Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1350 The Domain of Diming Saint Ancestor

Chapter 1350 The Domain of Diming Saint Ancestor

Holy Ancestor Di Ming waved his left hand, and the twelve peaks immediately separated into six and headed in another direction, sinking into the soil instantly.

Then he waved his right hand, and the other six peaks also sank into the soil in the direction of the Diming Saint Ancestor's right hand.

Lin Tian knew that Holy Ancestor Di Ming was making some preparations that he didn't know about.

Originally, I wanted to directly disrupt his arrangement, but then I thought that I wanted to test how much my combat power had improved after the battle with Holy Lord Xuanfei.

So I left it to Holy Ancestor Diming to make some preparations.

It's not about entrusting oneself with great ambitions, but rather wanting to support war through war.

Of course, Lin Tian would not do nothing but get beaten.

Seeing the Diming Saint Ancestor rushing towards him, the extremely moving dragon was under the control of Lin Tian.

He gathered a breath of immortal energy and slowly condensed it in front of the mouth of the extremely moving dragon, turning into a whole ball of immortal power, which was filled with astonishing immortal power.

The extremely moving dragon opened a bloody mouth, and the condensed fairy power ball was launched by the extremely moving dragon with an accelerated force.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming groaned.

Lin Tian's move had long been seen in the immortal talisman carvings of Lin Tian's last battle with Saint Ancestor Xuanfei.

The current Diming Holy Ancestor is not in an absolute defensive state, so of course he will not be stupid and direct, using his own body to resist this blow.

So one person pretended to be straight and wanted to collide with Lin Tian, ​​giving Lin Tian a head-on confrontation.

But the next moment, when the ball of immortal power sent out by the extremely moving dragon was about to face the Earthly Saint Ancestor, it would hit the Earthly Saint Ancestor.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming immediately dodged the magic ball with a quick step.

In the heart of Saint Ancestor Di Ming, there was a burst of laughter.

Seeing the wide-eyed Lin Tian across from him, the smile in Saint Ancestor Di Ming's heart became more and more obvious. Lin Tian must have thought that he was a fool who only knew how to fight head-on and didn't know how to adapt?
It's a pity that he was wrong
Just as this thought flashed through the mind of Holy Ancestor Di Ming, he suddenly felt a breath coming from behind him that made his heart palpitate.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming, who originally wanted to attack Lin Tian directly, turned around subconsciously and propped up his own defense to resist the attack from behind.

In the eyes of Diming Saint Ancestor, he was shocked, then confused, and then suddenly enlightened.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming once again knew how difficult Lin Tian was.

It turns out that the magical ball shot by the Dynamic Dragon, after being dodged by the Diming Saint, flew a certain distance and was able to turn back directly to find the Diming Saint. It had to hit the Diming Saint before it would stop.

The Holy Ancestor Di Ming was roaring and finally received the blow. He felt very bitter in his heart. What's going on?
Why does this magical ball actually turn corners?
Obviously he didn't have this function when he was fighting Saint Ancestor Xuanfei? !
Saint Ancestor Di Ming raised his head and looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was facing the light wind and calm clouds, and thought.

Does that mean that this is a newly improved technique after Lin Tian's battle with Saint Ancestor Xuanfei?
Holy Ancestor Di Ming looked at Lin Tian's indifferent expression.

Even if you don’t let your anger out, you say that you Lin Tian is also the leader of the largest force in the universe for eternity.

Why are you just thinking of such fancy tricks?

But it doesn't matter, I'm just here to attract your attention anyway.

Now this purpose has been achieved.

The Holy Ancestor of Diming laughed ferociously and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Lin Tian, ​​if you surrender now, it's still too late. As long as you give me all your Tian Yuan soil, although Tianbao Mountain's treasure house cannot be given to you, But there is no problem in sharing one-third of the Immortal Stone and Immortal Source with you and Heaven." Lin Tian did not expect that the Earthly Saint Ancestor would suddenly say such words.

However, he also guessed that Holy Ancestor Di Ming was stalling for time.

The immediate response was to Diming Holy Ancestor: "Thank you, Senior Diming Holy Ancestor, for your kind words to persuade me to surrender. But the Tian Yuan Tu mentioned by my senior is the Jidao Black Stone Immortal Sword. Even if you give me all the treasure trove of Tianbao Mountain, , I can’t possibly give it to senior.”

Holy Ancestor Di Ming smiled ferociously, "If you don't drink a toast and drink as a penalty, you are really ignorant. Then we have nothing to say. Come and see my domain!"

After Holy Ancestor Di Ming said these words, Lin Tian's expression changed.

Yes, Lin Tian suddenly thought that the battle between himself and the Diming Saint Ancestor would begin now.

The Holy Ancestor Di Ming has never used his own domain.

Is it the reason that the Holy Ancestor of the Earth is so great, or is it because this field requires some specific conditions to be used.

Lin Tian didn't know.

However, this does not mean that Lin Tian will not strengthen his defense and always be alert to the sudden attack from the Ming Saint Ancestor on the opposite side.

Then, he felt that there was not much change in the aura of Holy Ancestor Di Ming.

The only thing that has changed is the black mark left by the Diming Saint Ancestor just now when he used it to block the Immortal Power Ball.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming actually did not directly erase this mark.

Lin Tian stared at the Diming Saint Ancestor opposite him, taking one breath, two breaths and three breaths, more than 30 breaths later.

The entire space of heaven and earth has not undergone any changes.

Lin Tian looked at Saint Ancestor Di Ming opposite him with a face of doubt, and Saint Ancestor Di Ming also looked a little confused.

It wasn't until Lin Tian saw that the shadow under his feet disappeared that Lin Tian knew that the back-up plan of Diming Saint Ancestor was coming.

However, Lin Tian no longer hesitated and feared, and put on a parrying posture, waiting for Diming Saint Ancestor's back move to come.

Then in the sky, at the edge of this battlefield space, twelve huge mountain fronts suddenly stood up.

Above it, there is a very thick power of mountain and soil, and this power of mountain and soil makes it possible for all the immortal power under the mountain and nearby, except for the power of the mountain and soil avenue, all the power of other avenues. The mountain peaks were suddenly pushed up to the sky.

Twelve huge peaks turned into a circle, enveloping Lin Tian and Diming Saint Ancestor in this space.

And above their heads, the Diming Saint Ancestor threw out his Tongtian Mountain, directly covering their heads on the battlefield.

In other words, it covers the real head condensed by the twelve peaks.

And the Holy Ancestor of Diming, let Lin Tian know what it means to let Lin Tian know, it is impossible to escape with wings.

Facing the Diming Saint Ancestor with a sinister smile on his face, Lin Tian did not say anything surprising.

I just silently considered in my heart, what should I do if I want to leave here?

(End of this chapter)

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