Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1379 Past Present Future

Chapter 1379 Past Present Future
Lin Tian stabilized his slightly shaken state of mind, poured his considerable immortal power into the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword, and was ready to deal with any emergencies at any time.

At the same time, he began to calm down and look at this strange gray space.

Judging from the leafy trees and the uneven ground, this place should be in a mountain.

But there are so many mountains in the eternal universe, how could Lin Tian know what kind of mountain this is.

Shaking his head, Lin Tian tried to fly into the sky to check the nearby scene.

After thinking about it again and again, for the sake of safety, Lin Tian turned the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword into the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Armor, put it on, and then dared to fly into the air normally.

However, the colorful world in Lin Tian's imagination completely disappeared, because everything he saw was a gray world.

Even the sky and the horizon were shrouded in a gray color.

Lin Tian was very uncomfortable with this world of gray space, because he found that there seemed to be no living things in this space. This was because he had just used the detection magic to remove all the trees within Lin Tian's sight. , and all the land were thoroughly explored.

Discovered that this world, or rather this space, does not contain any living creatures.

Lin Tian's newly stabilized mood was shaken again.

Because when Lin Tian stood in the sky and used the detection method, his true perspective did not drop at all, and he was constantly inspecting anything that might appear in his sight.

When Lin Tian saw a lively rabbit, although it was gray.

But it was an appearance that made Lin Tiandu feel very alive.

How could Lin Tian be unhappy seeing such a creature in this space?

Originally, Lin Tian wanted to put away the rabbit after finishing his investigation, and then take it back to heaven.

But when the detection results were fed back to Lin Tian's hands, Lin Tian's face became very ugly.

Obviously I have already seen the lively rabbit in this space, how could I not even notice the existence of the rabbit during the Xianli exploration.

A little cold sweat instantly appeared on Lin Tian's forehead.

Lin Tian, ​​who pretended to be nonchalant, turned his attention to the rabbit.

It's just that I don't know when, the rabbit has run away without any trace.

So Lin Tian gritted his teeth and decided to land at the place where the rabbit had just taken him, looking for the animal that was clearly visible to the naked eye but could not be detected using the detection method.

This space made Lin Tian feel more and more weird.

So much so that Lin Tian blessed his Jidao Black Stone Immortal Armor with a protective shield that would never have been blessed in previous battles.

After doing all this, Lin Tian finally felt relieved and landed where the rabbit disappeared.

He squatted down and looked at the two shallow footprints on the ground.Fell into deep thought.

I can clearly see it, but I can't feel it. What is going on? Is it a problem with my magic, or is this rabbit actually a primitive creature that I can't see through?Or is it a problem with the space itself?When Lin Tian was confused, he suddenly felt a very powerful fluctuation coming from the distance between heaven and earth.Lin Tian immediately gave up searching for the rabbit.

Turning around and flying into the sky again, Lin Tian saw a colorless gray beam of light rising suddenly from the end of the horizon.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, as if the sky and the earth in the entire space were covered with a gray veil. Starting from the light pillar in the sky, the veil was slowly lifted, and the halo spread, allowing the colorful world to slowly Restored to its original state, the true appearance of this space slowly appeared in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian looked at the color that was coming back. Just when it was about to cross his body, Lin Tian thought for a moment and immediately fled towards the distant world.

Before Lin Tian understood the gray nature of this world, Lin Tian did not rashly expose himself to the colorful brilliance and restore his own color.

But when Lin Tianfei avoided the trace of colorful light until the end of the horizon.Lin Tian suddenly installed a very strong diaphragm.

Lin Tian tried to break this barrier, but no matter how Lin Tian used his power to break this barrier, there was no way.

Not even the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword can leave any trace on this barrier.

But the colorful light behind Lin Tian was getting closer and closer. With no other choice, Lin Tian could only pay 12 points of attention, adjust his condition to the best, and greet the colorful light with fertilization and vigilance.

But not as Lin Tian thought, this colorful brilliance would turn him back into a colorful person.

That colorful brilliance was like the whole world passing by him, but only his appearance was forgotten.

They all avoided Lin Tian's body and lit up the entire space except Lin Tian.

Wha, what do you mean?Lin Tian was a little confused. This would only turn me into gray and not recognize me.

Lin Tian wanted to catch someone and ask what happened, but after looking around for a week, no one or living thing appeared in Lin Tian's perception or sight.

Lin Tian, ​​who was a little irritable, saw the sky-reaching light pillar in the distant sky. Lin Tian had an idea and thought that maybe he could find a way to return to the eternal universe by going to the place where the light pillar was. At least he wouldn't be as blind as now. do not know anything.

So, Lin Tian accelerated his flying speed and flew towards the sky-reaching light pillar.

When Lin Tian arrived at the place where the light pillar was, it happened to be that the light pillar was slowly decaying.

Lin Tian saw a very familiar figure.

He was standing in the middle of a group of immortals, enjoying the praise and envious eyes of countless immortals. He held a handful of immortal soil that exuded a desolate and ancient atmosphere in one hand, and put his other hand on an old man with a white beard. It was very natural. Accepted all the compliments.

That familiar silly smile, and the thick feeling emanating from the fairy land, aren't they the Diming Saint Ancestor and Tongtian Mountain?

No, Lin Tian stopped and carefully observed and felt the aura and appearance of the realm exuding from the Earthly Saint Ancestor.

It was very obvious that he looked much younger than the Diming Holy Ancestor who was fighting with him.Moreover, the realm aura on his body is obviously only that of Da Luo Daozu.And the most important thing is that this Earthly Saint Ancestor is actually a colorful figure.

what on earth is it.

Lin Tian's eyes were full of doubts, could I have traveled back in time?
(End of this chapter)

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