Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1349 Breakthrough Failure

Chapter 1349 Breakthrough Failure
There were no unnecessary words, after the two men's eyes full of fighting spirit met each other.

Holy Ancestor Di Ming controlled the twelve Tongtian Mountain peaks and launched an offensive against Lin Tian.

The Extremely Moving Dragon and Lin Tian also launched an offensive against the Diming Holy Ancestor.

The spectators outside the field held their breath and stared closely at the two of them, wanting to see how the next battle between the two would be so shocking.

After all, the Diming Saint Ancestor just made a move with the Life-Destroying Palm, which gave everyone a deep understanding of his strength, the aura that destroyed everything, and the power that enveloped the world.

Everything shows that this is definitely an existence that can rival the Saint Ancestor Xuanfei at half a step to the peak of the Saint.

Unexpectedly, the half-step holy being sent by the Tianbao Holy Sect to take charge of the eternal universe would actually be at the peak level for two consecutive terms.

This has never happened before in the history of successive dispatches.

And this half-step to the peak of the holy realm, mastering the major path is actually the most sincere and easiest to understand the way of the mountains and earth.

While the immortal forces in the eternal universe were frightened by the strength of the Diming Saint Ancestor, they also felt a little happy.

After all, among all the great avenues, the Way of Mountain and Earth is the closest to living things, the easiest to practice, and the easiest to understand.

Immortals who have been born on this land have been endowed with a unique affinity to the earth since they were young. The difference is just a certain amount, and some children directly rely on this affinity to do whatever they want. Investing resources has improved my understanding and appreciation of the ways of mountains and soil since I was a child.

So I want to ask which path has the most immortals practicing in the eternal universe.

That is the Tao of Mountains and Earths. It is easy to get started and has profound insights. However, it is just that those who are truly blessed to practice the Tao of Mountains and Earths to the extreme are very few who have reached the level of Daluo Taozu.

Because we must know that Mother Earth, who gives birth to all things, gives each of her children an affinity with the earth.

But there are too many creatures that cannot stand up to the earth. Each creature has a different affinity to the earth. The first path that every creature chooses is the path of mountains and soil.

Then the problem comes, even if there are mountains and seas of cultivation resources, when the base is tens of thousands, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, even for a being like Mother Earth, facing such a large number of immortal cultivators and immortals who are eager for opportunities, they can only silently shrink their own Dao roots.

Don't let some people with mottled qualifications be mixed in with the real geniuses.

This was a hardship to the previous immortals who were particularly diligent in practicing the Way of Mountain and Earth.

Their entry into the country changed from a thousand miles a day to a thousand miles a day.

Being overtaken by many latecomers.

Accept all changes silently.

And now, their new hope has emerged.

That is the Holy Ancestor Di Ming who is standing on the battlefield in front of him.

The best spokesperson for the Way of Mountain and Earth, the existence of a half-step to the peak of the holy realm, is enough to make all the immortals who practice the Way of Mountain and Earth in the eternal universe stop and marvel.

And now there is an excellent opportunity to improve one's understanding of the Great Way.

How can we not make these practitioners of the Mountain and Earth Way excited?

When they saw the Life-Destroying Palm that the Diming Holy Ancestor had just condensed with the help of the immortal energy of the earth.

The power of the great road, which was so thick that it seemed to be solid, was so far away and yet so close to them.

They feel that they have never been so close to the power of the avenue, and they have never truly realized the true face of the power of the avenue.

So much so that they have always had a misunderstanding about the power of the great avenue they cultivate.

That is, it is weak, has no attack power, and its defense power is not at the top level.But until they saw the Life-Destroying Palm of the Earth-Ming Saint Ancestor today, they finally understood that it was not because their own power of the Great Dao was powerless and had no offensive capabilities.

But he is too weak.

He was so weak that after seeing the Life-Destroying Palm strike from Saint Ancestor Di Ming, he unconsciously shed tears of emotion.

It seems that mankind, which has been in darkness for a long time, has seen the hope of the future and found the direction of the future.

Just at that moment, some immortals who were originally stuck on the bottleneck of the avenue and practiced the way of mountain and earth saw waves in their eyes and their auras became stronger and weaker.

The surrounding immortals immediately looked at him with envy, and then consciously cleared an area for his position so that he could have a stable breakthrough environment.

This was the rule set by the immortal forces in the eternal universe when they came to watch the battle outside Tianbaoshan last time.

In order to prevent the immortals from watching the battle, once anyone shows signs of a breakthrough, they must give the person who made the breakthrough a space for a stable breakthrough.

You cannot deliberately destroy other people's opportunities by obstructing him, otherwise all the immortal forces in the universe will punish the immortal who destroys other people's opportunities on the spot.

After all, in this viewing space, all the immortals of the universe who came to watch the battle originally had the intention to gain insights and opportunities to seek self-breakthrough by watching the battle between two half-step holy beings.

We have all reached this final step, and when we got a breakthrough by chance, someone destroyed the breakthrough by chance.

Anyone else would have frantically hunted down the immortal who ruined their chance.

Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, especially the huge trouble of being interrupted by others and causing you to stay at the current state.

No immortal wants to see such a thing.

So there is a rule that no one can disturb the immortal who is making a breakthrough.

However, if it is interfered with by factors on the battlefield, causing the breakthrough to fail.

Then don't worry about any other immortals' problems.

It's like, the one who is feeling the strong aura of the mountain and earth path condensed by the Life-Destroying Palm struck by Di Ming Saint Ancestor.

Suddenly it became chaotic, and the immortal who broke through suddenly felt that the rhythm of his breakthrough was disrupted.

And waiting for him to finally stabilize his breathing rhythm.

Suddenly, the aura of the mountain and earth that he had always been connected to suddenly became extremely manic, changing from the soft and gentle look in the past.

In one fell swoop, the immortal who was making a breakthrough was brought back to his original form.

In fact, a mouthful of blood was coughed out of his mouth.

Not only did the breakthrough fail, but he also suffered a backlash that was not too serious, but that greatly affected the immortal's confidence.

He personally felt the self-destruction of the Life-Destroying Palm.

His eyes were full of madness, and he didn't feel the slightest sadness or anger at the fact that he couldn't break through due to this self-destruction.

Instead, he felt that this was the power of the avenue he wanted, to explode in madness!

Isn't that what he is pursuing?

He laughed, very wildly.

Looking at the battlefield space with unblinking eyes, the two people who were about to fight together were absorbed in concentration.

As for Shan Lao, he is currently working hard to mine the Immortal Source Immortal Stone from the top-grade Immortal Source Vein in Tianbao Mountain.
(End of this chapter)

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