Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 254 Xue Family Xue Ao!

Chapter 254 Xue Family Xue Ao!

Light wind star.

Two days later, Xiao Xiner and other sophomores all arrived on this planet.

Only a few Void Realm powerhouses from Galaxy University were accompanied.

"This planet is a little smaller than Earth!"

Lin Tian saw the whole picture of Guangfengxing from the space station through the guardian spirit space, and guessed.

"Well, it is a little smaller than the earth, but the population is a little more than the earth. In addition, this planet is not as developed as the earth and the space utilization is not enough, so the population has expanded greatly. Many cities are overcrowded, and many areas are not suitable It is also very difficult to live in and transform. Guangfeng Planet is actually a planet with scarce resources, and its ability to accommodate 100 billion people is already the limit. It is said that there are only five or six gods on this planet, and the number of strong people is very rare , he is considered a strong person on this planet in the realm of Tongshen."

Xiao Xiner said to Lin Tian.

"Yeah, so many people on this planet want to emigrate, and even those big families want to emigrate. If the policy doesn't allow it, I'm afraid many strong people on this planet have emigrated, then this planet It really became an empty shelf!"

Lin Tian sighed.

"Hope this time the immigration goes well!"

Xiao Xiner secretly looked forward to it.

Guangfengxing, immigration stronghold No. 1.

More than 100 million people are arranged here, waiting for immigration, and everyone's face is very anxious.

They were selected as the first batch of immigrants. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so everyone was very eager to go to a new planet, but they have been waiting here for half a month, and they have not yet started immigration.

At this time, the immigrants in the No. [-] stronghold began to make a noise.

"The person in charge, the person in charge, when will the immigration start, it's been half a month!"

Many people shouted.

"What's the noise, it's coming soon. When the students of Galaxy University arrive, they will arrange for you to emigrate. This time the new planet was discovered by the Federal God Alliance, and the second year students of the Earth Galaxy University were escorted by the Federal God Alliance to escort you there. Dwarf forest star, wait calmly!" One of the people in charge of the No. [-] stronghold shouted coldly.

"Headmaster, can a group of sophomores keep us safe?"

There are concerns.

The person in charge of the No. [-] stronghold said coldly: "With the weapons of spaceships, even the powerful ones in the void can be easily repulsed. If even the spaceships can't protect you, even if a large number of powerhouses in the psychic realm are sent. You can't protect you either. These sophomores are just to maintain order, but many of them are above the Innate Realm. They are also escorted by a Void Realm Awakener from our Guangfengxing, if you are afraid. , then you can withdraw from immigration now!"

Exit immigration?
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could anyone quit.

Suddenly, no one asked such an idiot question anymore.

Immigrants are naturally risky, but there is no danger in doing anything. Maybe you stay at home and sleep, and the aftermath of the battle between the powerful may kill you.


A large aircraft flew down from the space station.At this time, the person in charge of Stronghold No. [-] said: "Students from Earth Galaxy University are here. Everyone, please don't be impatient and come one by one in the order that has been arranged."

The large aircraft fell.

More than 40 people, including Xiao Xiner and Jin Ming, came down.

When they saw that the streets and alleys of the No. [-] stronghold and various squares were full of human beings, they were all excited.

So many people, if they riot, they can't control it.

Fortunately, these people don't dare to mess around for the time being.

Soon, Xiao Xiner and others handed over the list and immigration work to the person in charge of the No. [-] stronghold.

After about half a day of work, the immigration work began.

Under the arrangement of dozens of people including Xiao Xiner, a group of immigrants boarded the super-large spaceship that went to the space station.

With a large number of aircraft carried, 50 people were carried to the space station, and everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

Somewhere in base number one.

A large number of people in black support a young man.

Seeing the last flying machine fly away, the young man frowned lightly and said, "Uncle Wolf, why don't we leave in the first batch? With my status, if I want to leave in the first batch, I should just order it."

Uncle Wolf called by the boy was an old man standing next to him. He looked very old, but his eyes were full of wisdom.

"Master, safety is important. After the first batch of 50 people are sent away, we will send the second batch. This will be more complete. If something goes wrong with the first batch, we can still plan again." Uncle Wolf whispered.

"Uncle Wolf is right. Anyway, it's only ten days late, without wasting time. My father asked me to take root there to stabilize the foundation, and then build a new huge group in the dwarf forest star, for our Xue family. Huge foundation, this is a big thing!"

The young man exclaimed in high spirits.

His name is Xue Ao, the son of the head of the Xue family, a top family in Guangfengxing. He is only 24 years old this year, but he is already an awakened person at the peak of the blood-changing realm, and he can be regarded as a genius.

The peak of the blood exchange realm was at the critical point where immigrants could immigrate, so his father sent him here.

"Well, the master is already the top ten richest man in Guangfengxing. This time, if the young master goes to the dwarf forest star, maybe he will surpass the master. Once the dwarf forest star develops, maybe he will surpass the Guangfeng star, then the young master will be the dwarf star. Lin Xing's richest man, Master can speed up his development here and become Guangfeng's richest man, and the Xue family will become a real Big Mac family." Uncle Wolf said with a smile.

"Well, it's a pity that this time the policy only allows people above the Xiantian realm to immigrate. Otherwise, my father can send experts to accompany us. In that case, it will be more convenient for us to be in the dwarf forest." Xue Ao said regretfully.

"You don't have to be a pity, young master, we can't send strong men, and other strong men above the innate are not allowed to immigrate. In comparison, we have an advantage. The young master can step into the innate at any time, and the 100 guards selected here are also all We are the Awakeners at the peak of the blood-changing realm, and we can also step into the Innate at any time. After reaching the Dwarf Forest Star, we will all break through to the Innate Awakeners, and we can immediately become the largest force in the Dwarf Forest Star, plus the amazing resources that the young master brought this time. , the business of ruling the dwarf star is not a problem." Uncle Wolf said.

"Well, then let's just wait quietly!"

Xueo murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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