Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2126 Want to hear the details

Chapter 2126 Want to hear the details
In the early morning of the next day, Lin Tian got up early, and Xiao Xiner didn't know why she got up so early, so she asked: "Lin Tian, ​​what are you doing up so early?"

"I have a business trip to Jubao Pavilion, so it will take a few days for me to go out this time."

"How about I go with you?"

"No need, this business dealings are very troublesome, I can just go by myself."

It wasn't that Lin Tian wanted to hide it from her on purpose, but he was just afraid that she would think too much, so Lin Tian went out and came to the Jubao Pavilion.

There are already many cultivators coming to shop at the entrance of Jubao Pavilion. I think when she first came to this city, the business was not that good.

This is also the reason why Tianbao Shengzong takes care of her, so the business of Jubao Pavilion has become so good.

A carriage was already parked at the entrance of Jubao Pavilion, and the driver seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

Lin Tian entered the Jubao Pavilion. When he saw Zhao Linxin, he asked, "Can we leave now?"

"You can go!"

She combed her hair carefully again. Lin Tian felt that this woman was also quite troublesome. It would take a long time just to dress herself up when going out.

But she is a very beautiful woman, and she should dress up beautifully when she goes out.

"What's in this box?"

"Some gold and silver are fine and soft."

Lin Tian didn't expect that she would bring so much gold and silver back, so he asked: "Actually, it doesn't have to be so troublesome, just bring the savings card back!"

"How can I show that I have returned home in fine clothes? So if I want to go back, I must bring cash."

Lin Tian didn't expect that she would think like this in her heart. It seemed that her thoughts really surprised him.

Sometimes women's thoughts are really strange. Men usually think rationally, while women often think very emotionally.

The driver started to drive at this time. Lin Tian felt a little curious and asked, "I don't know how far your home is. When can we get there?"

"Actually, it doesn't take long, it only takes half a day!"

"How about this, take my alloy chariot. That way we can go faster."

Zhao Linxin smiled and said lightly: "Actually, there is no need to go to such trouble, and I am not in a hurry to rush back. It is actually a good choice to take a look at the scenery along the way!"

"You are right, we are not in a hurry now."

Although the carriage was a little bumpy, it felt really good. He had been busy practicing before and felt that life was really boring.

In fact, it is not that there is a lack of beauty in life, it is just that I lack a heart for discovery.

Time passed quickly, half a day passed in the blink of an eye, and they soon entered another city.

This city also looks very tall. After entering the city, there is a very prosperous city behind it.

"This is my home!"

"So this is your home here. It looks so big!"

"Of course, no matter what, our family has been doing business for generations, so of course the place we live in won't be very shabby!"

They walked in together, and the housekeeper saw Zhao Linxin coming back, so he was so excited that he almost shed tears! "Miss, after such a long time, you are finally back!"

"Steward Wang, thanks to you for taking care of my family this year, thank you very much."

"Miss, what are you talking about? I did all of this as I should. It's just that in this year, Miss must have suffered a lot outside!"

In fact, Zhao Linxin did not suffer much during this year, and she felt that her life was going smoothly.

Because she met Lin Tian, ​​this year has been so smooth. If she had not met Lin Tian at the beginning, I am afraid that she would not be able to return home in glory now, right?

"Steward Wang, it's really not hard for me at all. We just came back, so we are a little hungry. I wonder if there is anything to eat at home?"

"Of course. I'm going to prepare food now."

After a while, the meal was ready, and the meal was extremely rich. Lin Tian gave Butler Wang some reward money, and then said: "Steward Wang, are the family patriarch and several elders here?"

"It's all there."

"If they are all here, then let them come at two o'clock in the afternoon!"


After Butler Wang said that he knew, he walked away, and Lin Tian also felt very strange in his heart, why Zhao Linxin could directly call the patriarch and the elders of the family to come over.

Lin Tian expressed his curiosity at this moment, and Zhao Linxin smiled and said: "Haha, Lin Tian, ​​do you feel very strange?"

"Of course, I do feel very strange in my heart. Logically speaking, shouldn't you visit the clan leader when you come back? Why are you asking the clan leader to come here in person now?"

"There are some things in our family that you don't know about."

"Oh, I would like to hear about it."

"In our family, my status is actually higher than that of the patriarch, because I am the saint in the family."

At this moment, Lin Tian looked at Zhao Linxin and asked, "What are you talking about, the saint in your family?"

"Yes, the status of the family saint is higher than that of the family patriarch, so it is appropriate for them to come to see me at this time."

It seemed that Lin Tianzhen really didn't know the rules of her family. If he knew, he wouldn't have to doubt anything.

"In fact, the patriarch only manages the internal affairs of the family, and the saint of the family actually only has one role, and that is to be responsible for the family's business. Simply put, it is to make money for the family, so my role is naturally very important."

"Oh, that means you control the entire family's finances?"


Now Lin Tian understood why Zhao Linxin spoke so loudly just now. It turned out that the entire family's economic lifeline was in her hands.

After they finished eating, they took a short rest, and soon it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, the family patriarchs and elders were also arriving in droves.

"It turns out that Lin Xin's niece is back. It's really great!"

The clan leader, Zhao Heming, walked over directly at this time. When he saw Zhao Linxin, he looked very respectful.

(End of this chapter)

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