Chapter 2289
"How could I lie to you? This is what Lucia said. If you don't believe it, you can ask her yourself!"

Lucia heard that Gerald had been brought back, so she hurriedly walked out now.


"Lucia, is what you said true?"

Gerald looked at Lucia, so he asked anxiously at this time.

This issue is very important, related to whether he can continue to stay in this world in the future, so Lucia now said: "Well, it's true, you must go back with me at this time!"

"But I don't want to go back. I want to stay in this world. Can you think of a way for me to stay in this world?"

"Of course there is a way. I will send you back now and wait a month until the two worlds reunite. Then I can take you back at that time."

"Lucia, does Lin Xin want to go back with me too?"

"No, her quality is not enough, so she doesn't need to go back. You can just go back with me!"

Hearing that Lin Xin did not need to go back, Gerald seemed to realize something and said: "Lucia, you are lying to me, right? I know you are definitely lying to me at this time. If you want to go back, Then the two of us will go back together, and if we don’t go back, none of us will go back alone!”

"Don't be like this. If you don't go back, the consequences will be serious!"

"But why did the two of us come together, but now you want me to go back alone, so tell me the reason!"

Lin Tian sighed at this time, and then said: "Lucia, just say it directly and tell him the reason. I think he has the right to know the reason!"

"Well, if that's the case, I'll just say it!"

"Go ahead!"

"Jerold, I will send you back this time. In fact, you only need to send one person back to stabilize these two parallel worlds."

"Then why are you sending me back?"

"Because Lin Xin is our daughter, she cannot go back, because if she goes back, we may lose this daughter."

"Then can I send it back? I also want to stay here. I really don't want to go back!"

Jerrold really feels some pain at this time, and he really doesn't want to go back.

It has been a while since he came to this world, and his cultivation has really improved a lot during this period. As of now, he feels that it won't take long for him to continue to make breakthroughs.

So of course he doesn't want to leave such a world.

How nice it would be to stay in such a world, where your own cultivation can be improved by leaps and bounds.

If you leave here and return to the original world, the original world's spiritual energy is thin, and it will not be easy to improve your strength.

"But if you return to the original world, it is still possible to come back. The probability of coming back is 80.00%, so there is a high probability that you can come back!"

"Oh, that means even if I go back, there is still a chance of coming back?"

"Yes, you still have a chance to come back, Gerald. How about this? If you promise me to go back, I will give you a Shura Heart Sutra. This Shura Heart Sutra is given to you. Are you right now? You should agree to my request and go back?" "What level can this Shura Heart Sutra allow me to cultivate to!"

"Holy level!"

"What, are you telling the truth?"

Now Jerrold felt a little surprised in his heart. Is what Lin Tian said true?
"Of course what I said is true. This Shura Heart Sutra may also help you cultivate to the Holy Saint. So whether you agree to me at this time or not, if you agree to me at this time, then this The Shura Heart Sutra is yours, and you still have many opportunities to come back."

"Do you think I have any other choice?"

Jerrold felt that he had no other choice. If he didn't go back, Lin Tian would definitely not let him go, and the two of them might be enemies by then.

So Jerrold looked at Lin Tian and said: "I hope we can still be friends from now on, so I agreed to what you asked me to do, and I will go back with Lucia!"

"Well, that's great, Gerald. I know it's a little difficult for you to do this, so I owe you that!"

"No, didn't you also give me the Shura Heart Sutra? So you don't owe me anything. So when will we set off?"

Lucia said: "We can set off now, the sooner the better!"

"Now that I have to leave, I really feel a little reluctant to let go!"

"Don't be reluctant, because the more reluctant you are, the sadder you will feel in your heart. Jerrold, please come with me now. After a while, when the two parallel worlds have stabilized, Maybe I will go and bring you back!"

"No, Lucia, can you promise me something?"

"Go ahead!"

"After the two parallel worlds stabilize, you must bring me back. I must come back!"

"Not necessarily. There is only a [-]% chance that I can bring you back, because by then, I may not be able to find my way back!"

"Lucia, I believe you, you can definitely find it, right?"

Lucia nodded and said: "Well, I know, I will definitely find it, and I will try my best when the time comes!"

The parting scene now seemed very touching. Lin Xin also came over and said, "Jerold, let me see you off!"

"Well, maybe this is the last time we meet. Maybe I will never see you again. Lin Xin, we are originally from the same world. If I can stay and be your companion, then you You won't be so lonely. If you are the only one left in the future, will you be lonely?"

"I won't be alone, because my parents are with me, but you, Gerald, although you can go back, you don't seem to want to go back to the original world, do you?"

"Well, it seems you know me very well!"

Lucia looked at them now and said: "Okay, it's getting late now. Gerald, I'll take you back. Don't worry, you still have a good chance of coming back!"

They set off and disappeared from Lin Tian's sight after a while.

(End of this chapter)
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