Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 253 Planet Immigration!

Chapter 253 Planet Immigration!

Time Fata closed, Xiao Xiner and others came out one by one.

Except for Xiao Xiner, the others have also progressed very quickly, and basically they have improved by one or two levels.

But Xiao Xiner has broken through two small levels in the realm of the psychic realm, while others have only broken through one or two realms in the innate realm, and the speed of progress is completely incomparable with Xiao Xiner.

Xiao Xiner and Lin Tian originally thought that after the mission of the affiliated experimental high school was over, there should be no new missions for a long time, but the day after they just came out of Time Fata, a new mission arrived, and it was facing all the sophomores. Tasks posted by students.

Immigration mission!

The size of the universe is absolutely unimaginable to ordinary people.

Countless galaxies, countless star fields.

Even in the territory of human beings, there are many life planets that have not been discovered, and human beings have been searching for new life planets, working hard for the development and growth of human beings.

Not long ago, a new life planet was discovered, and it was suitable for human habitation. The creatures on it were not strong, and only a few indigenous people existed.

And humans also completely ruled the indigenous people there, and built a human city on it.

Today, these cities are empty, some human planets have multiplied to a certain level, and the population is full, which requires immigration.

In China a billion years ago, human beings were still on the earth, and they also went to the universe. They emigrated again and again, and only now have the prosperity and prosperity of human beings.

Thus, migration has been going on within human beings.

This time, a planet of mankind is already overcrowded, nearly [-]% of the people are applying for immigration, and now there is finally a planet that can accommodate people from this planet.

The immigrant people are ordinary people, and the highest cultivation base cannot exceed the innate realm.

This is a limit that a planet can allow. If the top powerhouses all emigrate, the overall level of that planet will seriously decline.

As for Xiao Xiner and the others, their task is to arrange these immigrants into spaceships in batches, and then send them to the new planet to settle down. They are also responsible for order and safety issues.

Aliens, immigrants.

Many second-year students were very excited when they heard this task, and they were very interested in this task.

On the day the task was released, more than 900 sophomore students were divided into 20 groups, with more than 40 people in each group.

This time, there are a total of 20 super-large spaceships transporting people, and one group is responsible for the order and safety of one spaceship.

Of course, after all, this is just a migration, not too important, so there will be no escort by gods.

The gods are high above, and it is naturally impossible to escort a group of ordinary people.

But for safety reasons, a very large spaceship will arrange for a strong man from the void realm, and together with the weapons of the spaceship itself, it is enough to ensure the safety of the spacecraft.Before performing the task.

Gao Ling's mentor called Xiao Xiner and the others together, and explained the precautions for this mission in detail.

"Classmates, the human planet to be immigrated this time is called Guangfengxing, and the new planet discovered is named Dwarf Forest. This task is not difficult, but it will let you understand the process of immigration in human development. , will be of great benefit to the growth of your knowledge."

"During the immigration process, those immigrant humans may have various problems. These are all things that need to be solved by you. Remember that if someone makes trouble, suppress them directly. You're welcome!"

"Each spaceship is protected by a large number of modern technological weapons and a Void Awakener, so there will be almost no security problems. Unless more than ten Void powerhouses are besieging a spaceship spaceship."

When Mentor Gao Ling talked about this, Sun Ze asked curiously, "Mr. Gao Ling, even if there are ten Void Realm powerhouses, they can't attack spaceships in space, right? Not only gods can cross the universe physically. space?"

At this time, Gao Ling's instructor smiled slightly: "You know too little about the Void Realm and the gods. The gods can travel through space in the flesh, but the Void Realm can also survive in space for a short time without using anything, but if you use things, Then you can survive in space for a long time without affecting the combat effectiveness. Even some ordinary people wearing space suits can stay in space, but they are only inconvenient to move. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Void can survive in space. "

Lin Tian agrees with Gao Ling's teacher's words. The Huaxia era has not been able to enter the cosmic era. A broken spaceship can carry people into space, and ordinary people in space suits dare to wander in space.

Therefore, it is normal for the Void to survive in space.

"The dwarf forest star is not far from the light wind star, but because this time it is carrying ordinary people, if the space jumps, only the dormancy cabin can offset the space pressure, and the material of the dormancy cabin is very special and cannot be used on the entire spaceship. And the super-large spaceship carries too many people, so it is impossible to activate all the dormant capsules, so it can only fly. The speed of super-large space flight is 100 times the speed of light, and the round-trip time between two planets is ten days. You need to be responsible for transporting it three times. The task can be completed." Gao Ling explained.

"Instructor Gao Ling, a super large spaceship can carry only 50 people at most at one time. A spaceship can carry 150 million people three times. If there are 20 spaceships, the total number of people it can carry is only 3000. It’s only ten thousand people, doesn’t it mean 3000% of the number of people carrying the Light Wind Star? 30 million people cannot be [-]%, [-]% must be at least [-] billion people.”

Xiao Xiner asked curiously.

"Because this is the first batch of privileged ordinary people to immigrate!"

Gao Ling explained: "If all 30 billion people are immigrated to the Dwarf Planet at once, have you ever thought about what the consequences will be? A planet that has not even established a human civilization system, 30 billion people will be immigrated to it all at once. . This is like throwing one-third of the earth's people onto a primitive planet at once. What do you think will happen?"

Xiao Xiner and the others smiled slightly and knew what was going to happen.

riot!Order collapsed!All kinds of crimes!

"You must have thought of it!" Gao Ling said: "3000 million people are far easier to manage than 30 billion people. If they are scattered in various cities, the number of people will be smaller. First establish a primary civilization system, and then emigrate 30 billion people. People, this is the most reasonable way to emigrate, and this is the way human immigration has always been.”

Soon, Gao Ling finished all the immigration details and precautions, and the students' questions were basically answered.

So, Xiao Xiner and others boarded the spaceship to Guangfengxing.

As for Gao Ling's teacher, he didn't go. As a teacher, if he always protects his students, wouldn't they have no time to practice?
This time, the students are on their own!

Let students rely on themselves step by step. This is the teaching purpose of Galaxy University.

(End of this chapter)

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