Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 42: The Blood-changing Realm Cultivation Technique is Available!

Chapter 42: The Blood-changing Realm Cultivation Technique is Available!
"Huaxia Lin Tiante is here to visit the Blood God Sect!"

Lin Tian's voice was transmitted directly from the foot of the mountain to the hall of the God of Blood Sect on the mountain, and it oscillated back and forth in the hall of the God of Blood Sect.

Blood God Sect Hall.

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect was holding a meeting of the Blood God Sect when he suddenly heard Lin Tian's voice, and suddenly stood up from his seat in shock.

"This voice seems to come from a long distance, but it is so loud, could it be the sound transmission in Chinese legends?"

What the Sect Master of the Blood God Sect did not know was that this was not a sound transmission to enter the secret, but a higher-level method than the sound transmission.

Lin Tian opened up the connection with heaven and earth, and to a certain extent, he could control the power of heaven and earth, so he could transmit the fluctuation of sound to the hall of the Blood God Sect.

At this moment, a disciple of the Blood God Sect reported in Diandian language: "Sect Master, there is a Chinese man under the mountain who trespassed on our blood mountain."

"Let him go up the mountain!"

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect thought for a while and said.


The Blood God Sect disciple replied.


The Blood God Sect's main hall is located inside the mountain, and the entire hall is embedded in the mountain body. If you look at it from the bottom of the mountain, you can't see the main hall at all. In addition, the blood mountain is relatively steep, so most people can't go up.

In addition, the pastry official can prohibit people from entering the blood mountain, so the blood mountain is an extremely mysterious existence in the hearts of pastry people.

When Lin Tian came to the open space in front of the blood god sect hall, the blood god sect sect master led all the wizard elders of the blood god sect to come out.

"Huaxia people, what's the matter with you coming to my Blood God Sect?" The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect asked in very fluent Chinese.

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect was originally from China, but since the Blood God Sect moved to Noodles, he joined the Noodles nationality and is no longer a Chinese.

"Look at the blood and nerves!"

Lin Tian stated his purpose.

At this time, the expressions of everyone in the Blood God Sect changed.

The blood nerve is the treasure of the blood god sect. Except for the sect master, no one else is qualified to watch it, but now an outsider wants to come to the blood god sect and ask for the blood nerve to watch it.

"I'll give you two choices. One is to kowtow and apologize, and then pay another [-] million yuan. I'll let you live. The second choice is to die!" The Blood God Sect Sect Master coldly threatened.

"That's why we don't have to talk?" Lin Tian asked.

"No talk!"

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect waved his witch robe with a big hand.

"I wanted to deal with it peacefully, but you don't agree. If it is an ordinary sect, I will hesitate whether to do it or not, but I will not be soft on your group of evil wizards who betray China. I choose the third way, snatch Your blood nerves." Lin Tian said coldly.


The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect ordered.

A famous disciple of the Blood God Sect appeared all around, hid in various places, and began to shoot Lin Tian with guns.

Although the Blood God Sect started with a wizard, it also kept a lot of weapons, including a lot of guns and ammunition.

Bang bang bang! ! ! !

One by one bullets were shot densely.

However, the people of the Blood God Sect found that these bullets were useless on Lin Tian at all, and they were all bounced off.


Lin Tian's figure disappeared.Immediately afterwards, the disciples of the Blood God Sect around them all screamed, obviously something unexpected had happened to them.

"Use blood sorcery!"

The Sect Master of the Blood God Sect ordered.

Immediately, an old wizard named Blood God Sect began to perform sorcery, and terrifying insects crawled out from all around. These insects were blood-red and very fast.

All these bugs rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​trying to surround Lin Tian.

These insects are carefully cultivated witches, and they like to devour blood essence, and contain strong toxicity. Once surrounded by these witches, even the ninth-order ability user will die.

The overwhelming number of witches and worms headed towards the shroud. In the opinion of the Blood God Sect Sect Master, even Lin Tian couldn't avoid it no matter how fast he was.

at this time.

A huge golden palm print appeared in the air and slammed into the witches.

In an instant, many witches were all shattered and turned into powder.

Puff puff! ! ! !

The witch worm died, and many old wizards were injured and fell to the ground one by one.

"The art of controlling insects is also a small way. You cultivate these witches and kill a lot of people, well, let's get rid of the Blood God Sect by the way today!"

Lin Tian's killing intent spread out, making everyone tremble.


The Sect Master of the Blood Shadow Sect and several elders of the Blood Shadow Sect made a blood shadow to pounce on Lin Tian, ​​and the strength comparable to the ninth level of the flesh body was undoubtedly revealed.

But in an instant, their figures were frozen in the air, their heads were penetrated by a finger, and they were killed on the spot.

Looking at the corpse of the blood shadow sect master who fell from the sky, everyone in the blood shadow sect was completely terrified.

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"

Some people speak Chinese, some people speak Chinese, and some even speak English.

Just when Lin Tian was hesitating whether to kill these people, a voice came from a distance—

"Lin Tiankeqing, we are members of the Huaxia Ability Group, leave these people to us!"

Tianyi rushed to the blood mountain with the members of the Huaxia ability group of the second group of heaven and earth, and immediately reported his identity.

Lin Tian saw Tian Jiu and Tian Qi and confirmed their identities. He was a little curious about the sudden arrival of these people from the Huaxia ability group, but he didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stepped into the hall of the Blood God Sect.

After some searching, Lin Tian found a treasure chest made of a fine steel box in a secret room below the Blood God Sect hall.

Lin Tian directly violently destroyed it and found the blood nerve from it.

After reading it and remembering it, Lin Tian destroyed this exercise.

"Blood-changing realm exercises are here!"

Lin Tian left the Blood Mountain with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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