Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1380 The Two People Who Met

Chapter 1380 The Two Who Met

Lin Tian was a little at a loss as to how he could defeat Holy Ancestor Di Ming and end up in such a strange situation.

And he also met the Holy Ancestor Di Ming when he was a child. Does this kind of thing of looking back on the past really exist?

Lin Tian was full of doubts. In order to figure out all this, Lin Tian finally landed directly around the Diming Saint Ancestor.

But even if Lin Tian walked in front of Diming Saint Ancestor and other immortals,
Not to mention how these immortals reacted, they actually didn't even look at Lin Tian and just focused on doing their own things.

Lin Tian, ​​who was treated like air, suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, Lin Tian stretched out his hand, but the immortals, including the Diming Saint Ancestor, still showed no reaction.

This made the uneasy feeling in Lin Tian's heart even stronger.

Then when Lin Tian's fingers passed through the body of Holy Ancestor Di Ming without any obstruction, Lin Tian's heart sank.

There was a trace of solemnity on the gray face.

Without any more attempts, Lin Tian understood that he was trapped in the past of Diming Saint Ancestor, or in his memories.

Lin Tian had never had such an experience before. He was stunned and didn't know what to do.

He tried to restore his immortal power, and found that this past space that had restored its color actually had scattered immortal power, which Lin Tian absorbed. Although it was thin, it was a steady stream.

The Holy Ancestor of Diming in the long river of normal time also did not have it, so when he returned to his past, he thought that he had fallen into some kind of illusion, so when he saw his past self, he should not be too scornful or dismissive. .

Shouting Lin Tian to come out quickly, if he has the ability to fight with him in an honest and fair manner, what are he doing with such fancy things?

It's just that the gray space is dead silent, and there is no sound at all to respond to Diming Holy Ancestor.

This made Holy Ancestor Di Ming a little scared.

He tried to break this illusion and flew to the end of this space.

However, no matter whether the Holy Ancestor of Diming used immortal power or the power of the Great Dao, there was no way to shake this space at all.

Moreover, Holy Ancestor Diming found that although his immortal power could be replenished, it was very slow and rare. This made Holy Ancestor Diming wonder again, could normal illusions replenish people's immortal power?

Holy Ancestor Di Ming didn't know that he had never been hit by any powerful illusion.

Then he just walked aimlessly, thinking and reminiscing about the past.

Suddenly, Ming Shengzu was so frightened that he trembled all over. He remembered that he was the one who had his immortal power sealed by Lin Tian's inexplicable trick. He lay on the ground and recalled the past, and then came to the place of his memories.

Does that mean that this illusion was generated based on my own memories?

The more Holy Ancestor Di Ming thought about it, the more he felt that this was possible. Does that mean that he could go back to any time as long as he recalled the past?The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible, so Saint Ancestor Diming fell into silence and contemplation.

He wanted to see someone again.

As a result, Saint Ancestor Di Ming closed his eyes, and everything in the world began to wither. In the first breath, the entire space turned from gray to black, turning into piles of scorched earth residue. In the second breath, the space blew up There was an invisible wind, and after the wind blew, the scorched earth residue instantly turned into the tiniest microcrystalline particles and floated away.

The entire space world suddenly fell into endless darkness and void, leaving only the Diming Holy Ancestor standing alone in this void.

And during the third breath of Di Ming Holy Ancestor's frown, a gray light spot appeared directly in front of him, slowly facing Di Ming Holy Ancestor, and turned into a new gray space.After the new grayscale space was fully expanded, Holy Ancestor Diming slowly opened his eyes.

The first thing you see is the unfamiliar yet familiar mountain trail of Tianyuan Mountain.

Even though the Holy Ancestor of Diming had been cultivating for countless thousands of years and reached the half-step to the holy peak, he suddenly had mixed feelings.

He walked slowly in this space, following his memory, searching for every path he had taken.

I touched the towering tree with my hand and sighed. I didn't expect that I actually succeeded and returned here successfully.

Then the person you most want to see again may really be able to see you again.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming lowered his head and thought like this, and then a huge pillar of light rose in the sky. Saint Ancestor Di Ming smiled knowingly and knew that this was the power of Tian Yuan Tu when he was born.

So he walked forward slowly without flying, because although he was eager to see him, there was still a trace of resentment in his heart.

Some are afraid to see him again, and some are afraid that they won't be able to see him at all.

Then he saw the trees in front of him, or rather the entire space was painted with a layer of color by a halo of color, except for him.

So he became the only gray existence in this colorful world.

This made the already vague feeling in Saint Ancestor Diming's heart become even stronger.

So he quickened his pace, wanting to go to the original place to meet the person he wanted to see most.

Fortunately, Holy Ancestor Diming got his wish and really saw the old man with the white beard.

The old master he loved and hated.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming has not had warm eyes for many years, and he feels that he cannot see the picture clearly.

So Holy Ancestor Di Ming rubbed his eyes and was about to muster up the courage to change his appearance and meet Old Man Bai.

But I don't know if it was because some of the tears of Diming Saint Ancestor were not wiped clean, or if they were wiped away and his eyes were blurred.

He actually found that in his sight, in the illusion where he had been attacked, he saw a Lin Tian who was as gray as him.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming had a headache. Why are you everywhere? This time Holy Ancestor Di Ming used an immortal method to wipe his eyes.

But Saint Ancestor Di Ming, who thought he had not seen clearly, discovered that not only did Lin Tian not disappear, but he also approached himself, who was surrounded by immortals.

Then he saw Lin Tian actually stretched out his gray finger to poke at the past when he was still in the realm of Da Luo Daozu.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming saw Lin Tian's finger passing through his past body very smoothly.

I don’t know why, but an unknown fire rose in the heart of Saint Ancestor Di Ming.

He let out a very low roar from the heart, "Lin Tian!"

Lin Tian immediately raised his head very alertly, holding the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword in front of him. He saw the Diming Holy Ancestor, who had the same gray color as him and was now a long river of time, rushing towards him!

(End of this chapter)

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