Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1634 Contact Elders

Chapter 1634 Contact Elders
Therefore, these soldiers from the Immortal family are already very smart.

After withdrawing from the most central front position in this world of bright and dark cosmos.

Without saying a word, he started to contact the elders who were in power in the most central boundaries of the light to dark universe.

He reported all the specific situations on the central battlefield of this bright to dark cosmic space world to the elders of his family's immortal sect.

Tell them that they are on the central battlefield at the junction of the brightest and darkest universes and worlds.

The immortal beings in the two armies that discovered the world of the brightest universe and the world of the darkest universe are all masters of the universe in the two most holy realms, the brightest holy lord and the darkest holy lord. The fact that he is acting right under his nose.

Therefore, after the immortal disciples sent by the immortals who were in power above the central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, and in the central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds, sent out these messages.

It began to return to the center of the darkest space world.

Just wait for the reply and reinforcements from these powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of the light to dark universe and world.

However, after the waiting of these immortal disciples who were sent out.

Although it is true that they are waiting to come from the most central realm of the bright and dark universe, the immortals who are in power in the most central realm of the bright and dark universe listened to the disciples of the immortals sent out. After that, the immortals were sent to the center of the front line of this bright and dark universe.

Indeed, they first found and inquired about the existence of the immortals in the most remote corner of the bright and dark universe that they had selected before.

However, new reinforcements were sent by the powerful immortals above these central boundaries of the bright to dark universe and world.

Similarly, like the descendants of the Immortal Family before, they also do not believe all the words spoken by these immortal beings who are selected from the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

This seems to be a common problem among immortals like them, the masters of the darkest universe.

They prefer to hide all their aura and immortal realm.

Accompany these immortal beings in the most remote corners of the darkest universe and the darkest universe, and go to the battlefield at the junction of the brightest and darkest universes.

Experience it for yourself, what is meant by the existence of military immortals in the brightest universe and the immortal existences of the darkest universe unite to stage a very inspiring war that looks like fighting, but in fact.

It is indeed a pretentious state put on by these military immortal beings in the brightest universe and the immortal beings in the darkest universe.

In fact, all the immortals in these two armies of the two bright and dark universes are just acting.

I just don’t want any casualties to occur.Therefore, this new reinforcement of the immortal existence was sent by the immortals who were in power in the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds. .

Directly following these armies of immortal beings who were selected from the most remote corner of the bright to dark universe, they came to the junction of the bright to dark universe and participated in this event together.

Lin Tian and Holy Lord Di Ming also entered this junction.With their half-step cultivation to the holy realm, no one has ever discovered it. Instead, they have been paying attention to the situation at this junction.

In the world of the bright universe, there are also the rulers of the world of the darkest universe, the Darkest Holy Lord and the Most Bright Holy Lord. These two were formed to provide the most powerful Holy Lord and the Darkest Holy Lord. There is an immortal in the holy realm, who is used to cheer for the army.

When these immortals who are in power in the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds are newly sent to reinforce these immortals.

The followers were selected by them to come to the battlefield by the immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

I really felt in a practical way what it means to learn from each other and click to the end.

When the reinforcing immortals sent by the powerful immortals on the most central boundary of this bright to dark cosmic world really saw that, Just like what the immortal disciples sent before said.

The military immortals in the bright universe world and the dark universe world actually cherish their lives very much, and have no intention of fighting the other side's army.

Instead, they were in a situation where both sides were attacking each other with great tacit understanding, but no harm was done to them.

Moreover, because of the reinforcements from the new immortals sent by the powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of the bright to dark universe and space world this time.

They were not as blatant and swaggering as the immortal disciples sent by the previous powerful immortal beings appeared on the most central battle line in this bright and dark universe.

Instead, they are hidden in the existence of immortals in the most remote corners of the bright and dark cosmic worlds.

Following these armies that have formed the darkest universe, they go to start a new war with the immortal armies of the brightest universe.

Because, before that, there were the immortal disciples sent by the powerful immortals on the centralmost boundary of the bright and dark cosmic world. existing situation.

Therefore, these selected immortals exist in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe.

They have long been secretly colluding with the military immortals in the bright universe.

It's just that fighting like a sparring match will not inspire the power of rules and avenues that permeate the void in the center of this bright and dark cosmic space world.

In this way, the immortal disciples sent by the powerful immortals will not realize the true meaning of their battle.
(End of this chapter)

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