Chapter 1633 Take Action
In particular, these powerful immortals sent by these powerful immortals who have been longing for the central boundary of the bright and dark universe and the world where the war begins. Immortal children.

But they absolutely do not want this kind of war that cannot be called a war at all.

In the eyes of these descendants of the immortal forces who have been eager to fight for the central security of the bright and dark universe, this is the master of both the bright universe and the dark universe.

The Holy Lord of Brightness also has a kind of humiliation from the Holy Lord of Darkness.

Think about it, above your own battlefield, the Lord of Darkness, whom you have always respected and worshiped, is engaged in a life-and-death struggle with another Lord of Darkness, the ruler of the bright world.

However, in the battlefield below, the two armies of his own bright universe and space world, and the darkest universe and space world, were so blatant that the rulers of the two worlds, the Supreme Holy Lord, and Under the eyes of the Darkest Lord.

He actually used the central front position of this world of bright and dark space as a stage.

These immortals who were selected as the armies of the brightest world and the darkest universe were treated as actors, and they actually acted in such an important battle.

The angry disciples of the immortals sent by the immortals who were in charge of the most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds did not say a word. Turn around and leave from the center of this world of light and darkness.

It's not because the immortal disciples sent by the powerful immortals are afraid of anything, but because these immortal disciples understand that at this time, they forcefully expose the existence of the immortals in the brightest universe and the darkest universe. lie.

So it is a very unfavorable situation for the immortal children sent by the immortals who are in power above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds. .

Because, although at the most central battle line in this world of the brightest and darkest universe, all the armies of the brightest universe and the world of the darkest universe are staged a battle called chaos, But there is absolutely no drama where anyone will be harmed in any way.

However, it is still a state of madness with overwhelming energy and blood. In this state, the crazy existences of the immortals in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universes and worlds are not selected willingly. They formed an army at the center of this world of light and darkness.

It is very likely that in this case, the immortals who are in power above the most central boundaries of these bright and dark cosmic worlds will sect The immortal disciples who came out did something outrageous.

These are not pampered immortal disciples, they know very well how to protect themselves.

Facing a group of people, these very ungrateful people, although in a state of sparring, are immortals in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe, although they are in a state of sparring.

But he is still in a state of combat, so it is very normal for him to do some outrageous things.All, if we really want to move out the power of the immortals who are in power in the most central boundaries of the light to dark universe and space world to suppress these If there are immortals in the most remote corner of the bright and dark universe.

We must wait until the immortal beings in these most remote corners of the bright and dark universe are in a state where they can calm down and think quietly.

Only the immortal disciples sent by the immortals who are in power dare to truly compete with these most central boundaries of the bright and dark cosmic worlds. The immortal beings in the remote corner of the bright and dark universe sat down to discuss the true status of the current war.

Therefore, these immortal disciples must first avoid the sharp edges honestly.

After letting these immortal beings in the most remote corners of the bright and dark universe and world in a state of passion calm down.

Then move out the most powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of the bright and dark universes and worlds to suppress and intimidate these most remote bright and dark universes. The immortal beings in the corner of the space world, but before that.

The immortal disciples sent by these powerful immortals must first inform their own immortal family of this specific situation.

The main purpose is to allow the elders of the immortal family to send some high-level immortal beings from the bright to dark universe to come to the central front position of the bright to dark universe to preside over the overall situation.

Because the immortal disciples sent by the powerful immortals in the most central boundaries of the bright to dark universe and world also understand it very well.

In this current scene, although they really want to have a good fight with the army of the bright universe and space world, and show their style of the dark universe space world.

However, the existence of a few of them who are not very high-level immortals in the world of bright and dark universes cannot actually directly deter the existence of immortals in the most remote corners of the world of bright and dark universes.

Even if they directly move their fairy power to the central boundary of the light to dark universe, the immortals who are the powerful ones in the central boundary of the bright to dark universe may not be able to solve the problem.

After all, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and he can't control it even if he wants to.

(End of this chapter)

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