Chapter 367 Wanted in the City

On the street, patrolmen holding strange-looking props were patrolling passers-by one by one.

Scenes like this appeared in many areas of the killing battlefield.

Everyone was ordered to line up in a long queue in an orderly manner, and then checked on the blocked road before they could pass.

There was a trembling old man. As soon as he walked in front of the patrolman, the mirror-like instrument in his hand began to flash crazily.

The old man, who was still trembling, turned over and over the obstacle with numb hands and feet, trying to escape after seeing the instrument alarm.

He was pinned to the ground and controlled by the patrolman who was prepared.

"The patrolman is beating someone, the patrolman is beating someone!"

"Hurry up and look, the patrolman is bullying the old man!"

The old man was quite cunning. As he shouted, several brave young people came running over to fight against the injustice.

"You are suspected of participating in the riots in the early hours of this morning. We want to arrest him."

"You fart! How can I, an old man, participate in any riots? This is slander, slander!"

The old man struggled wildly on the ground, but he was able to break free from the hands of the two patrolmen. Just as he was about to run away, a gunshot rang out from behind.

"Huh." Zeng Buping blew into the muzzle of the gun.

"Zeng Te!" The two patrolmen greeted Zeng Buping respectfully when they saw him.

"Yes. Hurry up. As long as there is something wrong with Ming Fei's mirror, arrest them quickly and don't talk nonsense with them."

"These are extraordinary times, and we must use extraordinary measures."

"Yes!" the patrolman responded quickly.

The old man who was shot by Zeng Buping fell to the ground. His vitals were not injured, but he was only incapacitated.

Zeng Buping stepped forward, dragging him step by step towards the escort vehicle next to him.

A trace of blood was dragged out on the ground.

The few young people who were still thinking of doing something brave couldn't help but swallowed their saliva and retracted into the team again.

They still think it's better to obey the patrolman's instructions.


"According to calculations, with eighteen special commissioners as the core radiation points and patrollers as auxiliary checkpoint monitoring, more than 90% of the entire killing battlefield can be controlled immediately."

Bob pointed at the scatter distribution chart on the computer, which was dotted with dense light spots, and said with confidence.

"What about the remaining 10% area?" Han Zhan asked.

"What else can we do? After making sure that 90% of the area has been completely screened, we can focus on checking again."

"Don't worry, the combined time of these two will not exceed twelve o'clock tonight. It's all within my calculation range."

Bob assured, patting his chest.

He suddenly changed the subject and asked Han Zhan: "Is the Mingfei Mirror you provided reliable?"

"Reliable." Han Zhan replied to him with certainty without even thinking, and then added, "What is injected into the Mingfei Mirror is the ability of Nuwa, the origin of the stone sky."

"Every time this kind of mirror is used for more than two hours, it must be transported to me for unified recharging."

"It can identify whether there is the breath of the dream demon Frog in the opponent's body, or the seed of nightmare."

"Once these exist, Tianzhiyuan will discover them immediately and issue an alarm with a 100% accuracy rate."

In my impression, it seems that this is not the first time Nuwa Stone’s Heavenly Origin ability has done this kind of thing.

As early as when Qin Se came to the world, it had served a similar function, but it was not as specific and convenient as it is now.

"Frog's realm has been unlocked to the eighth level. With his methods, it is effortless to create more rogue copies."

"Are everything ready at the patrol room?" "Gongyang Jin and Nuan Xue have already passed ahead."

After deciding to search for Frog throughout the city, Han Zhan immediately arrived at the previously destroyed patrol house and used the ability of Tianzhiyuan to rebuild the patrol house.

Not only that, he also expanded the overall size of the patrol room to a thousand times its previous size.

He is social level 5, the Sword of the Dawn, and no one dares to question the decisions he makes.

The new patrol house built by Han Zhan himself is not only solidly defended, but can also detain many people at the same time.

For those "ordinary people" who were found to be clones of rogues, Han Zhan did not intend to get rid of them immediately. Instead, he would imprison them all in the patrol room, and then wait until twelve o'clock in the morning before clearing them out.


On the sea, a small boat was moving forward.

But it suddenly stopped after hundreds of nautical miles away from the shore.

In front of it, there seemed to be an invisible wall of air, blocking it from moving forward.

"Is it far enough?"

Frog looked back from the stern of the ship. He could only see the endless ocean and nothing else.

Even the outlines of the towering city buildings were obscured by the vast curtain of white mist.

There were a total of two people on this small boat.

One of them is Frog, and the other is a young man wearing a white suit.

"At least for a while, there will be no problem."

Frog in the white suit showed his signature smile. Seeing such a smile appear on his face, the other Frog felt at ease.

"Social level 5, integration and breakthrough to social level 6, this process is not only long, but also will cause great disturbance."

"I spread all the clones in all areas of the killing field, so that they can't find my real body for a while."

"That puts me at ease." Frog in the white suit nodded.

"What about you, have you found a way to change your camp identity?"

Frog, in a white suit, sneered.

He did not answer Frog's question, but slowly extended his hand to the wall of air at the bow of the ship.

The next second, his hand passed through the wall of air.

At the same time, the reminder of the rules of the killing field sounded in his and Frog's ears.

"It has been detected that you are trying to explore an area outside the map. Please stop exploring immediately!"

"It has been detected that you are trying to explore an area outside the map. Please stop exploring immediately!"

"Three consecutive warnings are invalid, and one point of your camp value will be deducted."

"Your current camp is: the good camp, and the camp value is: 13,500 points."

"It has been detected that you are trying to explore an area outside the map. Please stop exploring immediately!"


Is this also OK? !

Frog looked at the scene in front of him and finally smiled on his face.

"You see, the facts prove that our original decision was right."

"Killing is inherently evil, and it will always favor the evil camp. We have a common goal with it."

"Victory will eventually belong to us."

(End of this chapter)

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