Chapter 263 She's Missing
It turned out that when passing the stone bridge just now, the sun's rays were reflected in the water, and Xiao Yuge was shaken so hard that she couldn't open her eyes. She then thought of the bright light she saw at the beach that night. It was not the light of lighting, but the light of someone. Some things were swaying in the water, reflecting the light of the moonlight.

Qian Tingxuan was created because of a child who accidentally said that there is a tree on the Western Mountain that can secrete a kind of juice that can be placed in various molds. After drying, it can become an inseparable tree. The key to a ventilated container is that it is very flexible and difficult to break without using a knife.

Now they know the location of the hundred stone salts, but how to find those people?
"Doctor Ker! Doctor Ker!"

While the two were discussing, Liu Lian's voice suddenly came from outside.

The two looked at each other and walked out of the hut. Seeing Liu Lian's anxious face, they asked: "Supervisor Liu, what happened?"

Liu Lian wiped away his tears and said, "Doctor Ke'er, my great-grandmother is gone."


Xiao Yuge and Qian Tingxuan looked at each other. She hoped that she would have arrived at Grandma's house in the past two days, but she didn't expect that on this day, she still felt sad.

"Let's go and take a look." Xiao Yuge pulled Qian Tingxuan and ran towards Village Chief Liu.

Grandma Liu left, and Village Chief Liu said she passed away peacefully, saying that she finally got to see her only great-granddaughter get married, and she had no regrets.Everyone knows that Lan'er's whereabouts are still unknown, and she can't help but feel sad. Xiao Yuge knows that if she wants the old lady to truly rest in peace, she has to find Miss Lan'er. Otherwise, the old lady will also be sad.

Grandma Liu was the oldest person in the two villages in the north and south. Everyone respected her very much. When she passed away, everyone was very sad. Old people in their sixties and seventies, as well as children as young as two or three years old, all came to pay their respects. To mourn her, everyone crowded in the courtyard of Village Chief Liu and silently sent the old lady off on her last journey in their own way.

Liu Lian, who was supposed to be a filial grandson, slipped out quietly while no one was paying attention. Zhang Qian had been waiting there for a long time.

"Liu Lian, today is the best opportunity. Now everyone is at Village Chief Liu's place. They didn't pay attention at all. If you miss today, it will be even harder to transport the hundred stone salt out in the future. I have already taken the people." Here we go, where are the things?"

Liu Lian thought for a while and seemed to make a decision: "Okay, I'll take you there!"

Zhang Qian gave the subordinate on the side a look: "Let's go!"

Liu Lian led them to a beach. At this time, the moonlight was shining on the sea. The autumn wind blew by, and ripples appeared on the originally calm sea. The waves were sparkling and dazzling, and somewhere... Next to the stone, it is even more dazzling.

"It's under those rocks!"

"Go over and take a look!" Zhang Qianming's men went over.

One of his men jumped into the sea. After groping for a while, he emerged from the water and waved to Zhang Qian: "Sir, everything is here."

When Zhang Qian heard this, his face lit up and he waved his big hand: "Go quickly! Salvage them all!"

"Yes!" More than a dozen of his men quickly jumped into the sea.There was a funeral at Village Chief Liu's family today, and all the people patrolling the area were transferred away by Liu Lian. Therefore, Zhang Qian and the others moved here confidently, not worrying that anyone would come here suddenly.

"Master Zhang, I have to go back. I can't come out for too long, for fear of arousing others' suspicion." Liu Lian saw the long sword on Zhang Qian's back, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Zhang Qian thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, you are a filial grandson. You can't be out for too long, for fear of arousing others' suspicion. Then go back."

"That thing"

"Don't worry, after the job is done, I will ask for your credit in front of the master, and I will definitely let you become the salt officer as you wish!" Zhang Qianhua's cake was also quite big. He obviously wanted to silence the murderer, but It's still a sweet dream for others.

"Thank you!" Liu Lian was very happy after hearing this.

"Oh, that's right!" Zhang Qian seemed to have remembered something again, so he stopped him: "The master said there is still one girl left, please find a way to get another girl."

"Where am I going to get a girl? Now in the village, there are either girls of several years old, or those who have grown up are closely watched by adults. Where am I going to get one?" Liu Lian was very angry after hearing this. Roaring, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't get anyone last time, he wouldn't have kidnapped his cousin.

"Isn't there a female doctor in your village? I heard that she looks like a fairy. If the master sees it, he will definitely be happy, and maybe he will give you a bigger official title."

"She got married yesterday." Liu Lian also liked Xiao Yuge. It should be said that the unmarried young people in the village fell in love with Xiao Yuge almost immediately when they saw her, but later they heard She said that the new gentleman was her fiancé, so she slowly gave up the idea.

"We just got married, and we're not pregnant, so why not?" Zhang Qian didn't care. Anyway, the master didn't stipulate that he must spank a young girl: "Don't forget, this is the final test given by the master. If you can Complete it successfully and your future will be bright."

Liu Lian thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, I'll find a way." In the face of interests, women and everything else can be abandoned, but he doesn't know that the person he is about to offend is someone he can never afford to offend in his life. people.

Liu Liang just returned to the outside of Liu Village Chief's house, and Village Chief Liu happened to be looking for him.

"Xiao Lian, where have you been? Why can't I find you anywhere? The memorial service is about to take place. You are a filial grandson, how can you be absent?" Village Chief Liu urged him to hurry in.

"Okay, grandpa, I'll be in right away!" Although they weren't close, he was the only great-grandson in the family, so he naturally had to be present.

Halfway through the ceremony, Liu Lian suddenly said that his stomach hurt, so he left quietly. At that time, everyone was crying sadly, and no one noticed his departure.

Xiao Yuge felt that the night was already deep, but just now Qian Tingxuan quietly told her that he had to go out for something, but after so long, he never came back. She was a little worried and planned to go out to look for him.

She thought he had gone back to the wooden house, so she went back and took a look. Qian Tingxuan was not there, but she stayed in the wooden house for a while and thought about it before returning to Village Chief Liu, fearing that Qian Tingxuan would not be able to find her when he came back. , I’m afraid it’s time to be anxious again.

But when she passed the stone bridge, she was suddenly attracted by something on the side, so she stopped and squatted down, intending to take a closer look. However, at this moment, a black shadow appeared behind her. When she reacted, he covered her mouth tightly with something. She instinctively wanted to fight back, but the strange fragrance made her fall into a coma.
(End of this chapter)

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