Chapter 2288
Jerrold was still hopeful at first, but after a while, he felt that he really had no way to leave here.

"What the hell is this place?"

Now, no matter which direction he walked, Jerrold found that he had no way to leave this place.

"It's like you've hit a wall and hit a wall. It seems that no matter which direction you go, you can't get out of here!"

After a while, Jerrold felt that he was really disappointed in his heart. What should he do now?

He has never encountered this kind of situation before. How should he solve it now?

"It's better to go find him and ask!"

Although Jerrold said he didn't give in at the beginning, is there any use in not giving in now? If he doesn't give in now, there will be no way to leave here.

He can always be trapped here for the rest of his life, right?
"How can I get out of here?"

Jerrold found Liu Wushuang and asked directly at this time.

"Actually, our idea is very simple, that is, let you meet Lin Tian, ​​as long as you can promise me this!"

"What if I don't go with you?"

"If you don't come with us, then you will only be here forever. Do you want to stay here forever?"

"Of course I won't stay here forever."

Liu Wushuang smiled: "In that case, don't talk so much nonsense now. Come with me, and then I will take you to see Lin Tian."

Jerrold felt that he really had no other choice at this time, so he said, "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll go with you!"

At worst, I should follow him now, and then when I get halfway, I might have a chance to escape?
Liu Wushuang took out a pill and said, "Take this pill, and I can take you away!"

"What is this?"

"After you take this pill, you will have no way to escape. Even if you leave this formation, you will have no way to escape from here. Do you understand?"

"It turns out you were already prepared!"

"Yes, how could I not be prepared to deal with someone like you, so have you thought clearly at this time?"

"I have thought it through now, bring it!"

What else could Gerald do now? He could only take the pill and swallow it in his stomach.

Seeing Gerald take the pill, he said: "Okay, let's go together now!"

They left together at this time. After a while, Qiangwei said: "Jerold, do you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart?"

"I do feel a little uncomfortable in my heart, little girl. I didn't expect that I would be controlled by you. Now that I think about it, I really feel a little unwilling!"

"Don't be reluctant. Lin Tian is your friend. We are just taking you to meet your friends, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but this is it too!"

Jerrold thought that if this was the case, then he would meet his friend.

To be honest, he really didn't want to go back.But is it useful not to go back now?
If I don't go back now, it won't do anything. I can only go back!
"Do you know what Lin Tian wants from me?"

This is what Jerrold wants to know now, but Qiangwei said: "I don't know what he wants from you, but he has offered a reward of tens of billions of spiritual crystals to find you, so there must be something important. Yes, since he has something important to ask you, as a friend, don’t you want to go back?”

"Maybe it's my fault!"

Now, Jerrold also felt something bad in his heart. Maybe Lin Tianzhen really wanted to go back to him for something important, so he should have gone back earlier.

After a while, they left Bell Blue City.

After leaving here, Gerald said: "I have really gained a lot of experience in the past few days when I went to Bell Blue City. Now that I suddenly leave at this time, I really feel a little reluctant to leave!"

"Don't be reluctant. If you leave now, you can come back later!"

"Well, maybe, but maybe I'll never come back!"

"Why do you say that, you can come back if you can leave? Why do you say you will never come back?"

"I don't know why I said that. Anyway, I have this hunch in my heart that if I leave here, I may never come back!"

"Haha, it seems that you are really a very interesting person!"

Sword Spirit Liu Wushuang felt that he was really a very interesting person. Could it be that there was some truth to what he said at this time?
After a day and night of trekking, they finally arrived at Tianbao Holy Sect.

"Lin Tian, ​​when I come, won't you come out to welcome me?"

Lin Tian heard Qiangwei's voice, so he was really surprised at this time. Why is she here at this time?
"Rose, is that you?"

"Yes, I brought Jerrold to you!"

Lin Tian was even more surprised when he saw Gerald. He didn't expect Qiangwei and Liu Wushuang to take Gerald with them.

"No way. How did you bring Gerald? Where did you find him?"

"In Bell Blue City."

"Oh, Jerrold, have you gone to Bell Blue City to practice?"

"Yes, I have been to many places since the last separation, but in the end I found Bell Blue City, which is really a very nice place, so I stayed there for a while! "

"Well, I have something very important to discuss with you. Are you willing to go back to your original parallel world?"

When Gerald heard what Lin Tian said, he said: "Of course I don't want to go back. I'm staying in this world well now. Why should I go back? I don't want to go back!"

"If you don't go back, the consequences will be serious!"

"How serious will it be?"

"Maybe these two parallel worlds will collapse, so if you don't go back, maybe these two worlds will not exist by then!"

Jerrold smiled and said, "Is it that serious? You won't lie to me, right?"

(End of this chapter)
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