Chapter 93 Old man, you are not confused! (Please order in full!)

Zhu Gaoxu spoke very seriously, tears streaming down his face.

"Eldest nephew, you also said at the beginning that we are a family, so uncle wants the truth. Is it so difficult?"

Zhu Gaoxu began to play the emotional card.

He just looked at his eldest nephew.

Zhu Zhanji was silent for a moment, and his face also changed a little, but it was undeniable.

That means he is a little shaken, he is really a little shaken.

Emperor Yongle, Zhu Yuanzhang and others all watched silently.

None of them said a word, they all chose to remain silent.

After a moment, Emperor Yongle shook his head. He knew his son too well.

Zhu Gaoxu is very much like him, like him in his heart.

And if he doesn't sit on the throne, he won't be able to give up.

At this moment, Emperor Yongle was silent for a moment.

I saw him take a deep breath.

"I know the second brother too well. It's impossible for him to plead guilty. He just wants to set a trap with his eldest nephew."

His face turned dark, and he was completely angry.

"This bastard boy, the matter is settled, it's already this time, why are you still stubborn?"

Emperor Yongle hated that iron could not become steel.

If he was manipulated by Jianwen, he would definitely rebel, because Zhu Yunwen was willing to die.

But it's different now. Zhu Zhanji obviously doesn't want to hurt his uncle.

But it's a pity that his uncle is so good at seeking death.


Zhu Gaoxu looked at his eldest nephew, and he already knew that his eldest nephew had been shaken.

At this time, if he needs more anger, he can know what the old man said before he died in Yumu Mountain that day.

I saw that he was playing the emotional card again.

Even more invested than before.

"Your father and I are such good brothers. In fact, I also know that at this moment when the old man is fighting the battle of Jingnan, he and I can no longer be brothers."

"I also know that when we enter Nanjing City, someone will definitely fall."

"But I didn't expect that I would be the last one to fall."

Zhu Gaoxu said affectionately.

Emperor Yongle was silent for a moment and said nothing.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not speak.

Zhu Biao and Zhu Bai both looked at each other, and they were silent!

Because they know very well that at this time, nothing they say is of any use.

What Zhu Bai showed them was what would happen in the future, and they were just fictional characters here.

They can't change everything here, they can only accept everything here.


Zhu Zhanji turned his back to his uncle.

He just stood there, his whole body struggling.

What he urgently wants now is for his uncle to plead guilty. If his uncle pleads guilty, his throne will be more secure.

And now it seems that no matter what the final result is, it is that he is too eager and his uncle pleads guilty.

Zhu Gaoxu saw that the atmosphere had reached this point, and he started talking again.

"Big nephew!"

"Just tell the truth. As long as you tell me the truth, I will definitely plead guilty."

After hearing his words, Zhu Zhanji finally plucked up the courage, and he slowly turned around.

"Second uncle, are you telling the truth?"

Zhu Zhanji naturally smiled when he saw his uncle.

"I am your uncle, how could I lie to you?"

Zhu Gaoxu smiled.


Zhu Yuanzhang's face turned dark with anger.

"This kid can only deceive his eldest nephew, and he can only deceive his eldest nephew!"

"Zhu Zhanji, this kid, is still too young. He was too eager for his uncle to plead guilty, so he didn't expect that he had fallen into his uncle's trap."

Zhu Yuanzhang was so embarrassed.

Seeing this, Zhu Biao also nodded.

"Everyone needs to grow up. Zhu Zhanji can survive until Emperor Xuande in the future. This will be a disaster for him."

"Being an emperor means paying too much price. The royal family has been ruthless since ancient times. Dad, it's not like you don't know."

Zhu Bai glanced at his father, and this sentence made Zhu Yuanzhang fall into deep thought.

His words made Zhu Yuanzhang understand.


Born in the emperor's family since ancient times!
How can there be a good ending?
Moreover, this King of Han had been deceived by the old man all his life. How could he be willing to live under someone else's roof like this?
Therefore, Zhu Bai's words made Zhu Yuanzhang fall into deep thought, and his whole face showed some changes.

"We have worked hard all our lives, just to let our descendants of the Zhu family live a good life. Unexpectedly, we will still be no match for the ruthlessness of the royal family."

Zhu Yuanzhang's face didn't look good, and in the end he could only shake his head helplessly.

He is tired.


Zhu Biao and Emperor Yongle both looked at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang just waved his hand.


At this moment, Zhu Zhanji was shaken. After hearing his uncle's words, he finally took a deep breath.

His face was a little unnatural. He turned his head and looked away, and then spoke reluctantly.

"Before my grandfather passed away, he indeed intended to make you, my second uncle, the emperor."

"He said that the second uncle has the ability to control the overall situation and will not cause chaos in the world."

As soon as this word comes out.

The whole room was quiet, quiet, without any sound.

Zhu Gaoxu suddenly smiled. He smiled happily, like a child.

Emperor Yongle felt very distressed when he saw it. He touched it with his hand, but what he touched after all was just a phantom.

He also knew that the second child was deceived by his father.

Zhu Gaoxu laughed crazily.

He was in a hurry, as if he was looking for something.

Zhu Biao saw this and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"He has been fasting for five or six days. I didn't expect that his strength is still so amazing. If he doesn't seek death, he might be able to guard the border for the Ming Dynasty in the future."

Zhu Biao saw this and his heart beat with fear.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted and smiled: "Let's talk about boss, you are too kind. Look at how he has been deceived by the fourth child like this."

Zhu Biao touched his nose and laughed awkwardly.

He didn't say anything more, but one thing is certain, that is, King Han is getting closer and closer to death after all.

If they take one step toward death, they will be one step closer to death.

"A sinner!!"

Yongle covered his face and was too embarrassed to watch anymore.


Zhu Gaoxu found a painting, cursed directly, and collapsed on the ground.

This is his father Zhu Di.

When he saw Zhu Di's portrait, Zhu Zhanji also felt guilty. He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and took several steps back.

His face was full of horror. He looked at the grandfather in front of him and didn't know what to say.

Zhu Gaoxu touched Zhu Di in the portrait with his hand, and his face burst into tears.

"Old man!"

"You're not confused!"

"You know what I'm capable of, right?"

"As long as I become emperor, I will never be worse than you!" He couldn't help laughing!

Even if he loses now, for him, all his life, he just wants to get the old man's approval.

"Old man, I don't hate you anymore, I really don't hate you now!"

As the King of Han spoke, tears fell on the portrait and Zhu Di's face.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others beside him were watching silently.

Only Emperor Yongle felt unhappy.

He also scolded Zhu Di in this time and space, "Why are you drawing a pie when you have nothing to do?"
Zhu Gaoxu began to cry, and his tears fell on the portrait, which was covered with tears.

Zhu Zhanji felt guilty. He gritted his teeth, then slowly stood up and looked at his second uncle. .

But before he could speak, Zhu Gaoxu suddenly stared at him, as if he wanted to eat his eldest nephew!

"Big nephew!"

"Big nephew!"

He called his nephew twice in a row.

Zhu Zhanji was so frightened that he was in shock.

Zhu Gaoxu directly pushed his eldest nephew to the ground.

"Nephew, you were fooled by me!!"

"Do you really think I'm going to plead guilty?!"

"You are the sinner, you are the sinner of the Ming Dynasty!!"

"Open your eyes and look at your grandfather's portrait!"

"You seek power and usurp the throne, and you imprison your father. I'm afraid you won't be able to wash these words away for the rest of your life!!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Zhu Gaoxu directly pressed his eldest nephew's head, pasted it on the old man's portrait, and laughed unscrupulously.

Zhu Yuanzhang and others all gasped.

"This kid is so cruel, he is going to kill himself!"

Zhu Biao said blankly.

Zhu Yuanzhang closed his eyes and said nothing.

Emperor Yongle: "This child is dead. I finally know why he wanted to die. This is how he wanted to die."



Zhu Zhanji is also on the verge of collapse!

He was not a fool, and he knew that he had been tricked by his uncle.

He stared at Zhu Gaoxu.

"Come, come!!"

When the Xuande Emperor finished speaking, countless Jin Yiwei rushed in from outside.

They all surrounded the King of Han heavily.

The King of Han suddenly peed, and he peed on Zhu Di's portrait.

Emperor Yong Le: "..."

Zhu Gaoxu: “Niece, I peed!”

He smelled the smell a little pervertedly.

He looked at Zhu Zhanji again and at the royal guards.

He saw the knife in Jin Yiwei's hand and instantly smiled sarcastically.

"No matter how fast the sword is in this world, it can't compare to the human heart!"

"I admit, I can't fight your father. Your father can deceive the old man. Is it difficult to deceive me?!"

He just looked at Zhu Zhanji and smiled playfully.

"Do you remember your dad?"

"He died so mysteriously. He died within ten months of his reign. Aren't you worried about why his health was so serious?"

A word from Zhu Gaoxu.

This directly allowed Zhu Zhanji to break his defense.

His face also became a little frightened.

He came over, grabbed his second uncle's neck, and stared at him.

"Tell me again, what do you mean?"

Zhu Zhan was basically on the verge of collapse. When he heard these words, he immediately became uneasy.

Only Lao Zhu and others could see clearly that Zhu Gaoxu was begging for death.

"This bastard thing!!"

Emperor Yongle gritted his teeth angrily.


Zhu Zhanji looked at his second uncle fiercely.

"Tell me clearly what is going on!!"

Zhu Gaoxu smiled!
"You said it, you said it!!"

Zhu Zhanji grabbed Zhu Gaoxu with considerable strength.

"You know Hou Tai, he is a person close to your father. He is now on duty in the palace. Every year he sends things to the Prince's Mansion. The medicinal materials transported from Yunnan to the East Palace. As long as a little more is added to them, do you think What will happen to your father’s health?”

Zhu Gaoxu laughed.

Zhu Zhanji felt a little colder, and he took several steps back.

His face was filled with horror.

What frightened him the most was yet to come.

"When the old man was in Yumuchuan, the reason why he lost the battle was because Mahamu and I collaborated with the enemy!"

"Originally, Mahamu and I have already discussed that as long as the old man is trapped in the old mountain, as long as he is trapped to death, I will go back and ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor!"

"Nephew, you are really capable!"

"Everything I said made you a wedding dress!"


The corners of Zhu Yuanzhang's mouth twitched. How could he not see that Zhu Gaoxu was begging for death? He said everything.

Zhu Yuanzhang was silent, Emperor Yongle was silent, and Zhu Biao did not speak.

Only Zhu Bai saw it, his face expressionless.

Because he knows.

No matter what, the scene happening in front of me is indeed real.

Even more detailed than what is recorded in history books.


Zhu Zhanji collapsed this time. He finally fell into his uncle's trap.

He began to take a few steps back involuntarily, and the imperial guards looked at the emperor worriedly!
"Make him disappear forever!"

"Boil him, roast him!"

he gritted his teeth.


Zhu Yuanzhang and others: "..."

They were all ashamed.

Soon they saw Zhu Zhanji leaving here, and at this moment Zhu Gaoxu was pressed into a vat.

When Zhu Zhanji returned to his palace and looked for Hou Tai, he suddenly woke up!

Zhu Zhanji sat down on the ground, his whole body turned pale.

"He is begging for death, he is begging for death!!"

Zhu Zhanji ran frantically to the Han Palace and saw the smell of countless cigarettes coming from his uncle's room.

The door of his uncle's room was blown open by the wind, and he only saw a vat inside. The smell of cooking came from it, which was quite unpleasant.

Zhu Zhanji understood that he had roasted his uncle after all.

Emperor Yongle, Zhu Yuanzhang and others were suffocated when they saw it.

This book records that Zhu Zhanji roasted his own uncle.

But they didn't expect that the current scene would be so tragic.


PS Zhu Gaoxu: Family members, who knows? I burped.

(End of this chapter)

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