Soul-Slaying Girl: All the contracts I contracted are ancient divine weapons.

Chapter 366 Social Level 5, the mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 366 Social Level 5, the mastermind behind the scenes

There are five card drawing opportunities on the fourth day, plus three card drawing opportunities on the fifth day.

Eight times in total.

Frog looked at the eight character identity cards spread out in front of him and smiled.

"Two rogue character identity cards, one conspirator character identity card, one despoiler character identity card, as well as two golden blank fusion cards and one colored blank fusion card."

This should be what Killing Origin can do, the greatest degree of cheating and favoritism, right?

With these seven cards, Frog can directly fuse without any brains and be promoted to social level 5 belonging to the evil camp!

In addition to this, there is a card.

That's the last card.

There is nothing written on the card, so it should be a blank fusion card.

But the color of this blank fusion card is not gold or colored, but a completely transparent color.

"First, fuse the social level 5 character identity cards from the evil camp and see what they are."

Frog was talking to himself and began to merge.

As the cards were fused one by one, finally, a transparent card appeared in front of Frog.

In the card is an open hand, filling the entire card surface.

It was completely black, and it looked like darkness was coming over it, trying to swallow everything up.

"Social level 5, the mastermind behind the scenes."

"You are the end of all conspiracies and the starting point of all conspiracies. You hide behind the scenes, like a puppet on strings, controlling the fate of others."

Behind the scenes!

It fits his current status very well.

Frog did not hesitate. After using this transparent card on himself, his character's identity changed.

Just after Frog became the mastermind behind Social Level 5, the figure that left before appeared in front of him again.

"Do you remember now?"

The figure of the young man in a white suit gradually became clear before Frog's eyes, and the memory in his mind began to become clear like an iceberg melting.

"Are you... myself?!"

Frog looked at the face that changed into his own, and the dissolving memories came flooding back:

"Failed. The ultimate killing battlefield, hey, still hasn't been recognized and gained its inheritance."

"Origin, this must be an origin. With it, you can cross that chasm, break through your own upper limit, and reach a state of transcendence!"

"The origin of this path is 'evil'. It has a natural resistance and rejection of good, but I chose the good camp and missed it."

"If I were given a chance to do it again, I would definitely choose the evil camp, absolutely!"

Memories appeared in Frog's mind like memory bubbles. After being popped, the images and sounds belonging to that memory resounded in his mind.

"As expected, I'm still not willing to accept it."

"If I just leave here like this, I always feel like I have to do it all over again next time I come in."

"If I don't leave this body on the battlefield as an NPC, he has a social level 5 character identity and shouldn't be erased so easily."

"When I enter the ultimate killing battlefield next time, I will use some methods to change his camp identity. In this way, I will have two social level 5 character identities!"

"By integrating these two social level 5 character identity cards, I can become the only one and reach the true peak height."

"Social Level 6!"

Frog suddenly opened his eyes and looked at himself opposite.

The person opposite him was wearing a white suit and looked young, even a little immature. He was also looking at Frog, with a meaningful smile on his face: "Welcome back."

Frog also smiled: "Long time no see."


"So, Frog is likely to have played the Ultimate Killing Fields dungeon for the second time, and has already reached social level 5 the first time."

"I made another discovery."

As Bob spoke, a new window popped up on his computer and was displayed in front of everyone.

"social level?"

Gongyang Jin leaned over and glanced at the window.

That's right, what is displayed in the pop-up window is one of the underlying rules of the Killing Fields, social hierarchy!

Social level 0 and social level 1 are the basis of the entire killing battlefield. The identities of the characters are all kinds of strange and diverse.

Social level 2 is the pawn of the two camps, corresponding to patrolmen and scoundrels respectively.

Social level 3 is the small bosses of the two camps, corresponding to the special commissioners, inspectors and conspirators respectively.

Social level 4, already the leader in the camp, the big boss, equivalent to the top, also known as the judge and the spurned.

As for social level 5, there are camp leaders, namely Sword of Dawn and Mastermind.

Seeing this, everyone can understand and understand.

However, what everyone did not expect was that there was another level above these five social levels.

That is the final level, social level 6!

"But the social level 5 Sword of Dawn has been clearly stated on the character identity card, and it has reached the highest level of fusion?"

How can it be possible to break through to social level 6 even though it has reached the highest level that can be integrated?

This is a paradox.

"That's why I asked you guys to come over and take a look."

"Yes, social level 5, Sword of the Dawn, is the highest level we can reach."

"However, social level 5, the mastermind, is not the highest level that Frog can reach."

"Don't forget that the initial attribute of the origin of killing is evil, so it has always been biased towards the evil camp in terms of rules. But we never thought before that the real biggest bias would be here."

For the good camp, social level 5 is the upper limit.

For the evil camp, social level 6 is the upper limit!

Once Frog breaks through to social level 6, then no matter what, Han Zhan and the good camp they are in will never be an opponent of the evil camp!

"So this is why Frog ultimately failed after becoming the Sword of the Dawn for the first time?"

"So, this is why Frog did not hesitate to choose the evil camp after entering the ultimate killing battlefield for the second time!"

Everything is clear.

But it was too late.

They are now in the good camp and have reached social level 5. As leaders of the good camp, they are about to usher in the final day of battle.

"No, we still have one last chance."

Bob said, "Frog's last identity was the Sword of the Dawn. It must not be easy for him to break through social level 6 and complete the final promotion."

"As long as we find Frog's body today and kill him before he merges and breaks through social level 6, then we still have a chance!"

(End of this chapter)

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