Chapter 1205 Suppression
The layers of protection outside this treasure place can be described as astonishing to Xiao Xiner.

Because only these layers of protection are protected by a top-grade Daluo Taoist weapon, and besides the top-grade Daluo Taoist tool, there are also several layers of formations!
To break through these layers of protection, more than ten immortals from the late Da Luo Dao Ancestor realm must work together to break through it!

Even if Xiao Xiner was not very interested in such a place at first, she is now full of interest in the things in this treasured place.


With her strength, she currently cannot break through these defenses.

Of course, what makes Xiao Xiner most curious is that the Holy Emperor Sect only has five Da Luo Dao Ancestors, and their strengths are uneven. There is only one immortal who is in the late stage of Da Luo Dao Ancestor. How did they set up such a protective place? ?Moreover, such protection requires at least the joint efforts of ten immortals in the late stage of Daluo Daozu to set up.


Could it be that the other nine immortals of the late Da Luo Dao Ancestor realm of the Holy Emperor Sect were borrowed from other forces?

However, Xiao Xiner is sure that the Holy Emperor Sect does not have the courage to borrow ten Da Luo Dao Ancestors who are in the later stages.

After all, once the Da Luo Dao Ancestors notice the treasures in this treasure land, I am afraid that the Da Luo Dao Ancestors will also be moved, and a great turmoil will occur. With the strength of the Holy Emperor Sect, they will definitely not be able to protect it. Such a treasure.

Xiao Xiner became more and more interested in this.


As for the protection of the treasure here, Xiao Xiner has no way to break it, but that doesn't mean that others can't break it either.

Xiao Xiner looked at Lin Tian beside her with a smile like a flower, and looked at Lin Tian's figure with a smile in her eyes, full of love and expectation.

Seeing Xiao Xiner like this, Lin Tian shook his head helplessly and laughed. He rubbed Xiao Xiner's hair lovingly, then pulled Xiao Xiner into his arms and protected her.

Lin Tian's other hand gently grabbed the layers of protection in front of him!

A trembling sound came from the layers of protection in front of him in an instant.

The originally calm protection, but when Lin Tian's hand fell, he felt an unprecedented danger. In the void, a big hand that covered the sky and the sun fell on these protective layers. , like a big hand that controls the power of life and death in all worlds.

And under this huge hand that contained powerful power, all the protection of this treasure land was torn to pieces!
In just a moment, the protection of this treasure place has been torn apart and faded!

And the top-quality Daluo Taoist artifact that protects this treasure place is lying alone in front of Lin Tian and Xiao Xiner at this moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiner immediately stepped forward and picked up this top-quality Daluo Taoist artifact.

However, after holding this top-grade Daluo Taoist artifact in her hands, Xiao Xiner immediately noticed something strange about this top-grade Daluo Taoist artifact.


A soft moan escaped from Xiao Xiner's mouth and attracted Lin Tian's attention.

When Lin Tian saw the top-grade Daluo Taoist artifact lying in Xiao Xiner's hand, his eyes narrowed.

Facing Xiao Xiner's curious eyes, Lin Tian didn't hide anything.

"The purpose of placing this top-quality Daluo Dao tool here is not only for protection, but the most important thing is for suppression."

Lin Tian said calmly.

(End of this chapter)
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