Chapter 364 Who are you?

In the standings, the top three are all from the evil camp.

The Origin of Killing cannot forcibly tamper with the rules. If it wants to be partial, it can only find another way.

Like now.

Fallen knights are social level 4 of the evil alignment, despised.

His death is a matter that cannot be underestimated for the entire evil camp.

To put it more seriously, it means that the evil camp is at a disadvantage.

Situated at a disadvantage, Killing Origin, who is known for his crooked butt, must do something to openly reverse this disadvantage.

That's how the current scene happened.

"The fifth place has one chance to draw a card, the fourth place has two chances to draw a card, and so on, the third place has three chances, the second place has four times, and the first place has five chances?"

"That is to say, the first place can have a total of five chances to draw cards!"

With the support of "There is a Shady Story", it is difficult not to see a scene where all five draws are limited to five stars.

It's simply too beautiful to look at.

After Nuan Xue's reminder, the two people who were originally a little happy because of the extra chance to draw cards suddenly fell down again.

"No matter what, there are still three opportunities to draw cards. Let's take a look first and then talk."

It’s time to draw cards again.

Han Zhan went to wash his face vigorously, it seemed that only this could reassure him.

Then he flipped a coin, and after tossing heads five times in a row, he clicked the button to draw the card at lightning speed.

The white train ticket flying into the scene from the lower right corner almost made Han Zhan feel relieved.

Xuan will not correct his wrongs, and sincerity will not deceive me!

Han Zhan hid in a corner to emo, and Gong Yangjin still had two chances to draw cards.

She still took a single shot casually.

A ticket shrouded in colorful light appeared in the interface along with the scene of the train approaching.

Han Zhan: "..."

"No, why?"

"I can't afford it, why don't I take aim at you?"

Han Zhan was cursing on one side, but the colorful card that was supposed to have a pattern on the other side turned blank as expected.

Colorful blank fusion cards!

"The Killing Fields has made up its mind not to let us draw any useful character identity cards!"

"Nuanxue, this is your last chance, will you give it a try?"

In line with the general rule that it is impossible for the same number to hit the limit twice in a row, Han Zhan deliberately shouted to Nuan Xue.

He wanted to find someone to back him up, at least that way he wouldn't look weird.

Nuan Xue leaned over and clicked casually.

The next second, another ticket shrouded in colorful light appeared on the interface along with the scene of the train approaching.

Han Zhan: "???"

The expression of the black man's question mark face was almost completely plastered on his face.

It’s outrageous, you know!

"Another colorful blank fusion card."

Gong Yangjin saw Han Zhan's "face ashen" and "lifeless", and curiously came over to take a look at the battle situation.

Against the crooked butt's origin of killing, their character cards will always be the worst fusion cards of the same level.


Han Zhan clicked on a colored fusion card, and sure enough, he found that his role as "Judge" appeared on the left side of the fusion card, while Gong Yangjin's role identity was also "Judge" and appeared on the right side of the fusion card. .

Can be fused!

This time I had to sigh.

You have your plan, and I have my ladder.

It is shameless to kill the origin, but the children of my world are not vegetarians either.

If the identity of a husband is used well, it can really turn things around!

"Then there's nothing to hesitate about, fuse it with me!" The two colored character identity cards were completely fused together with the help of the fusion card.

This time the integration took longer.

After about ten minutes, the fusion slowly ended.

A colorless and transparent card emerged from the dissipating light.

On the card is a long sword glowing with golden light.

Its format is a bit primitive and has a bit of charm.

At the bottom of the card, there is also a short line of small words printed on it.

"The sword is like the morning light, sweeping away the darkness."

"Social Level 5, Sword of the Dawn!"

It is a higher level than the adjudicator. The special commissioner at social level 3 is golden, the adjudicator at social level 4 is colored, and at social level 5, the Sword of Dawn is actually transparent.

How many more levels will there be as the transparent color goes up?

There is no need for Han Zhan to guess, the rules of the Killing Fields have already given him the final answer.

On the social level 5, Sword of the Dawn character identity card in my hand, there is this sentence in the brackets after social level 5.

"The current fusion level has reached the highest level."

It has reached the highest level, which means that social level 5 is the highest level that can be achieved through integration.

Not surprisingly, after Han Zhan used this Sword of the Dawn character identity card on himself, Gong Yangjin's character identity also changed simultaneously.

The son of the world is the cow!

It's much more awesome than breaking the origin of killing or breaking the referee by blowing a black whistle!

Han Zhan cursed the origin of killing in his heart.

He is still worried about the white card he drew, blaming it on the deliberate targeting of the origin of killing!

Closer to home.

When the roles of Han Zhan and Gong Yangjin reached social level 5, the top level on the surface, their authority also began to change.

This was discovered by Bob first.

"There is suddenly a lot of information in the patrol room system!"

"These materials are marked top secret, and only people with social level 5 or above can read them with authorization."

Due to the emergence of the Sword of Dawn at social level 5, the patrol room's file system was updated simultaneously, unlocking more permission seals.

With the authorization of the Korean War, Bob quickly received all top-secret documents and files.

It is not difficult for an omnic to read all the top-secret files in a very short time.

It was during this reading that Bob discovered something unusual.

“There’s a lot more history to the Killing Fields than we thought.”

"What is recorded in the City of Extreme Evil is only part of it, not all of it."

Bob first sighed with emotion, and then continued: "I discovered something amazing from the top-secret documents recorded in the archives."


Bob's words quickly attracted Han Zhan's attention.

"Nuan Xue said before that the existence of the extremely evil city is to kill the origin in order to sort out the good and evil and find a successor suitable for the origin."

"That's right." Nuan Xue nodded slightly, acknowledging this statement.

"So, have you guys thought about something?"

"As an ultimate battlefield, its rules should be very similar. It is a confrontation between the good and evil camps."

"The record of the first opening of the ultimate killing battlefield, the first confrontation between the good and evil camps, is in these top-secret files. Who was the Sword of the Dawn at that time?"

As soon as Bob finished speaking, he controlled Han Zhan's computer and presented a file in front of everyone.

It was a young man wearing a white suit.

When they saw his appearance, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank.

That's - Frog!

(End of this chapter)

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