Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 43 Star Screen Name: Emperor Huaxia!

Chapter 43 Star Screen Name: Emperor Huaxia!

"How's it going?"

The leader of the Huaxia ability group, Longtou, contacted Tianyi with a satellite phone and asked.

"Team leader, the Blood God Sect has been destroyed!" Tian Yi replied.

"How many people did we lose?" the dragon asked again.

"Uh, one didn't die. Lin Tiankeqing easily swept the Blood God Sect alone. When we came, we were just cleaning up the mess." Tian Yi said embarrassedly.

"What, one person easily swept the Blood God Sect!"

Longtou's mouth is so big that I can't believe it.

In his calculations, the combined efforts of the Blood God Sect Sect Master and several elders were enough to compete with a tenth-order ability user. He thought that Lin Tian would have a difficult fight with the Blood God Sect.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tian swept away easily!

"I'm afraid Lin Tiankeqing is more than tenth order!"

The dragon head and the dragon zero looked at each other.

For a while, Lin Tian rose to a very high position in their hearts.


Guardian Spirit Space.

Lin Tian came back, closed his eyes and started sorting out the blood and nerves.

The blood nerve was considered a good practice in the Huaxia era. It contained a lot of content, not only the method of condensing blood, but also the method of using blood to perform various sorceries.

Those sorcerers are basically harmful to the body, and Lin Tian automatically filters them.

What he needs is the method of condensing blood, that is, the blood-exchange cultivation method he needs.

The blood exchange realm is to quench the blood, and the ordinary blood of the body is replaced with extraordinary blood, thus forming a powerful bloodline. Therefore, the more powerful the blood exchange realm exercise, the stronger the bloodline that is cultivated.

The stronger the bloodline, the better for future generations.

For example, the blood of the gods is enough to create a huge family. The strength of the clansmen is far beyond the strength of ordinary people when they are born, and the blood can increase their cultivation and easily help them step into a higher level.


Lin Tian opened his eyes and called out to Xiao Xiner.

After a while, Xiao Xiner came to the guardian spirit space.

"Lin Tian, ​​you're back. I was familiar with Xingwang just now. I went offline when I heard your call!" Xiao Xiner said quickly.

"Xingwang, is that the virtual world you mentioned before?" Lin Tian was curious.

"Well, yes, Xingwang is very strange. It is like a second world. Everyone in Xinghe University has to register for Xinghe. We have already started school for a day, and the tutor helped us to register for Xingwang on the first day. The network interface, you can enter the star network at any time..."

When it came to Xingwang, Xiao Xiner kept talking, and Lin Tian didn't interrupt Xiao Xiner, and kept listening to her narration.

Gradually, Lin Tian gained a more accurate understanding of Xingwang.

In short, the emergence of the Star Network facilitates human communication and facilitates human cultivation.

For example, the Awakened can engage in never-ending battles in StarNet, but not in the real world.

"Can I enter the Star Network?" Lin Tian also wanted to try.

"No, Star Net is prepared for human beings. Neither alien creatures nor guardian spirits can enter, because guardian spirits are not real life forms, so they are not recognized by Star Net." Xiao Xiner explained.

"It shouldn't hurt to give it a try, right?" Lin Tian asked.

Guardian spirits are not allowed to enter the star network, but Lin Tian feels that he is not an ordinary guardian spirit, but a living human being, and he may be able to register for the star network.

"Okay, then you can try it."

Xiao Xiner summoned Lin Tian and appeared in Xiao Xiner's apartment bedroom.

Xiao Xiner pointed to a crystal ball and said, "This is the Star Net interface, you can register when you enter the crystal ball with consciousness. It is said that the powerhouse above the Void Realm does not need to rely on the interface, and the consciousness can directly enter the Star Net. "

"Let me try!"

Lin Tian put his hand on the crystal ball and his consciousness entered it.


Lin Tian only felt his eyes flicker, his consciousness came to a void space, and a registration box appeared in front of him.

"Is this a success?"

Lin Tian was a little unclear, so he registered and filled in in order.

"Lin Tian!"

Lin Tian was about to register the name, but found that someone had already registered it.

I have tried many names before and after, all of which have been registered.

In the end, Lin Tian randomly filled in a name called 'Hua Tian Di', but found that no one had registered and could use it.

Xingwang does not need any ID number, nor contact information, etc., only need to fill in gender, age, and planet to which it belongs.

Of course, there is the most important one-

"Bind the soul!"

Click the Bind Soul button to start binding the soul.

"Detecting souls... Confirming humans... Not registered... Binding begins!"

After about a few minutes, a voice sounded again: "The registration is successful, the star network user 'Hua Xia Di', the star network number **..."

The Xingwang number is very long. This is a unique number belonging to each Xingwang user. The Xingwang user name can be changed, but the Xingwang number cannot be changed, which is the same as a human ID card.

After the registration was successful, Lin Tian did not choose to enter Xingwang, but left Xingwang and returned directly to Xiao Xiner's bedroom.

"How, did you fail?" Xiao Xin'er asked.

"Registration succeeded!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

"Let me just say, how could the guardian spirit register successfully... No, you said you were successful?" Xiao Xin'er showed an incredible look, as if she had seen a ghost.

"Yes, I registered successfully. The username of Xingwang is 'Huaxia Emperor'" Lin Tian said with a proud smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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