Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 1206 The 9 deceased Daluo Taoist ancestors

Chapter 1206 The nine deceased Daluo Taoist ancestors

Xiao Xiner asked in surprise, her expression full of questions and surprise.


Lin Tian nodded cautiously.

At this time, all the defenses outside the treasure land in front of the two of them were broken down, and the shape of the treasure land was finally revealed.

And at the moment when the defense broke down.

An extremely large and heavy coercion attacked the two of them instantly.

Lin Tian waved his big hand in front of the two of them, and dispersed the huge and magnificent pressure that came towards them.

In this moment, Lin Tian also set up a magic circle at this treasure place to isolate these treasure places from the Holy Emperor Sect.

However, even so, Lin Tian's expression was still cautious.

Because, the huge coercion in this treasure land was not all attacking the two of them, but was spreading in all directions!
This shows that the pressure in the treasure land is not a conscious attack, but a completely unconscious attack.

This can also explain that no one can control this huge pressure!

There is such a powerful pressure in the treasure land, which is enough to prove how precious the things in this treasure land are.

"where is this place?"

Xiao Xiner said with a slightly pale expression.

When the huge coercion invaded just now, Xiao Xiner only felt the breath of death approaching in an instant.

However, that feeling only lasted for a moment, and was dispelled by Lin Tian.

However, now, Xiao Xiner is becoming more and more curious about this treasure land.

"Let's go and have a look first."

Lin Tian's voice seemed to have a soothing effect, and in just an instant, all the worries in Xiao Xiner's heart disappeared.

With Lin Tian by her side, her safety can be guaranteed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Tian took Xiao Xiner into this treasured place.

And after the two stepped into the treasured land, the scene that appeared in front of them shocked Xiao Xiner!
Even Lin Tian frowned slightly when he saw such a scene.

In front of them, they saw nine immortals sitting cross-legged on the ground. At this moment, these nine immortals were as motionless as stone statues. Their auras were thick and powerful, and a strong pressure surrounded them. The positions where these nine immortals were located happened to form a magic circle. However, this magic circle was missing something. One of the immortals was missing. As a result, the power of the formation formed by the nine immortals did not reach its peak.

The key, the most frightening thing is that the auras surrounding these nine immortals are the auras released by the immortals who belong to the late stage of Daluo Daozu.

In other words, at this moment, in front of Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner are nine immortals in the late stage of Da Luo Tao Ancestor!

Xiao Xiner was filled with shock and surprise when she saw nine immortals in the late stages of Da Luo Dao Ancestor at one time.

In particular, what shocked Xiao Xiner the most was that these nine immortals who were in the later stages of Da Luo Dao Ancestor had no trace of life in their bodies.

Obviously, these nine Daluo Taoist ancestors have passed away.

Moreover, according to Xiao Xiner's observation, these nine Daluo Taoist Ancestors have been dead for a long time.

Since Xiao Xiner came to the Eternal Universe, she has also learned a lot of information about the Da Luo Dao Ancestors in the Eternal Universe. She has never heard of when nine Da Luo Dao Ancestors passed away in the Eternal Universe at once.

Could it be that these nine great Luo Taoist ancestors do not belong to the eternal universe?

(End of this chapter)
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