brother Scar, I heard that that boy Liu Lian sent a fairy-like little beauty today. I don't know if it is true or not. Let's go and open our eyes." .”

Only another person shouted: "You don't want your life! The boy committed suicide because he touched that girl the day before yesterday. One person is missing. If it weren't for Mr. Zhang, we would all be implicated. How dare you provoke her?" ah!"

"I just heard that she is beautiful, so I wanted to see it."

"Stop being so nagging, hurry up and take them away. We have to send them out overnight. If you miss the master's business, be careful to feed them to the dogs!"


Xiao Yuge seemed to understand. It seemed that she came at the right time today, just in time to see where those people wanted to take them and what they wanted to do.

Soon, several strong men walked in. The girls were trembling in fear and huddled there. Only Xiao Yuge, who had just arrived, stood there.

"Are you new here?"

Xiao Yuge didn't speak, but just raised his eyes to look at the man. The big man at the head had a big scar on his face. He was probably the Brother Scar mentioned by the man just now.

The lights in the dark cell were dim, so the man couldn't see clearly what Xiao Yuge looked like, but he vaguely thought he looked good, so he waved his hand and shouted: "Everyone, get up!"

When the girls heard this, they were so frightened that they stood up reflexively, but they all leaned together tremblingly, as if they were frightened.

"Get out!"

Everyone walked out obediently, and Xiao Yuge followed among them.

(End of this chapter)

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