Ming Dynasty Zhu Di: I just put on the dragon robe, and my father is here

Chapter 94 Is the Ming Dynasty a good saint?He only flourished for 3 generations!

Chapter 94 Is the Ming Dynasty a good saint?He only prospered for three generations!

Green smoke was already rising outside the Han Palace.

The smell of Hanwang cooking made Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but vomit a few times.

His heart had turned to fear, and his whole body was trembling.

He could feel it and understood it.

That means he was deceived, deceived by his second uncle.

What harmed his father?

What trapped his grandfather to death?
But he just wanted to die and let himself kill him!

Zhu Zhanji sat down at the door of Prince Han's Mansion, not daring to go in.

He was filled with fear and his eyes were glassy.


Lao Zhu saw it, and his face looked a little unsightly, so he closed his eyes.

Emperor Yongle was even less happy.

"Xiao Twelve, is everything that happened true?" Emperor Yongle still couldn't believe it.

"History books may be made up randomly, but these things all happened in history."

Zhu Bai nodded slightly.

At this moment, Emperor Yongle was completely confused in his heart.

What happened was beyond his ability to accept.

The King of Han was so miserable, at least it seems so now.

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed slightly, and his face looked a little unhappy.

Emperor Yongle knelt on the ground.

"Dad, this is all my fault!"

"Punish me!!"

Emperor Yongle's eyes were red.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt distressed. Besides, Emperor Yongle of this time and space did not rebel, nor did he make trouble for his second son.

He single-handedly messed up his son.

"What do we blame you for? You haven't done anything now."

"Cherish your dynasty well, treat your children well, and never let history repeat itself."

Zhu Yuanzhang said gently.

"I understand."

Zhu Di nodded.

"Do you want to continue watching?" Zhu Bai asked.

"Let's see again. I want to see how this little brat deals with his third uncle." Emperor Yongle said.

"That's fine."

Zhu Bai didn't stop him anymore.


At this moment, countless green smoke was rising from the Han Palace.

Zhu Zhanji's second uncle has been thoroughly roasted.

He is now outside the Han Palace.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were blank.

The smell inside Prince Han's mansion was really unpleasant.

He hurriedly walked out again and took several steps.

But at this moment, when he was in doubt.

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Big nephew!"

When that voice came, Zhu Zhanji trembled with fright.

He turned around slowly and saw someone at a glance.

This person was none other than his third uncle, Zhu Gaosui.

Zhu Gaosui walked over very calmly.

He looked at Prince Han's Mansion, with green smoke rising out of it, with a complicated expression.

He sighed slightly, and then laughed again, as if he was relieved.

"Second brother, he is still smart!"

"He won the bet after all, and eldest nephew, you lost!"

Zhu Gaosui murmured to himself.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanji was completely weak, and he sat paralyzed at the foot of the stone steps.


Zhu Yuanzhang and others looked at their faces, and they all looked a little unsightly.

"This brat is Zhu Gaosui, right..."

Lao Zhu held his hands tightly.

He really wanted to kill someone, after all, no matter what, whether it was the King of Han or the King of Zhao.

We are all a family, it has to be like this.

As Zhu Bai said, emperors have been ruthless since ancient times.

Lao Zhu also thought that after he conquered the Ming Dynasty, his descendants would not feel fratricidal like in history.

The blood relatives of the royal family fighting for the throne are too bloody and cruel.

He thought that as long as he reached the generation of his old Zhu family, such a thing would never happen.

Zhu Biao: "Dad, don't think too much. Things haven't happened yet. In the Yongle Dynasty, nothing like this has happened yet. It's not too late to make amends."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded slowly.

Zhu Bai: "Yes, Dad, don't be angry. Maybe in the future when the Xuande Dynasty starts, we can still make changes."

As soon as this word comes out.

Lao Zhu, Zhu Biao, and Emperor Yongle were all slightly shocked.

"You kid, are you telling the truth?" Lao Zhu grabbed Zhu Bai's hand excitedly.

Zhu Bai nodded.

"Of course, we can come to Jianwen Year to change the ending here, then Xuande Dynasty, we will definitely be able to go there if we have the opportunity in the future."

Zhu Bai said with a smile.

Because he was right.

Lao Zhu exhaled heavily.

"Okay, really good!"

"With your words, we feel relieved, we feel relieved!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

When he saw the scene here again, his mentality also changed a lot.

When Zhu Bai brought them here, things were developing in history, and Zhu Bai could go to the Xuande Dynasty, which would naturally change the outcome here.

But what Lao Zhu and the others are looking at now are just historical events, pictures that history cannot stop.

If it can be changed, that would be great.

Besides, Lao Zhu knew that Zhu Bai's ability would definitely change the fate of each dynasty in the Ming Dynasty.

When he thought of this, he also had a faint smile on his face.

He looked at Zhu Bai with a look of joy on his face.

"Xiao Twelve, you are really the living god of our old Zhu family!"

His words are true.

Only gods can change the fate of the Ming dynasties.

But now Zhu Bai has achieved this step. What does this mean?
If he is not a living god, then who is?

Zhu Bai smiled sheepishly.

"Dad, don't say that, I'm so embarrassed."

"You stinky boy..."

Lao Zhu rolled his eyes at him, as did several people present.

This guy is so good at what he gets.

They looked at the scene in front of them again.


The scene at this moment continues.

Zhu Zhanji sat down. He sat at the foot of the steps and said nothing.

His face was quite ugly because he was very scared now.

Zhu Gaosui walked up to him, sat down, and patted his eldest nephew on the shoulder.

"Nephew, what's your expression?"

"You should be happy!"

"you win!"

"This time, your second uncle was forced to die, so give me a ride."

Zhu Gaosui said with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Zhu Zhanji was unmoved, he just gritted his teeth.

Zhu Zhanji looked at his third uncle.

"Why?" "Why did my second uncle ask to die?"

"My eldest nephew, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?"

"Don't you understand yet? We did this on purpose!"

"We want future generations to think that the emperor of the Xuande Dynasty killed his own uncle!"

"We don't know how much we have paid for this plan. Now that it has succeeded, I feel relieved."

Zhu Gaosui smiled freely.

He stood up gently and turned around to look at Zhu Zhanji's lonely appearance.

Zhu Gaosui knelt down again and patted his eldest nephew.

"It's impossible for us to defeat you."

"Your current prestige is so high that we cannot match it!"

"I once told the second child that we can keep waiting for the right opportunity, and we will definitely be able to defeat you."

"Wait 20 years, 30 years, 40 years!"

Zhu Gaosui said melancholy: "But my second brother said that you can't give us that long, so this is our only chance to win."

"We have to beat you in time, because only in this way can we win!"

He suddenly laughed.

"In the future, it will definitely be recorded in the history books."

"The emperor of the Xuande Dynasty killed his own uncle!"

He laughed a little crazy, a little scary.

Zhu Zhanji lowered his head. His face didn't look good, and he felt particularly uncomfortable.


Lao Zhu and others just watched silently.

They didn't even say a word.

At this moment, Zhu Gaosui was still looking at his eldest nephew, still giving him a thumbs up.

"My obedient nephew, you are so smart!"

"You are now the emperor, and you are blocking the road between the two of us!"

"In the early days of the Xuande Dynasty, you won this battle and killed Mahamu. Your prestige was as high as ever!"

"We no longer have the capital to win against you. We only have this little money now. If we don't use it to gamble, what else will we do?"

Zhu Gaosui said.

When Lao Zhu saw this, his face turned dark with anger.

He kicked Emperor Yongle again.

"Dad, I, I..."

Poor Emperor Yongle opened his mouth.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of us. Let me ask you one question, is this second child your son? Is this third child, King Zhao, your son?"

Emperor Yongle was speechless and could only nod.

"Look what you gave birth to!!"

"Let's not look for that Ming Dynasty War God yet. Just your two sons, none of them can make anyone worry!!"

Emperor Yongle was scolded by his father and did not dare to say a word.

He only remembered the Ming God of War that his father mentioned just now!

This Ming God of War, who is he? !
Zhu Bai and Zhu Biao took a few steps back in tacit agreement, covering their mouths and gloating.

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at them, and the two Zhu family boys shut their mouths instantly.


in the screen.

Zhu Gaosui continued: "You are now the emperor of the Xuande Dynasty. You have won now. We must defeat you in time."


"Tell me about the second child, how smart he must be!!"

The corner of Zhu Zhanji's mouth twitched.

But no matter what, he was now the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and gradually regained his composure.

He suppressed the fear in his heart and looked at Zhu Gaosui like this.

"I don't quite understand. You have been clinging to my second uncle since you were a child, and now at this age, you are still willing to work with him. What do you want?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little confused: "Even if you two grew up and rebelled, you should know that once this thing fails, not only the two of you, but also your whole family will be spared."

"Third uncle, what are you planning on doing?"

Zhu Gaosui's face was also full of confusion, but he quickly shook his head.

He stood up and finally answered his eldest nephew's question.

"When I was very young, my dick was always in front of me."

"During the war, he told me, just close your eyes and rush forward, your brother will block you!"

"He is my second brother and the person who brought me up together!"

"You're right. What exactly do I want after following him? I just want the love he had back then."

Zhu Gaosui looked at the sky and then at the smoke coming out of the Han Palace.

He thought of many scenes, including fighting with the old man and the battle of Jingnan together.

He thought about it even more.

When he went to the battlefield for the first time, the second child encouraged him.

He vaguely remembered that the second child held his hand and said seriously:

"Third brother, just feel free to rush forward boldly!"

"Don't be afraid of anything. My brother is protecting you, so just go into battle and kill the enemy!"

Zhu Gaosui remembered this love. It was his second brother who took him to the battlefield back then. Now that his second brother has left him, he naturally has to follow him.

Zhu Gaosui looked at Zhu Zhanji.

"Now that you understand everything, Uncle San only wants one thing from you!"

"Eldest nephew, just give Third Uncle a ride!"

"I also know that you will definitely not let me live. I want to go down and see my second brother and your grandpa."

Zhu Gaosui smiled.


Emperor Yongle:...

His face went dark.

He never thought that this bastard would dare to go down to see him?

bah bah bah!
He's not dead yet!

Just thinking about these two brats.

Emperor Yongle was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

"Haha, are you angry now?"

"The angry ones are still behind. If you knew what happened to that boy Zhu Zhanji, I'm afraid you would be even more angry."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face turned dark and he glared at Emperor Yongle.

"Dad, what do you mean by this? I don't understand?" Emperor Yongle's heart was shaken, and he felt a little uneasy.

Zhu Bai: "Let me explain it. Let me first talk about your great sage grandson Zhu Zhanji."

"During the Yongle Dynasty, didn't someone say that a good saint can be prosperous for three generations?"

Zhu Bai said with a smile.

"It seems that there is such a thing, it's the one Xie Jin mentioned."

Emperor Yongle nodded, this is really what happened.

"Actually, this Zhu Zhanji has only been prosperous for three generations."

"The first generation is the Yongle Dynasty, the second generation is the Hongxi Dynasty, and the third generation is his Xuande Dynasty."

Zhu Bai said with a smile.

When this is said.

At this moment, Emperor Yongle's mouth twitched.

"So Xiao Twelve, according to you, what did his next generation do to Ming Dynasty?"

Emperor Yongle felt a chill in his heart.

I saw him quickly asking.

"I can only tell you this, I almost destroyed the country."

What the fuck? !
Emperor Yongle was so frightened that his legs were paralyzed. He looked at Xiao Twelve dumbfounded.

"Is it really that scary?" Emperor Yongle looked at Zhu Bai in horror.

"Well, you can put it this way, if Zhu Zhanji had not only been in power for ten years, there would not have been such a Ming scourge." Zhu Bai said.

"And we have already gone to that dynasty and saved everything there. Otherwise, the Ming Dynasty would have been almost destroyed."

Emperor Yongle was so frightened that his anus tightened, and his whole body was filled with fear.

"Okay, stop talking. Let's take a look at the current situation first. Let's first see how Zhu Zhanji deals with his third uncle."

Zhu Yuanzhang glared at them and told them to stop talking.

Zhu Bai and Emperor Yongle both kept their mouths shut.


PS: Dear dads, please subscribe, please give me a monthly ticket, and please give me a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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