Chapter 2127

Zhao Heming, the patriarch of the Zhao family, has always had a very high status in the family, but despite this, he still has to be very respectful after meeting Zhao Linxin.

Because Zhao Linxin is the saint of the family and controls the entire economic lifeline of the family, sometimes Zhao Heming must be respectful when meeting Zhao Linxin.

"Uncle, don't be so polite."

"I wonder how much my niece has brought to the family when she comes back this time?"

What he is most concerned about now is actually this matter. Although he appears to be very respectful to Zhao Linxin on the surface, in fact, he wants to take back the economic power in Zhao Linxin's hands.

Only the family saint can control the family's economy, and now this power is in the hands of Zhao Linxin.

If he wanted to take back the economic power from Zhao Linxin, the first thing he had to do was to replace the family saint.

Although the saint's status in the family is very high, if she fails to complete her annual task of making money, she will be dismissed by the family collectively.

So now Zhao Heming really wants to know how much money she has earned this year.

"This time I brought 200 billion yuan."

"What, 200 billion?"

At this moment, the elders present were also a little surprised. One of the elders said: "Only 200 billion spiritual stones are really too little!"

"It's not a spiritual stone, it's a spiritual crystal."

"What, are you telling the truth, is it a spiritual crystal?"

You must know that there is a huge difference between spiritual crystals and spiritual stones, so when they heard that Zhao Linxin brought 200 billion spiritual crystals, each of them couldn't believe it was true.

"I have overfulfilled my task. Come on, uncle, share the money and gold and silver I brought with you!"

Zhao Heming took the savings card from her hand with trembling hands, and said at this moment: "Niece Lin Xin, when you were leaving last year, I was very offended to you. Please forgive me for what my uncle said at that time. In fact, at that time, my uncle All he said were angry words.”

Zhao Linxin thought of the time when she just left a year ago. At that time, Zhao Heming said that if she didn't make enough money from the mission, then she wouldn't have to come back.

And now, Zhao Linxin has not only come back, but has also brought so much profit to the family, so he now knows what opportunities Zhao Linxin must have encountered while doing business outside.

If you don't encounter any opportunities, it is almost impossible to make so much money in one year.

Now Zhao Linxin introduced: "This is Lin Tian, ​​who is my friend and my business partner!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin Tian."


Zhao Heming's attitude towards Zhao Linxin was completely different from before, and he seemed to be respectful. He originally wanted to seize Zhao Linxin's position as the Saint and give it to his daughter, but now that he thinks about it, this is impossible.

"He is an elder in Tianbao Holy Sect, and his status is extremely noble."

"Oh, really, it turns out to be Elder Lin Tian."

Lin Tian nodded now and didn't say anything. He didn't want others to call him Elder Lin Tian, ​​otherwise he would be called old.

"By the way, I have a box on the carriage outside. What I brought in the box is some gold and silver. Let's divide them up and give them to the outstanding disciples of the family."

"Okay!" The golden treasure box was quickly lifted off the carriage, and after the treasure box was opened, Zhao Heming and several elders opened their eyes wide at this time, really not believing what they were seeing now. what is seen.

"There are so many?"

"Yes, so much is given to outstanding children in the family, including those at the human-immortal level."

Hearing Zhao Linxin's generosity, Zhao Heming said, "Well, niece, you have really worked too hard. You have made so much money this year, but you have made great contributions to the family."

"Big credit doesn't count. I should do all this myself."

Now Zhao Linxin can be regarded as returning to her hometown in glory. You must know that when she left last year, she was very shabby because no one supported her to become the saint of the family.

If his father hadn't had some power before, then she wouldn't have been able to become a saint.

And now she has finally used her strength to defend her position, so she feels that her dignity has been preserved.

At this moment, Zhao Linxin looked at Zhao Heming and seemed not satisfied with keeping her position as a saint.

Comparatively speaking, she wants revenge even more now. She must know what Zhao Heming did to her a year ago, so Zhao Linxin has not forgotten the scene at that time.

"Now in front of all the elders, I have decided to remove Zhao Heming, the clan leader."

"What, you want to depose me?"

Now Zhao Heming looked at Zhao Linxin, his eyes looked very different.

"Yes, I want to remove you. Don't you think my proposal is feasible?"

"You have no power to remove me, I am the patriarch of the family!"

But Zhao Linxin smiled lightly and said: "I know you are the patriarch of the family, and I have no power to remove you as the patriarch, but what if the family members jointly vote to remove you?"


Zhao Heming did not expect that she would say this, but Zhao Linxin laughed at this moment: "I have prepared more elixirs when I come back this time. Anyone who is willing to vote to remove your clansmen will get a spirit-gathering elixir and a spirit-raising elixir." Pill, body tempering pill.”

"What, is what you said true?"

Zhao Heming looked in disbelief. This gesture was really too big. You must know that the value of these pills is very expensive.

"Of course it's true. I think all the people in the family will be tempted if I offer such a condition!"

"No, niece Lin Xin, you can't do this to me. I'm your uncle. Do you really want to call on the clan members to remove me as the clan leader? It's wrong for you to do this!"

"Think about how you treated me back then, and now I'm going to treat you the same way. What's wrong with this?"

"I know I was wrong. Everything is my fault. I will never dare to do it again!"

Zhao Heming seemed a little cowardly now. He had never thought that Zhao Linxin could grow up so fast before. He used to think that she was just a simple little girl.

But now he has seen how terrifying Zhao Linxin is. She can actually use her financial strength to call on her clan members to remove her as the clan leader. Could he have thought of it before?

If he had thought of it before, he would not have been so towards Zhao Linxin a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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